Seabirds reveal mercury distribution across the North Atlantic
Céline Albert, Børge Moe [+37]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2024-05-13
Post‐colony swimming migration in the genus Uria
Benjamin Merkel & Hallvard Strøm
Journal of Avian Biology 2023-10-12
Multi‐colony tracking of two pelagic seabirds with contrasting flight capability illustrates how windscapes shape migratory movements at an ocean‐basin scale
Françoise Amélineau, Arnaud Tarroux [+31]
Ecography 2023-10-10
Plastic contamination in fulmars in the European Arctic over 25 years
France Collard, Felix Tulatz [+12]
Fram Forum 2023
A mystery solved – How do guillemot chicks spend their second half of their rearing period?
Mercury contamination and potential health risks to Arctic seabirds and shorebirds
Olivier Chastel, Jérôme Fort [+57]
Science of The Total Environment 2022-10
Micro- and macro-habitat selection of Atlantic salmon,Salmo salar, post-smolts in relation to marine environmental cues
J L A Jensen, J F Strøm [+7]
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2022-04-20
Importance of the Barents Sea for North Atlantic seabirds
Benjamin Merkel, Françoise Amélineau [+27]
Importance of the Barents Sea for North Atlantic seabirds - A SEATRACK case study
Benjamin Merkel, Francoise Amelineau [+27]
Fine-scale spatial segregation in a pelagic seabird driven by differential use of tidewater glacier fronts
Philip Bertrand, Joël Bêty [+13]
Scientific Reports 2021-11-11