tidligere ansatt
Welfare and survival of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) in Norwegian commercial Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) production
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Aquaculture 2023-07
Temperature and size-dependency of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) oxygen requirement and tolerance
Mette Remen, Armand Moe Nes [+7]
Aquaculture 2022-02
Changes in water temperature and oxygen: the effect of triploidy on performance and metabolism in large farmed Atlantic salmon
F Sambraus, M Remen [+8]
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 2018-04-19
Water temperature and oxygen: The effect of triploidy on performance and metabolism in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) post-smolts
Florian Sambraus, Rolf Erik Olsen [+4]
Aquaculture 2017-04
The oxygen threshold for maximal feed intake of Atlantic salmon post-smolts is highly temperature-dependent
Mette Remen, Michael Sievers [+2]
Aquaculture 2016-11
Effect of ectoparasite infestation density and life‑history stages on the swimming performance of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar
S Bui, T Dempster [+2]
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 2016-06-14
Hypoxia tolerance thresholds for post-smolt Atlantic salmon: Dependency of temperature and hypoxia acclimation
Mette Remen, Frode Oppedal [+3]
Aquaculture 2013-12
Production performance of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salarL.) postsmolts in cyclic hypoxia, and following compensatory growth
Mette Remen, Turid Synnøve Aas [+5]
Aquaculture Research 2012-12-06
Effects of cyclic environmental hypoxia on physiology and feed intake of post-smolt Atlantic salmon: Initial responses and acclimation
Aquaculture 2012-01
Interactive effects of ammonia and oxygen on growth and physiological status of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
Mette Remen, Albert Kjartansson Imsland [+3]
Aquaculture 2008-02
Er skjelltap og finneskader utviklet ved settefiskanlegg årsak til sårdødelighet etter utsett?
Mette Remen, Ola Kvaal Brandshaug [+2]
TEKSET 2022-05-04
Utsettstidspunkt og utsettsstørrelse; betydning for velferd og helse ved vinterutsett i 2019-2020.
Mette Remen, Ola Kvaal Brandshaug [+4]
TEKSET 2021-02-16
Er postsmolt fra RAS en hardhaus? Prestasjon og velferd ved midtvinters utsett.
Mette Remen, Ola Kvaal Brandshaug [+5]
TEKSET 2020-02-12
Possible Use of Lumpfish to Control Caligus elongatus Infestation on Farmed Atlantic Salmon: A Mini Review
Albert K. Imsland, Mette Remen [+5]
Journal of Ocean University of China 2020-09-02
Caligus elongatus and other sea lice of the genus Caligus as parasites of farmed salmonids: A review
Willy Hemmingsen, Ken MacKenzie [+4]
Aquaculture 2020-05
Acute and long-term effects of variable transport conditions on stress and growth parameters in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus).
Mette Remen, Thor-Arne Hangstad [+3]
Aquaculture Europe 2016-09-21
Oksygentoleranse hos postsmolt laks; Effekt av temperatur og akklimering.
Mette Remen, Rolf Erik Olsen [+3]
Programkonferansen Havbruk 2014 2014-03-31
Får oppdrettslaks nok oksygen i merdene?
Mette Remen, Thomas Torgersen [+4]
Akvasamling ved Havforskningsinsituttet 2012-10-17
Metabolisme, fôrinntak, fordøyelse og vekst hos laksepostsmolt i syklisk hypoksi.
Mette Remen, Rolf Erik Olsen [+2]
Programkonferansen HAVBRUK 2012 2012-04-18
Laksens vekst- og stressnivå påvirkes av svingende oksygenverdier.
Mette Remen, Frode Oppedal [+4]
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 2012