Ana Sofia Aniceto

prior employee


Research article
  1. Fin whale song evolution in the North Atlantic

    Miriam Romagosa, Sharon Nieukirk [+15]

    eLife 2024-01-09

  2. Arctic Marine Data Collection Using Oceanic Gliders: Providing Ecological Context to Cetacean Vocalizations

    Ana Sofia Aniceto, Geir Pedersen [+4]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2020-11-16

  3. Seasonal ecology in ice-covered Arctic seas - Considerations for spill response decision making

    Magnus Aune, Ana Sofia Aniceto [+7]

    Marine Environmental Research 2018-10

Conference poster
  1. The occurrence and habitat use of harbour porpoises in a strong tidal current in Northern Norway

    Ronald Smit, Mario Acquarone [+3]

    30th Conference of the European Cetacean Society 2016-03-14

conference article
  1. Autonomous surface and underwater vehicles reveal new discoveries in the Arctic Ocean

    Lionel Camus, David Peddie [+24]

    OCEANS 2019 - Marseille 2019-06

Academic review
  1. A review of unmanned vehicles for the detection and monitoring of marine fauna

    Ursula K. Verfuss, Ana Sofia Aniceto [+11]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2019-03