Lionel Camus
Senior Scientist / Manager Digital Solutions
Digital Solutions


+ 47 95 94 32 55

Publications (116)

  1. Model-informed classification of broadband acoustic backscatter from zooplankton in an in situ mesocosm

    Muriel Dunn, Chelsey McGowan-Yallop [+11]

    ICES Journal of Marine Science 2023-12-07

  1. SailBuoy Ocean Currents: Low-Cost Upper-Layer Ocean Current Measurements

    Nellie Wullenweber, Lars R. Hole [+4]

    Sensors 2022-07-25

  2. Arctic Marine Data Collection Using Oceanic Gliders: Providing Ecological Context to Cetacean Vocalizations

    Ana Sofia Aniceto, Geir Pedersen [+4]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2020-11-16

  3. Rhythms during the polar night: evidence of clock-gene oscillations in the Arctic scallop Chlamys islandica

    Mickael Perrigault, Hector Andrade [+4]

    Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2020-08-19

  4. Underwater hyperspectral classification of deep sea corals exposed to 2-methylnaphthalene

    Paul Anton Letnes, Ingrid Myrnes Hansen [+9]

    PLOS ONE 2019-02-27

  5. Exploring inter-species sensitivity to a model hydrocarbon, 2-Methylnaphtalene, using a process-based model

    Adriana E. Sardi, Starrlight Augustine [+2]

    Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2019-02-23

  6. Seasonal ecology in ice-covered Arctic seas - Considerations for spill response decision making

    Magnus Aune, Ana Sofia Aniceto [+7]

    Marine Environmental Research 2018-10

  7. Effects of an in situ diesel oil spill on oxidative stress in the clam Anomalocardia flexuosa

    Adriana E. Sardi, Paul E. Renaud [+4]

    Environmental Pollution 2017-11

  8. High Frequency Non-invasive (HFNI) Bio-Sensors As a Potential Tool for Marine Monitoring and Assessments

    Hector Andrade, Jean-Charles Massabuau [+5]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2016-10-04

  9. In the darkness of the polar night, scallops keep on a steady rhythm

    Damien Tran, Mohamedou Sow [+4]

    Scientific Reports 2016-08-31

  10. Effects of dispersed oil exposure on biomarker responses and growth in juvenile wolfish Anarhichas denticulatus

    L. Sandrini-Neto, P. Geraudie [+2]

    Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2016-08-10

  11. Oxidative stress in two tropical species after exposure to diesel oil

    Adriana E. Sardi, Leonardo Sandrini-Neto [+5]

    Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2016-08-03

  12. Biological effects of mechanically and chemically dispersed oil on the Icelandic scallop (Chlamys islandica)

    Marianne Frantzen, Francesco Regoli [+6]

    Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2016-05

  13. Sensitivity of the deep-sea amphipod Eurythenes gryllus to chemically dispersed oil

    Gro Harlaug Olsen, Nathalie Coquillé [+5]

    Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015-12-03

  14. Biomarker modulation associated with marine diesel contamination in the Iceland scallop (Chlamys islandica)

    Thomas Milinkovitch, Perrine Geraudie [+3]

    Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015-10-21

  15. Acute and long-term biological effects of mechanically and chemically dispersed oil on lumpsucker (Cyclopterus lumpus)

    Marianne Frantzen, Bjørn Henrik Hansen [+5]

    Marine Environmental Research 2015-04

  16. Comparison of produced water toxicity to Arctic and temperate species

    L. Camus, S. Brooks [+5]

    Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2015-03

  17. Effects of contaminant exposure and food restriction on hepatic autophagic lysosomal parameters in Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) chicks

    Marit Nøst Hegseth, Stephania Gorbi [+4]

    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 2014-08

  18. In Vivo Effects of Environmental Concentrations of Produced Water on the Reproductive Function of Polar Cod (Boreogadus saida)

    P. Geraudie, J. Nahrgang [+3]

    Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2014-04-22

  19. Impact of dispersed fuel oil on cardiac mitochondrial function in polar cod Boreogadus saida

    Matthieu Dussauze, Lionel Camus [+7]

    Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2014-02-16

  20. Toxicity of crude oil and pyrene to the embryos of beach spawning capelin (Mallotus villosus)

    Marianne Frantzen, Inger-Britt Falk-Petersen [+5]

    Aquatic Toxicology 2012-02

  21. Arctic versus temperate comparison of risk assessment metrics for 2-methyl-naphthalene

    Gro Harlaug Olsen, Mathijs G.D. Smit [+4]

    Marine Environmental Research 2011-10

  22. Hepatic antioxidant responses related to levels of PCBs and metals in chicks of three Arctic seabird species

    Marit Nøst Hegseth, Lionel Camus [+4]

    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 2011-06

  23. Repeated Sampling of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) for Monitoring of Nondestructive Parameters During Exposure to a Synthetic Produced Water

    T. F. Holth, B. A. Beylich [+3]

    Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2011-03-09

  24. Ecotoxicological Mechanisms and Models in an Impact Analysis Tool for Oil Spills

    Frederik De Laender, Gro Harlaug Olsen [+12]

    Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2011-03-09

  25. Assessment of fish health status in the Pechora River: Effects of contamination

    A. Lukin, J. Sharova [+2]

    Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2011-03

  26. Short-term effects of sucralose onCalanus finmarchicusandCalanus glacialisin Disko Bay, Greenland

    Morten Hjorth, Joan Holst Hansen [+1]

    Chemistry and Ecology 2010-10

  27. Sub-lethal effects of cadmium on the antioxidant defence system of the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus

    Rui Company, Angela Serafim [+5]

    Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2010-07

  28. EROD activity in liver and gills of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) exposed to waterborne and dietary crude oil

    Jasmine Nahrgang, Martina Jönsson [+1]

    Marine Environmental Research 2010-07

  29. Biomarker responses in polar cod (Boreogadus saida) exposed to dietary crude oil

    Jasmine Nahrgang, Lionel Camus [+4]

    Aquatic Toxicology 2010-01-21

  30. PAH biomarker responses in polar cod (Boreogadus saida) exposed to benzo(a)pyrene

    Jasmine Nahrgang, Lionel Camus [+4]

    Aquatic Toxicology 2009-10

  31. Embryo aberrations in sea ice amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii exposed to water soluble fraction of oil

    Lionel Camus & Gro Harlaug Olsen

    Marine Environmental Research 2008-07

  32. Susceptibility to oxidative stress of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in the Venice Lagoon (Italy)

    Daniela M. Pampanin, Lionel Camus [+4]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2005-12

  33. Polar bivalves are characterized by high antioxidant defences

    Lionel Camus, Bjørn Gulliksen [+2]

    Polar Research 2005-07

  34. Total oxyradical scavenging capacity of the deep-sea amphipod Eurythenes gryllus

    L. Camus & B. Gulliksen

    Marine Environmental Research 2004-08

  35. Temperature-dependent physiological response of Carcinus maenas exposed to copper

    L. Camus, P.E. Davies [+2]

    Marine Environmental Research 2004-08

  1. Model-informed classification of broadband acoustic backscattering from zooplankton in an in situ mesocosm

    Muriel Barbara Dunn, Chelsey McGowan-Yallop [+11]

    From Echosounders to the Cloud: Transforming Acoustic Data to Information 2024-03-27

  2. Using an autonomous surface vehicle and hydroacoustics to survey epipelagic organisms at high-latitudes

    Muriel Barbara Dunn, Geir Pedersen [+6]

    Fourth ICES/PICES Early Career Scientist Conference 2022-07-18

  3. Studier av mulige påvirkninger fra seismikkaktiviteten på økosystemetved Ekofisk

    Salve Dahle, Lionel Camus [+2]

    Fisk og Seismikk 2022-04-19

  1. Comparison of sampling strategies for epipelagic sound scattering layers at high latitudes

    Muriel Barbara Dunn, Geir Pedersen [+6]

    Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022-02-28

Conference presentation
  1. Marine Snow at the Polar Front - A Feature of Atlantification?

    Sünnje Linnéa Basedow, Paul Eric Renaud [+4]

    Arctic Frontiers - Moving North 2023-01-30

  1. Observer/AMAR G4 Passive Acoustic Monitoring System for Autonomous Maritime Observation

    John Moloney, Art Cole [+6]

    2018 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop 2019-06-06

  2. Research and innovation technologies for oil spill response in the Arctic: CETIA project of Kolarctic ENPI CBC

    Alexei Bambulyak, Are K. Sydnes [+1]

    The 7th Norwegian-Russian Arctic Offshore Workshop 2013-06-17

  3. Toxicity of Goliat crude oil and pyrene to the embryos of beach spawning capelin (Mallotus villosus)

    M Frantzen, Inger-Britt Falk-Petersen [+5]

    PRIMO 16. Long Beach, California, US 15-18 May 2 2011-05-15

  4. Ecotoxicological mechanisms and models in an impact analysis tool for oil spills

    Frederik De Laender, Gro Harlaug Olsen [+11]

    3rd Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium 2010-04-12

  5. Development and validation of gene and protein biomarker responses for endocrine disruption in the polar cod

    Siri Nesbakken, Augustine Arukwe [+5]

    SETAC-Europe 19th annual Meeting 2009-05-31

  6. Endocrine effects in polar cod (Boregadus saida) liver tissue after exposure to crude oil and 17β-estradiol

    Siri Nesbakken, Anne Skjetne Mortensen [+4]

    15th Meeting of Pollutants Responses in Marine Organisms (PRIMO 15) 2009-05-17

  7. Effects of petroleum-associated compounds on the energy budget of Arctic benthic organisms

    Gro Olsen, Eirin Sva [+4]

    SETAC Europe annual meeting 2007-05-20

  1. Bioglider: An Integrated Glider Solution for Enhancing Environmental Knowledge

    Yves Ponçon, Laurent Mortier [+16]

    OCEANS 2023 - MTS/IEEE U.S. Gulf Coast 2023-09-25

  1. Autonomous surface and underwater vehicles reveal new discoveries in the Arctic Ocean

    Lionel Camus, David Peddie [+24]

    OCEANS 2019 - Marseille 2019-06

  2. Observer/AMAR G4 Passive Acoustic Monitoring System for Autonomous Maritime Observation

    John Moloney, Art Cole [+6]

    2018 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop (AUV) 2018-11

  3. Underwater hyperspectral imaging for environmental mapping and monitoring of seabed habitats

    Jorgen Tegdan, Stefan Ekehaug [+6]

    OCEANS 2015 - Genova 2015-05

Conference poster
  1. Target spectra discrimination of three Arctic species

    Muriel Barbara Dunn, Geir Pedersen [+8]

    From Echosounders to the Cloud: Transforming Acoustic Data to Information 2023-03-27

    Popular science
    1. Glider setting sail to study reef effects from Hywind Scotland

      Virginie Ramasco, Trude Kristin Borch [+1]

      Fram Forum 2023

      Research report

          1. Challenges Performing Risk Assessment in the Arctic

            Gro Harlaug Olsen, JoLynn Carroll [+3]

            Produced Water 2011

              Academic article

              Co-authors (369)

                18 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Geir Pedersen

                17 works (with: 2 others)

              1. Jasmine Nahrgang
              2. Gro Harlaug Refseth

                12 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Stig Falk-Petersen

                11 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Jo Lynn Carroll

                10 works (with: 2 others)

              1. Perrine Geraudie
              2. Malin Daase

                9 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Jørgen Berge

                8 works (with: 2 others)

              1. Francesco Regoli
              2. Muriel Barbara Dunn

                7 works (with: 4 others)

              1. Hector Andrade
              2. Damien Tran
              3. Maxime Geoffroy
              4. Paul E. Renaud

                6 works (with: 4 others)

              1. Ana Sofia Aniceto
              2. Luca Tassara
              3. Marianne Frantzen
              4. Sünnje Linnéa Basedow

                5 works (with: 7 others)

              1. Adriana E. Sardi
              2. Bjørn Einar Grøsvik
              3. Eva Leu
              4. Haakon Hop
              5. Jan Fredrik Børseth
              6. Magnus Aune
              7. Pierre Ciret

                4 works (with: 19 others)

              1. Katherine M. Dunlop
              2. Marit Nøst Hegseth
              3. Bjørn Henrik Hansen
              4. Carl Ballantine
              5. Daniela M. Pampanin
              6. David Peddie
              7. Eirin Sva
              8. Geir Wing Gabrielsen
              9. Jeremy Cook
              10. Joel Pederick
              11. Jørgen S. Christiansen
              12. Malin Hildegard Elisabeth Daase
              13. Mohamedou Sow
              14. Paulo da Cunha Lana
              15. Peygham Ghaffari
              16. Salve Dahle
              17. Tor Langeland
              18. Trond Kristiansen
              19. Vigdis Tverberg

                3 works (with: 29 others)

              1. Jenny Bytingsvik
              2. William G. Ambrose Jr.
              3. Martin Biuw
              4. Øystein Varpe
              5. Aline Fiala-Médioni
              6. Angela Serafim
              7. Augustine Arukwe
              8. B. Gulliksen
              9. Bjørn Gulliksen
              10. Gro Fonnes
              11. Inger Graves
              12. Inger-Britt Falk-Petersen
              13. J.F Børseth
              14. Jean-Charles Massabuau
              15. Kanchana Bandara
              16. Leonardo Sandrini-Neto
              17. M.B Jones
              18. M.H Depledge
              19. Malcolm B. Jones
              20. Maria João Bebianno
              21. Martina Jönsson
              22. Patrice Gonzalez
              23. Raffaella Bocchetti
              24. Ragnhild Pettersen
              25. Raul Primicerio
              26. Rui Company
              27. Siri Nesbakken
              28. Trond Nordtug
              29. Virginie Ramasco

                2 works (with: 73 others)

              1. Timothy J. Smith
              2. Ole Jørgen Lønne
              3. Iris Jæger
              4. Alexei Bambulyak
              5. Ann-Kristin Sperrevik
              6. Anne Skjetne Mortensen
              7. Art Cole
              8. Aswani Volety
              9. B.E Grøsvik
              10. Blair MacDonald
              11. César C. Martins
              12. Chelsey McGowan-Yallop
              13. Chris Klok
              14. Colin R. Janssen
              15. Craig Hillis
              16. Cristina Nasci
              17. Daniel Hayes
              18. Elisa Volpato
              19. Emilia Trudnowska
              20. Endre Aas
              21. F Regoli
              22. Finlo Cottier
              23. Frank Beuchel
              24. Frederik De Laender
              25. Geir Gramvik
              26. Geir Johnsen
              27. Guillaume Durier
              28. Ingrid Myrnes Hansen
              29. Jocelyn Palerud
              30. John Moloney
              31. Julien Guyomarch
              32. Kai Hakon Christensen
              33. Katie Kowarski
              34. Ketil Hylland
              35. Kim Last
              36. Knut-Erik Tollefsen
              37. Lars Martin Sandvik Aas
              38. Loic Bachelot
              39. M.B. Jones
              40. marianne Frantzen
              41. Mathijs G.D. Smit
              42. Matthieu Dussauze
              43. Maura Benedetti
              44. Merete Grung
              45. Mickael Perrigault
              46. Mikael D. Depledge
              47. Morten Hjorth
              48. Nathalie Coquillé
              49. Ole Anders Nøst
              50. Ove Daae Lampe
              51. Peer Fietzek
              52. Peter Leopold
              53. Philippe Lemaire
              54. Ricardo Serrão-Santos
              55. Richard P. Cosson
              56. Roel Smolders
              57. Rupert H. Krapp
              58. S. Le Floch
              59. Sigurd Tjostheim
              60. Sigurd Tjøstheim
              61. Sabine Cochrane
              62. Sophie Fielding
              63. Starrlight Augustine
              64. Stefan Ekehaug
              65. Stefania Gorbi
              66. Sünnje Basedow
              67. Sunnje Linnea Basedow
              68. Susanne M. Brander
              69. Trude Borch
              70. Thomas F. Parkerton
              71. Ulf Lindstrøm
              72. W. Ray Arnold
              73. Wim De Coen

                1 works (with: 223 others)

              1. Gérald Darnis
              2. Fredrik Broms
              3. Nathalie Morata
              4. Anatoly A. Lukin
              5. Jani O. Honkanen
              6. Thor Arne Hangstad
              7. K. Hatlen
              8. A FIALAMEDONI
              9. A Fisk
              10. A SERAFIM
              11. A. Jan Hendriks
              12. Aaron D. Redman
              13. Anita Evenset
              14. Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller
              15. Alessio Gomiero
              16. Alexandre Le Moal
              17. Aline Amérand
              18. Ana Colaço
              19. Anders Goksøyr
              20. Anders Johny Olsen
              21. Andrei Granovitch
              22. Andrew S Brierley
              23. Andrew S. Brierley
              24. Andrey V. Dolgov
              25. Ann Sperrevik
              26. Anna Ingvarsdottir
              27. Anne Bjørnstad
              28. Anne Helene Tandberg
              29. Anya Gonchar
              30. Are K. Sydnes
              31. B Hargrave
              32. B. A. Beylich
              33. B. E. Grøsvik
              34. B. Gaudebert
              35. B.E. Grøsvik
              36. Benjamin Woodall
              37. Benoit Geller
              38. Birgitta Liewenborg
              39. Bruce Shillito
              40. C. Minier
              41. Camilla A.M. Ottesen
              42. Cesar C. Martins
              43. Christophe Minier
              44. Clara J.M. Hoppe
              45. Claudia Halsband
              46. Dag Altin
              47. Dan Hayes
              48. Daniel Vogedes
              49. Daria Nikishina
              50. DCG Muir
              51. Denis Moiseev
              52. E. Giarratano
              53. E. Sva
              54. Ehsan Abdi
              55. Einat Sandbank
              56. Emily Joanne Venables
              57. Emma Michaud
              58. Eugenia Delaney
              59. Evert Mul
              60. Evgeniia Raskhozheva
              61. F. Regoli
              62. Frida Cnossen
              63. Fernanda Cisterna
              64. Finlo Robert Cottier
              65. G. I. V. Klobučar
              66. GH Olsen
              67. Gisele C. Morais
              68. Gjermund Bahr
              69. Grete Jonsson
              70. Gro Olsen
              71. H Nygård
              72. Harald Lura
              73. Harald Tholo
              74. Helena C. Silva de Assis
              75. Helena Silva de Assis
              76. Helene Øveraas
              77. Hélène Thomas-Guyon
              78. Henrik Nygård
              79. Ilenia Marangon
              80. Ingrid C. Taban
              81. Ingrid Hansen
              82. Ingvar Eide
              83. Ivar Erdal
              84. J Wallenschus
              85. J. F. Børseth
              86. J. Forget-Leray
              87. J. Lukina
              88. J. Sharova
              89. J.F. Børseth
              90. J.I. Spicer
              91. J.V.K. Kukkonen
              92. Jakub Zdroik
              93. Jan Hendriks
              94. Jan Marcin Węsławski
              95. Jenny Jensen
              96. Jerome Coindat
              97. Joan Holst Hansen
              98. Joanna Legeżyńska
              99. Joëlle Forget-Leray
              100. John P. Roberts
              101. Jonathan H. Cohen
              102. Jonny Beyer
              103. Jorgen Berge
              104. Jorgen Tegdan
              105. Joshua D. Butler
              106. Julian Guyomarch
              107. Justine Receveur
              108. K Borgå
              109. K. Hylland
              110. Kai Christensen
              111. Kai Sorensen
              112. Kai Sørensen
              113. Kanchana Bandara W. M. Dumindu
              114. Karen de Jong
              115. Karina Petersen
              116. Karine Pichavant-Rafini
              117. Karley Campbell
              118. Kay Johnny Steen
              119. Ketil Hylland
              120. Kim S. Last
              121. Knut erik Tollefsen
              122. Kjetil Sagerup
              123. Ksenia Kosobokova
              124. L. Belicheva
              125. L. Sandrini-Neto
              126. Lars R. Hole
              127. Laura Payton
              128. Laure Bellec
              129. Laurent Mortier
              130. Lennart Balk
              131. Leticia da S. Pereira
              132. Letícia Pereira
              133. Lars-Henrik Larsen
              134. Lisa B. Helgason
              135. Lisa Elena Kettemer
              136. Loïc Bachelot
              137. M BEBIANNO
              138. M Frantzen
              139. M. Hjorth
              140. M. Jonsson
              141. M.G.D. Smit
              142. M.H. Depledge
              143. M.L. Bender
              144. M.S. Santana
              145. Maj Arnberg
              146. Marc Picheral
              147. Maria Włodarska-Kowalczuk
              148. Marie Porter
              149. Marine Cusa
              150. Mark A. Moline
              151. Mark G. Carls
              152. Mark Inall
              153. Mathijs GD Smit
              154. Mathijs Smit
              155. Megan M. McConville
              156. Michael H. Depledge
              157. Michael Theron
              158. Monika Kędra
              159. Morten Thorstensen
              160. Myrina Boulais
              161. Nadia Aarab
              162. Natalia Shunatova
              163. Nellie Wullenweber
              164. Øveraas Helene
              165. Øystein Glåmseter
              166. P.E. Davies
              167. Patricio Feest
              168. Paul Anton Letnes
              169. Paulo C. Lana
              170. Peer Fitzek
              171. Piotr Bałazy
              172. Piotr Kukliński
              173. Pierre Priou
              174. R COMPANY
              175. R COSSON
              176. Renée K. Bechmann
              177. Richard Cosson
              178. Rolf Gradinger
              179. Rupert Krapp
              180. Roger Velvin
              181. S. Brooks
              182. S. V. Kholodkevich
              183. S. V. Sladkova
              184. S.J. Brooks
              185. S.R. Birkely
              186. Shaw Bamber
              187. Stein R. Birkely
              188. Steinar Sanni
              189. Stephane Le Floch
              190. Stéphane le Floch
              191. Stéphane Le Floch
              192. Stephane LeFloch
              193. Stéphane LeFloch
              194. Stephania Gorbi
              195. Sunnje Basedow
              196. Sünnje L Basedow
              197. Sünnje L. Basedow
              198. T Smith
              199. T. Baussant
              200. T. F. Holth
              201. TA Hangstad
              202. Tarak Arbi
              203. TC Svendsen
              204. Thierry Baussant
              205. Thievery Bassinet
              206. Thomas Milinkovitch
              207. Tim Smith
              208. Tom J Langbehn
              209. Tom Langbehn
              210. Tone Frost
              211. Tone Karin Frost
              212. Tore Hoegåsen
              213. Tove M. Gabrielsen
              214. Trine A. Callesen
              215. Trine Dale
              216. V. Carrasco-Navarro
              217. Valérie Huet
              218. Wenche Eikrem
              219. William L. Locke V
              220. William Locke
              221. Wim de Coen
              222. You Song
              223. Yves Ponçon