Tore Hattermann
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Publikasjoner (37)

  1. Observing Antarctic Bottom Water in the Southern Ocean

    Alessandro Silvano, Sarah Purkey [+42]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2023-12-08

  1. Observed interannual changes beneath Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf linked to large-scale atmospheric circulation

    Tore Hattermann, Keith W. Nicholls [+7]

    Nature Communications 2021-05-20

  2. Transports and Accumulations of Greenland Sea Intermediate Waters in the Norwegian Sea

    Xiaoyu Wang, Jinping Zhao [+3]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2021-04

  3. Phenology and Environmental Control of Phytoplankton Blooms in the Kong Håkon VII Hav in the Southern Ocean

    Hanna M. Kauko, Tore Hattermann [+12]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2021-03-29

  4. The Framework For Ice Sheet–Ocean Coupling (FISOC) V1.1

    Rupert Gladstone, Benjamin Galton-Fenzi [+11]

    Geoscientific Model Development 2021-02-11

  5. Physical controls of dynamics of methane venting from a shallow seep area west of Svalbard

    Anna Silyakova, Pär Jansson [+9]

    Continental Shelf Research 2020-02

  6. How the Yermak Pass Branch Regulates Atlantic Water Inflow to the Arctic Ocean

    L. Crews, A. Sundfjord [+1]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2019-01

  7. Antarctic Thermocline Dynamics along a Narrow Shelf with Easterly Winds

    Tore Hattermann

    Journal of Physical Oceanography 2018-10

  8. Large ice loss variability at Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden Glacier, Northeast-Greenland

    Christoph Mayer, Janin Schaffer [+7]

    Nature Communications 2018-07-17

  9. Intercomparison of Antarctic ice-shelf, ocean, and sea-ice interactions simulated by MetROMS-iceshelf and FESOM 1.4

    Kaitlin A. Naughten, Katrin J. Meissner [+6]

    Geoscientific Model Development 2018-04-10

  10. Mesoscale Eddy Activity and Transport in the Atlantic Water Inflow Region North of Svalbard

    L. Crews, A. Sundfjord [+2]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2018-01

  11. Seasonal cycle of hydrography on the eastern shelf of the Filchner Trough, Weddell Sea, Antarctica

    S. Ryan, T. Hattermann [+2]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2017-08

  12. Spurious sea ice formation caused by oscillatory ocean tracer advection schemes

    Kaitlin A. Naughten, Benjamin K. Galton-Fenzi [+6]

    Ocean Modelling 2017-08

  13. The Fate of the Southern Weddell Sea Continental Shelf in a Warming Climate

    Hartmut H. Hellmer, Frank Kauker [+2]

    Journal of Climate 2017-06

  14. Upstream sources of the Denmark Strait Overflow: Observations from a high-resolution mooring array

    B.E. Harden, R.S. Pickart [+12]

    Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 2016-06

  15. Eddy‐driven recirculation of Atlantic Water in Fram Strait

    Tore Hattermann, Pål Erik Isachsen [+3]

    Geophysical Research Letters 2016-04-06

  16. Seasonal Cycle of Mesoscale Instability of the West Spitsbergen Current

    Wilken-Jon von Appen, Ursula Schauer [+2]

    Journal of Physical Oceanography 2016-04

  17. Antarctic ice rises and rumples: Their properties and significance for ice-sheet dynamics and evolution

    Kenichi Matsuoka, Richard C.A. Hindmarsh [+18]

    Earth-Science Reviews 2015-11

  18. Wind‐driven spreading of fresh surface water beneath ice shelves in the Eastern Weddell Sea

    Q. Zhou, T. Hattermann [+4]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2014-06

  19. Complex network of channels beneath an Antarctic ice shelf

    K. Langley, A. von Deschwanden [+7]

    Geophysical Research Letters 2014-02-18

  20. Two years of oceanic observations below the Fimbul Ice Shelf, Antarctica

    Tore Hattermann, Ole Anders Nøst [+2]

    Geophysical Research Letters 2012-06-22

  21. Eddy overturning of the Antarctic Slope Front controls glacial melting in the Eastern Weddell Sea

    O. A. Nøst, M. Biuw [+6]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2011-11

    1. Inflow of ‘’Warm’’ Water towards the Filchner Ice Shelf

      Elin Maria K. Darelius, Kjersti L. Daae [+9]

      EGU general assembly 2017-04-23

    2. Dynamics and variability of warm circumpolar deep water exchange with the Antarctic shelf and a deep coastal trough- an idealized model study

      Kjersti Birkeland Daae, Tore Hattermann [+2]

      FRISP - Forum for Research into Ice Shelf Processes 2016-10-03

      Co-authors (212)

        8 works (with: 2 others)

      1. Ole Anders Nøst
      2. Qin Zhou

        3 works (with: 5 others)

      1. Benjamin K. Galton-Fenzi
      2. Hartmut H. Hellmer
      3. Keith W. Nicholls
      4. Laura de Steur
      5. Svein Østerhus

        2 works (with: 33 others)

      1. Martin Biuw
      2. A. Sundfjord
      3. Abhay Prakash
      4. Benjamin Galton-Fenzi
      5. Boris Espinasse
      6. C. Lydersen
      7. Chen Zhao
      8. David Gwyther
      9. E. Darelius
      10. Elin Darelius
      11. Elin Maria K. Darelius
      12. Frank Pattyn
      13. Gaël Durand
      14. Geir Moholdt
      15. Ilker Fer
      16. Jens B. Debernard
      17. Jon Albretsen
      18. K. M. Kovacs
      19. Kaitlin A. Naughten
      20. Katrin J. Meissner
      21. Kenichi Matsuoka
      22. Ketil Eiane
      23. L. Crews
      24. M. Schröder
      25. Markus A. Janout
      26. Matthew H. England
      27. Nina Kirchner
      28. Ralph Timmermann
      29. Rupert Gladstone
      30. S. Ryan
      31. Sünnje L. Basedow
      32. Torsten Kanzow
      33. Vigdis Tverberg

        1 works (with: 172 others)

      1. Alexey K. Pavlov
      2. Jofrid Skarðhamar
      3. A. Humbert
      4. A. M. Brisbourne
      5. A. M. Smith
      6. A. Sinisalo
      7. A. von Deschwanden
      8. Adele K. Morrison
      9. Agneta Fransson
      10. Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller
      11. Alberto C. Naveira Garabato
      12. Alessandro Silvano
      13. Ali Mashayek
      14. Andreas Macrander
      15. Andrew J. S. Meijers
      16. Andrew L. Stewart
      17. Andrew McC. Hogg
      18. Anna Silyakova
      19. Anna Sinisalo
      20. Annie Foppert
      21. Arild Sundfjord
      22. Arnold L. Gordon
      23. Asmita Singh
      24. B.E. Harden
      25. B.K. Galton-Fenzi
      26. Benedicte Ferré
      27. C. Hofstede
      28. C.‐D. Hillenbrand
      29. Camille Hayatte Akhoudas
      30. Carl Spingys
      31. Carlo Licciulli
      32. Carlos Martín
      33. Carolyn A. Graves
      34. Casimir de Lavergne
      35. Cathrine Lund Myhre
      36. Christoph Mayer
      37. Clark Richards
      38. Clemens Schannwell
      39. Craig Stevens
      40. Dan Torres
      41. Dana Floricioiu
      42. Daniel F. Martin
      43. Daniel Goldberg
      44. Daniel Shapero
      45. David M. Holland
      46. Denise Fernandez
      47. Denise Holland
      48. E. Isaksson
      49. E. Povl Abrahamsen
      50. Eli Børve
      51. Elisabeth Isaksson
      52. Elisabeth Schlosser
      53. Elvar H. Hallfredsson
      54. F. Alexander Haumann
      55. Frank Bahr
      56. Frank Colberg
      57. Frank Kauker
      58. Friederike Gründger
      59. G. Hilmar Gudmundsson
      60. Gary B. Brassington
      61. Gerd Rohardt
      62. Giorgio Budillon
      63. Gunnar Bratbak
      64. Guy D. Williams
      65. H. F. J. Corr
      66. H. Hellmer
      67. Hamish D. Pritchard
      68. Hanna M. Kauko
      69. Héðinn Valdimarsson
      70. Hélène Seroussi
      71. Helge Niemann
      72. Howard Conway
      73. I. Fer
      74. J. Albretsen
      75. J. Kohler
      76. J.M. Lilly
      77. Jack Kohler
      78. Jan T.M. Lenaerts
      79. Janin Schaffer
      80. Jean-Bapiste Sallee
      81. Jean-Baptiste Sallée
      82. Jinping Zhao
      83. Joel Brown
      84. John Moore
      85. Jonathan Kingslake
      86. Jonathan M. Lilly
      87. Julius Lauber
      88. K. Daae
      89. K. Langley
      90. K. Makinson
      91. K. Matsuoka
      92. K. W. Nicholls
      93. Kaihe Yamazaki
      94. Kathryn L. Gunn
      95. Kay I. Ohshima
      96. Kirsty Langley
      97. Kjersti Birkeland Daae
      98. Kjersti L. Daae
      99. Kjetil Våge
      100. Konstantinos Petrakopoulos
      101. L. H. Smedsrud
      102. L.H. Smedsrud
      103. Lars H. Smedsrud
      104. Laura Cimoli
      105. Laura Herraiz-Borreguero
      106. Laurie Padman
      107. Lenneke Jong
      108. Lisbeth Håvik
      109. Long Lin
      110. Lukas Krieger
      111. Mats Jørgen Øyan
      112. Matthis Auger
      113. Melissa Chierici
      114. Melissa M. Bowen
      115. Michael J. Bentley
      116. Michael P. Meredith
      117. Neil Ross
      118. P. E. D. Davis
      119. P. G. D. Anker
      120. Pål Erik Isachsen
      121. Pär Jansson
      122. Pasquale Castagno
      123. Paul A. Dodd
      124. Paul R. Holland
      125. Pavel Serov
      126. Pedro Llanillo
      127. Peter Davis
      128. Peter E. D. Davis
      129. Pierpaolo Falco
      130. Pierre Mathiot
      131. Ping Chen
      132. Pippa L. Whitehouse
      133. R.S. Pickart
      134. Rachael D. Mueller
      135. Reinhard Drews
      136. Richard C.A. Hindmarsh
      137. Robert Mulvaney
      138. Rodrigo Kerr
      139. Rune Graversen
      140. Rupert M. Gladstone
      141. S. H. R. Rosier
      142. S. Østerhus
      143. Sarah Purkey
      144. Sebastien Moreau
      145. Shenjie Zhou
      146. Shigeru Aoki
      147. Stanley S. Jacobs
      148. Steingrímur Jónsson
      149. Stephen L. Cornford
      150. Stephen M. Platt
      151. Stephen R. Rintoul
      152. Susan L. Howard
      153. Svein Erik Hamran
      154. Takeshi Tamura
      155. Tatiana Tsagaraki
      156. Ted Scambos
      157. Terje Berge
      158. Thomas Ryan-Keogh
      159. Thomas Zwinger
      160. Tone Falkenhaug
      161. Ursula Schauer
      162. V. Tverberg
      163. Weiyang Bao
      164. Wilken-Jon von Appen
      165. Wilken‐Jon von Appen
      166. Won Sang Lee
      167. Xiaoran Guo
      168. Xiaoyu Wang
      169. Xylar S. Asay-Davis
      170. Yoshihiro Nakayama
      171. Yuwei Xia
      172. Zhaomin Wang