Ole Jørgen Lønne

prior employee



  1. Fatty acid composition of the postlarval daubed shanny (Leptoclinus maculatus) during the polar night

    Svetlana N. Pekkoeva, Svetlana A. Murzina [+5]

    Polar Biology 2020-04-23

  2. In the dark: A review of ecosystem processes during the Arctic polar night

    Jørgen Berge, Paul E. Renaud [+15]

    Progress in Oceanography 2015-12

  3. Climate-driven regime shifts in Arctic marine benthos

    Susanne Kortsch, Raul Primicerio [+5]

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2012-08-13

  4. Counting and measuring epibenthic organisms from digital photographs: A semiautomated approach

    Frank Beuchel, Raul Primicerio [+3]

    Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 2010-05

  5. The marine ecosystem of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard

    Haakon Hop, Tom Pearson [+26]

    Polar Research 2002-01-06

  1. Polartorsken - vil den bli utkonkurrert av sørlige fiskearter?

    Jørgen Berge, Ole Jørgen Lønne [+5]

    Svalbardposten 2009-09-11