
Our publications

Our publications

  1. Bioglider: An Integrated Glider Solution for Enhancing Environmental Knowledge

    Yves Ponçon, Laurent Mortier [+16]

    OCEANS 2023 - MTS/IEEE U.S. Gulf Coast 2023-09-25

  2. Carbon Export in the Seasonal Sea Ice Zone North of Svalbard From Winter to Late Summer

    Christine Dybwad, Philipp Assmy [+8]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2021-01-21

  3. A red tide in the pack ice of the Arctic Ocean

    Lasse M. Olsen, Pedro Duarte [+12]

    Scientific Reports 2019-07-02

  4. Bio‐optical Properties of Surface Waters in the Atlantic Water Inflow Region off Spitsbergen (Arctic Ocean)

    Piotr Kowalczuk, Sławomir Sagan [+9]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2019-03

  5. Atlantic Water Pathways Along the North‐Western Svalbard Shelf Mapped Using Vessel‐Mounted Current Profilers

    Sebastian Menze, Randi B. Ingvaldsen [+5]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2019-03

  6. Leads in Arctic pack ice enable early phytoplankton blooms below snow-covered sea ice

    Philipp Assmy, Mar Fernández-Méndez [+39]

    Scientific Reports 2017-01-19

  7. Zooplankton in Svalbard fjords on the Atlantic–Arctic boundary

    Marta Gluchowska, Slawomir Kwasniewski [+6]

    Polar Biology 2016-07-01

  8. Seasonal Cycle of Mesoscale Instability of the West Spitsbergen Current

    Wilken-Jon von Appen, Ursula Schauer [+2]

    Journal of Physical Oceanography 2016-04

Philipp AssmyAgnieszka TatarekHaakon HopAlexey K. PavlovMats A. GranskogLasse M. OlsenIlka PeekenPedro DuarteHanna M. KaukoJozef WiktorMar Fernández–MéndezArild SundfjordMarit ReigstadAgnieszka Beszczynska–MöllerAchim RandelhoffJózef M. WiktorPenelope M. WagnerSvein KristiansenAnette WoldHarald SteenStig Falk Falk‐PetersenJens K. EhnAgneta FranssonStephen R. HudsonSlawomir KwasniewskiMarcel NicolausGunnar SpreenYasemin V. BodurPaul E. RenaudLucie GoraguerMartí Amargant–ArumíAnna Maria DąbrowskaMiriam MarquardtAngelika H.H. RennerYves PonçonLaurent MortierMarc PicheralPeer FitzekDan HayesEhsan AbdiJakub ZdroikJerome CoindatMuriel Barbara DunnVirginie RamascoMorten ThorstensenLionel CamusPierre PriouSunnje BasedowGeir PedersenTarak Arbi