
Learning more about "unknown sea" Mare Icognitum

Photo: The FAABulous team in Oslo

Learning more about "unknown sea" Mare Icognitum

Photo: The FAABulous team in Oslo

28 March 2019 news

At the beginning of its fifth and last year of the FAABulous project, the project team is gathering in Oslo for a workshop meeting to discuss results as well as draft publications. 

The fabulous scientists and students around Eva Leu (Project Leader from Akvaplan-niva) have collected a comprehensive dataset of phytoplankton and ice algae bloom dynamics in different Svalbard fjords. Now, they are in the final phase of synthesizing their results in order to improve our understanding about the environmental control of these processes. This is important in order to get a better idea about the future development of Arctic productivity. 

The FAABulous project is funded by the Research Council of Norway.

Eva Leu
Senior Scientist