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Environmental monitoring systems in the Arctic
Akvaplan-niva strong representation at International Marine Debris Conference
The second international workshop within the joint Norway-Azerbaijan CRIPTIC project
Welcome to the 2nd International Workshop in the CRIPTIC project
Initiation of environmental science cooperation between Norway and Russia in 1992
Issues of Environmental Monitoring and Management in the Arctic
Alexei Bambulyak, Lars-Henrik Larsen [+3]
Global Development in the Arctic 2022-11-09
Distribution and ecology of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in the eastern Barents Sea: A review of historical literature
Magnus Aune, Evgeniia Raskhozheva [+10]
Marine Environmental Research 2021-04
Oil spill damage: a collision scenario and financial liability estimations for the Northern Sea Route area
Alexei Bambulyak & Sören Ehlers
Ship Technology Research 2020-07-07
Comparison of SAR Strategies in Norwegian and Russian Part of the Barents Sea
T.E. Berg, Ø. Selvik [+3]
All Days 2016-10-24
Technological and environmental challenges of Arctic shipping—a case study of a fictional voyage in the Arctic
Lars-Henrik Larsen, Beate Kvamstad-Lervold [+5]
Polar Research 2016-01
Aquaculture competence to Karelia Russia
"A plasticized world" - Bilateral marine litter project presented in Moscow
Arctic cruise tourists assist plastic scientists
Show academic works from Cristin