Life starts with plastic: High occurrence of plastic pieces in fledglings of northern fulmars
France Collard, Stine C. Benjaminsen [+5]
Marine Pollution Bulletin 2024-05
Plastic ingestion by fulmar fledglings from Svalbard
France Collard, Stine Charlotte Benjaminsen [+5]
Arctic Frontiers 2023 2023-01-30
Plastic contamination in fulmars in the European Arctic over 25 years
France Collard, Felix Tulatz [+12]
Fram Forum 2023
Cellular energy allocation in the Arctic sea ice amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii exposed to the water soluble fractions of oil
Gro Harlaug Olsen, JoLynn Carroll [+2]
Marine Environmental Research 2008-07
Cellular energy allocation in the Arctic sea ice amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii exposed to Water Soluble Fraction of oil
Marine Environmental Research 2008
Alterations in the energy budget of Arctic benthic species exposed to oil-related compounds
Gro Harlaug Olsen, Eirin Sva [+6]
Aquatic Toxicology 2007-06
Effects of petroleum-associated compounds on the energy budget of Arctic benthic organisms
Gro Olsen, Eirin Sva [+4]
SETAC Europe annual meeting 2007-05-20
Statoils miljøovervåkingsprogram for Snøhvit. Overvåking av vann- og sedimentkjemi, vannvegetasjon, Bunndyr og fisk. Grunnlagsundersøkelsen 2006
B.L. Skjelkvåle, G.N. Christensen [+7]
Norsk institutt for vannforskning 2007
Aquatic Toxicology 2007