Unravelling spermatogenesis in spotted wolffish: Insights from the ultrastructure of juvenile male testes to the cryopreservation of broodstock sperm
Joshua Superio, Julien Resseguier [+8]
Aquaculture 2024-11
The circumpolar impacts of climate change and anthropogenic stressors on Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and its ecosystem
Maxime Geoffroy, Caroline Bouchard [+38]
Elem Sci Anth 2023
The Green Edge cruise: investigating the marginal ice zone processes during late spring and early summer to understand the fate of the Arctic phytoplankton bloom
Flavienne Bruyant, Rémi Amiraux [+107]
Earth System Science Data 2022-10-20
Towards a sustainable fishery and use of cleaner fish in salmonid aquaculture
Kim Tallaksen Halvorsen, Anne Berit Skiftesvik [+21]
TemaNord 2021-12-03
Microplastic Fiber Emissions From Wastewater Effluents: Abundance, Transport Behavior and Exposure Risk for Biota in an Arctic Fjord
Dorte Herzke, Peygham Ghaffari [+3]
Frontiers in Environmental Science 2021-06-07
Publisher Correction: A genomic catalog of Earth’s microbiomes
Stephen Nayfach, Simon Roux [+262]
Nature Biotechnology 2020-11-18
A genomic catalog of Earth’s microbiomes
Stephen Nayfach, Simon Roux [+266]
Nature Biotechnology 2020-11-09
Understanding Evolutionary Impacts of Seasonality: An Introduction to the Symposium
Caroline M Williams, Gregory J Ragland [+12]
Integrative and Comparative Biology 2017-10-16
Base-line variations in stable isotope values in an Arctic marine ecosystem: effects of carbon and nitrogen uptake by phytoplankton
Tobias Tamelander, Caroline Kivimäe [+3]
Hydrobiologia 2009-05-10