
Our publications

Our publications

  1. Fin whale song evolution in the North Atlantic

    Miriam Romagosa, Sharon Nieukirk [+15]

    eLife 2024-01-09

  2. Spawning time in adult polar cod (Boreogadus saida) altered by crude oil exposure, independent of food availability

    Leah C. Strople, Ireen Vieweg [+12]

    Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2023-07-03

  3. Impacts of climate change on metal leaching and partitioning for submarine mine tailings disposal

    Kristine B. Pedersen, Tore Lejon [+4]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2022-11

  4. Moving forward in microplastic research: A Norwegian perspective

    Amy L. Lusher, Rachel Hurley [+18]

    Environment International 2021-12

  5. Combined effects of crude oil exposure and warming on eggs and larvae of an arctic forage fish

    Morgan Lizabeth Bender, Julia Giebichenstein [+9]

    Scientific Reports 2021-04-16

  6. From Arctic Science to Global Policy – Addressing Multiple Stressors Under the Stockholm Convention

    Eirik Hovland Steindal, Marianne Karlsson [+3]

    Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2021-03-04

  7. Expert opinion on using angler Smartphone apps to inform marine fisheries management: status, prospects, and needs

    Christian Skov, Kieran Hyder [+37]

    ICES Journal of Marine Science 2021-01-19

Marianne FrantzenJasmine NahrgangKristine Bondo PedersenAnita EvensetLionel CamusPernille E. JensenLisbeth M. OttosenHelena C. ReinardyLisbet SørensenBjørn Henrik HansenMorgan Lizabeth BenderJames P. MeadorTrude BorchGro Harlaug RefsethMaj ArnbergMarianne NilsenStig WesterlundRenée K. BechmannGuttorm ChristensenPaul DubourgInger–Britt Falk–PetersenPerrine GeraudieIreen ViewegChristian SkovKieran HyderAnssi AhvonenKeno FerterAnders KagervallKostas KapirisMartin KarlssonAdam M LejkPentti MoilanenEstanis MugerzaHans Jakob OlesenAnastasios PapadopoulosPablo PitaZachary RadfordKrzysztof RadtkeHarry V StrehlowPedro VeigaThomas VerleyeMarc Simon WeltersbachJenny BytingsvikJørgen BergeEkaterina StorhaugJuho JunttilaJocelyn PalerudLeon MoodleyEvgenia DunaevskayaGeraint A. Tarling