
Our publications

Research articleResearch report
  1. Determining resolution for profiles in marine sediments

    J.L Carroll & I Lerche

    Marine Chemistry 1991-04

  2. Site pre-emption: Competition between generations of plants

    Svaťa M. Louda & Paul E. Renaud

    Trends in Ecology & Evolution 1991-04

  3. Marine Amphipoda Gamnmaridea in the North-east Atlantic and Norwegian Arctic

    Rune Palerud & Wim Vader

    Tromura. Naturvitenskap 1991

  4. Innlandsfiske i Finnmark:Ressurskartlegging og markedsanalyse.

    Trond Skotvold, Roar Kristoffersen [+2]

    Akvaplan-NIVA A/S 1991