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ERA ACUTE – A multi-compartment quantitative risk assessment methodology for oil spills
Cathrine Stephansen, Anders Bjørgesæter [+14]
International Oil Spill Conference 2017 2017-05-15
ERA Acute – A Multi-Compartment Quantitative Risk Assessment for Oil Spills
International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 2017-05-01
From Reservoir Characteristics, Through Environmental Risk Assessments to Oil Spill Response – Lessons Learned from a Comprehensive Systematic Development by an Operator
G. M. Skeie, T. Sørnes [+5]
International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 2014-05-01
Vertical distribution and relative abundance of gelatinous zooplankton, in situ observations near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
M. Youngbluth, T. Sørnes [+2]
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-01
Swimming and feeding in Periphylla periphylla (Scyphozoa, Coronatae)
Tom A. Sørnes, Aino Hosia [+2]
Marine Biology 2007-10-30
Diel vertical migration of individual jellyfish (Periphylla periphylla)
Stein Kaartvedt, Thor A. Klevjer [+3]
Limnology and Oceanography 2007
Turnover of dead jellyfish: stimulation and retardation of microbial activity
Josefin Titelman, Lasse Riemann [+4]
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2006
Concurrent temporal patterns in light absorbance and fish abundance
Tom Asbjørn Sørnes & Dag Lorents Aksnes
Optical control of fish and zooplankton populations
Dag Lorents Aksnes, Jens Christian Nejstgaard [+2]
Limnology and Oceanography 2004
Predation efficiency in visual and tactile zooplanktivores
Visual or tactile zooplanktivores – structuring effects of the underwater visual environment
Tom Asbjørn Sørnes
Universitetet i Bergen 2005
Mar-Eco expedition to the mid-Atlantic ridge [4/7 - 5/8, 2004]
Odd Aksel Bergstad, Ingvar Huse [+20]
Havforskningsinstituttet 2004
Environmental influence on fish stocks
Anne Gro Salvanes, Dag Lorents Aksnes [+9]
Livet i dypet - sett med nye øyne
Havbruk 2003
An experimental study of functional response, and its light dependencey, for a visual and a tactile predator. [cand.scient.]. III, 73 s
Universitetet i Bergen 2001
An experimental study of functional response, and its light dependencey, for a visual and a tactile predator