Reinhold Fieler

prior employee

press releases
Research article
  1. To Tell or Not to Tell: Preference Elicitation with and without Emphasis on Scientific Uncertainty

    Margrethe Aanesen, Claire Armstrong [+6]

    Land Economics 2023-01-23

Conference presentation
  1. Industriell taredyrking: Potensielle effekter på naturlige økosystemer

    Kasper Hancke, Ole Jacob Broch [+5]

    HAVBRUK2018 Conference 2018-04-18

  2. Seaweed cultivation above the Arctic Circle

    Böris Sanna Christina A Matsson, Anna Metaxas [+5]

    Arctic Frontiers 2018-01-24

Research report
  1. Miljøkonsekvensanalyse: Integrert havbruk i Norge. September 2017

    Anders Karlsson-Drangsholt, Solveig van Nes [+15]

    Bellona 2017

  1. Chemicals from Marine Fish Farms

    Maria Dam, Jostein Solbakken [+6]

    TemaNord 2009-06-15