
Our publications

Our publications

Research articleResearch reportConference presentationConference posterAcademic chapterAcademic review
  1. Seabirds reveal mercury distribution across the North Atlantic

    Céline Albert, Børge Moe [+37]

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2024-05-13

  2. Electrical stunning and killing of lumpfish with commercial waterbath and dry stunners

    Hans van de Vis, Henny Reimert [+4]

    Nofima rapportserie 2024

  3. Spawning time in adult polar cod (Boreogadus saida) altered by crude oil exposure, independent of food availability

    Leah C. Strople, Ireen Vieweg [+12]

    Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2023-07-03

  4. An impact-based environmental risk assessment model toolbox for offshore produced water discharges

    Raymond Nepstad, Konstantinos Kotzakoulakis [+3]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2023-06

  5. Framtidas matproduksjon: Regjeringen spenner bein på egne mål

    Magnus Petersen, Mari Bjordal [+8]

    Nationen 2023-03-02

  6. Quality of farmed Atlantic Halibut chilled in refrigerated salt water versus on ice

    Trond Løvdal, Frida Bårdsen [+3]

    36th EFFoST International Conference 2022-11-07