Jos Kögeler
ICT Manager
Staff and Support


+ 47 90 64 76 37
  1. MERAMOD: predicting the deposition and benthic impact of aquaculture in the eastern Mediterranean Sea

    CJ Cromey, H Thetmeyer [+4]

    Aquaculture Environment Interactions 2012-03-06

  2. Potential for rapid transport of contaminants from the Kara Sea

    S.L. Pfirman, J.W. Kögeler [+1]

    Science of The Total Environment 1997-08

  3. Coastal environments of the western Kara and eastern Barents Seas

    S.L. Pfirman, J. Kogeler [+1]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 1995

  4. Sea surface temperature mapping using Landsat Thematic Mapper data

    Jos Kögeler & Kai Sorensen

    SPIE Proceedings 1993-12-10