
“Effects of increased water temperature and water-soluble crude oil exposure on survival, growth, and feeding success of early life stages of polar cod (Boreogadus saida)”

Ecosystem Studies of the Sub-Arctic Seas ()

Unknown status: open access or closed access?

1 Akvaplan-niva (current employee)

1 Akvaplan-niva (prior employee)

Authors (11)
  1. Morgan Lizabeth Bender
  2. Julia Gossa
  3. Marianne Frantzen
  4. Jennifer Malica Laurent
  5. Ragnar Teisrud
  6. Connie Jones
  7. Bjørn Henrik Hansen
  8. Helena Reinhardy
  9. Benjamin J. Laurel
  10. James P. Meador
  11. Jasmine Nahrgang
  • Created , modified

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