Starrlight Augustine
prior employee
Publications (32)
Research article
An annual profile of the impacts of simulated oil spills on the Northeast Arctic cod and haddock fisheries
JoLynn Carroll, Håvard G. Frøysa [+7]
Marine Pollution Bulletin 2022-11
The comparative energetics of the chondrichthyans reveals universal links between respiration, reproduction and lifespan
Starrlight Augustine, Konstadia Lika [+1]
Journal of Sea Research 2022-07
The comparative energetics of the cephalopods: they neither grow nor reproduce fast
Sebastiaan A.L.M. Kooijman & Starrlight Augustine
Journal of Sea Research 2022-06
The comparative energetics of the ray-finned fish in an evolutionary context
Konstadia Lika, Starrlight Augustine [+1]
Conservation Physiology 2022-01-01
The comparative energetics of the carnivorans and pangolins
Sebastiaan A L M Kooijman & Starrlight Augustine
Conservation Physiology 2022-01-01
Energetic basis for bird ontogeny and egg-laying applied to the bobwhite quail
Nina Marn, Konstadia Lika [+5]
Conservation Physiology 2022-01-01
Multidimensional scaling for animal traits in the context of dynamic energy budget theory
Sebastiaan A L M Kooijman, Konstadia Lika [+2]
Conservation Physiology 2021-01-01
Comparing loss functions and interval estimates for survival data
Starrlight Augustine, Konstadia Lika [+1]
Ecological Modelling 2020-08
Can DEB models infer metabolic differences between intertidal and subtidal morphotypes of the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna (Strebel, 1908)?
Charlène Guillaumot, Thomas Saucède [+4]
Ecological Modelling 2020-08
The energetic basis of population growth in animal kingdom
Sebastiaan A.L.M. Kooijman, Konstadia Lika [+3]
Ecological Modelling 2020-07
The use of augmented loss functions for estimating dynamic energy budget parameters
Konstadia Lika, Starrlight Augustine [+1]
Ecological Modelling 2020-07
Exploring inter-species sensitivity to a model hydrocarbon, 2-Methylnaphtalene, using a process-based model
Adriana E. Sardi, Starrlight Augustine [+2]
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2019-02-23
Altricial-precocial spectra in animal kingdom
Starrlight Augustine, Konstadia Lika [+1]
Journal of Sea Research 2019-01
Body size as emergent property of metabolism
Konstadia Lika, Starrlight Augustine [+1]
Journal of Sea Research 2019-01
Prediction of long-term variation in offspring metabolism due to BPA in eggs in rainbow trout using the DEB model
B. Sadoul, S. Augustine [+3]
Journal of Sea Research 2019-01
Why big-bodied animal species cannot evolve a waste-to-hurry strategy
Starrlight Augustine, Konstadia Lika [+1]
Journal of Sea Research 2019-01
A new phase in DEB research
Starrlight Augustine & Sebastiaan A.L.M. Kooijman
Journal of Sea Research 2019-01
A full life cycle Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model for the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) fitted to data on embryonic development
Jessica L. Stubbs, Nicola J. Mitchell [+4]
Journal of Sea Research 2019-01
Fitting multiple models to multiple data sets
Gonçalo M. Marques, Konstadia Lika [+3]
Journal of Sea Research 2019-01
Dynamic Energy Budget theory predicts smaller energy reserves in thyasirid bivalves that harbour symbionts
Joany Mariño, Starrlight Augustine [+2]
Journal of Sea Research 2019-01
Energetics of the extremely long-living bivalve Arctica islandica based on a Dynamic Energy Budget model
Irene Ballesta-Artero, Starrlight Augustine [+5]
Journal of Sea Research 2019-01
The AmP project: Comparing species on the basis of dynamic energy budget parameters
Gonçalo M. Marques, Starrlight Augustine [+4]
PLOS Computational Biology 2018-05-09
Assessing impacts of simulated oil spills on the Northeast Arctic cod fishery
JoLynn Carroll, Frode Vikebø [+7]
Marine Pollution Bulletin 2018-01
Comment on the ecophysiology of the Greenland shark, Somniosus microcephalus
Starrlight Augustine, Konstadia Lika [+1]
Polar Biology 2017-07-05
Modelling survival: exposure pattern, species sensitivity and uncertainty
Roman Ashauer, Carlo Albert [+19]
Scientific Reports 2016-07-06
Academic review
Distribution and ecology of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in the eastern Barents Sea: A review of historical literature
Magnus Aune, Evgeniia Raskhozheva [+10]
Marine Environmental Research 2021-04
The role of Dynamic Energy Budgets in conservation physiology
Romain Lavaud, Ramón Filgueira [+1]
Conservation Physiology 2021-01-01
Dynamic energy budget models in ecological risk assessment: From principles to applications
Jan Baas, Starrlight Augustine [+2]
Science of The Total Environment 2018-07
SYMBIOSES – et integrert modelleringsverktøry for støtte til marin økosystem basert forvaltning
JoLynn Carroll, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø [+6]
Risikoforvaltning, fiskeri og nye næringer i Nord 2013-09-17
Conference presentation
SYMBIOSES - An integrated modeling framework for decision support in marine ecosystem based management
JoLynn Carroll, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø [+6]
Arctic Frontiers 2013 2013-01-20
An ecosystem based impact assessment and management tool for the marine environment
JoLynn Carroll, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø [+6]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration meeting 2012-11-20