Anna Siwertsson
Miljøutredning og overvåking


+ 47 95 77 91 59


Publikasjoner (92)

  1. Ecosystem risk from human use of ocean space and resources: A case study from the Norwegian coast

    Johanna M. Aarflot, Vilde R. Bjørdal [+8]

    Ocean & Coastal Management 2024-10

  1. High parasite diversity in the amphipod Gammarus lacustris in a subarctic lake

    Jenny C. Shaw, Eirik H. Henriksen [+7]

    Ecology and Evolution 2020-10-05

  2. Allometric trajectories of body and head morphology in three sympatric Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) morphs

    Marianne Knutsdotter Simonsen, Anna Siwertsson [+4]

    Ecology and Evolution 2017-08-08

  3. Molecular analyses reveal high species diversity of trematodes in a sub-Arctic lake

    Miroslava Soldánová, Simona Georgieva [+11]

    International Journal for Parasitology 2017-05

  4. Variation in functional trait composition of benthic invertebrates across depths and seasons in a subarctic lake

    André Frainer, Kristin S. Johansen [+6]

    Fundamental and Applied Limnology 2016-07-01

  5. A specialised cannibalistic Arctic charr morph in the piscivore guild of a subarctic lake

    Rune Knudsen, Karl Øystein Gjelland [+5]

    Hydrobiologia 2016-02-05

  6. Parallel evolution of profundal Arctic charr morphs in two contrasting fish communities

    Rune Knudsen, Per-Arne Amundsen [+4]

    Hydrobiologia 2016-01-28

  7. Takvatnprosjektet - Forskning og kultivering av en overbefolka røyebestand

    Per-Arne Amundsen, Aslak Smålås [+4]

    Septentrio Reports 2015-04-23

  8. Temporal stability in gill raker numbers of subarctic European whitefish populations

    A. Siwertsson, R. Knudsen [+1]

    Advances in Limnology 2012-04-02

  9. Temporal stability of niche use exposes sympatric Arctic charr to alternative selection pressures

    Rune Knudsen, Anna Siwertsson [+4]

    Evolutionary Ecology 2010-11-24

  10. The role of gill raker number variability in adaptive radiation of coregonid fish

    Kimmo K. Kahilainen, Anna Siwertsson [+4]

    Evolutionary Ecology 2010-07-27

  11. Long‐term responses of zooplankton to invasion by a planktivorous fish in a subarctic watercourse


    Freshwater Biology 2008-12-08

  1. Climate Driven Ecosystem Reorganization and Cumulative Risk in the Arctic

    Raul Primicerio, Andre Frainer Barbosa [+5]

    Nansen Legacy symposium: Towards a new Arctic Ocean - Past, Present, Future 2023-11-06

  2. Climate driven ecosystem reorganization and cumulative risk in the High North

    Raul Primicerio, Andre Frainer Barbosa [+5]

    5th International Symposium Effects of Climate Change on the World's Ocean 2023-04-17

  3. Climate warming impacts on diversity and structure of coastal fish assemblages at northern latitudes

    Anna Siwertsson, Magnus Aune [+2]

    ECSA59 - using the best scientific knowledge for the sustainable management of estuaries and coastal seas 2022-09-05

  1. Parasites permeate a subarctic lake food web

    Kevin D. Lafferty, Anna Siwertsson [+7]

    ASLO 2017 2017-02-27

  2. Lake factors promoting polymorphism in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)

    Marianne Simonsen, Anna Siwertsson [+3]

    Open research day (fagdag) UiT 2015-11-19

  3. Towards a holistic view of a lake food web - the importance of including benthic habitats and parasites

    Anna Siwertsson, Per-Arne Amundsen [+7]

    Research open Day (instituttseminar) 2015-11-19

  4. Towards a holistic view of a lake food web - the importance of including benthic habitats and parasites

    Anna Siwertsson, Per-Arne Amundsen [+7]

    Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystems Conference - Evolution, interaction and global change 2015-08-30

  5. Evolutionary and ecosystem consequences of a piscivore profundal morph of Arctic charr

    Rune Knudsen, Anna Siwertsson [+4]

    The 8th International Charr Symposium 2015-06-15

  6. Parallel evolution of profundal Arctic charr niches in two contrasting fish communities

    Anders Klemetsen, Per-Arne Amundsen [+4]

    The 8th International Charr Symposium 2015-06-15

  7. Structure of diet specialization in Arctic charr using a network approach

    Anna Siwertsson, Rune Knudsen [+1]

    The 8th International Charr Symposium 2015-06-15

  8. Ontogenetic dynamics of Diphyllobothrium infections in sympatric Arctic charr and brown trout

    Eirik Haugstvedt Henriksen, Rune Knudsen [+5]

    The 8th International Charr Symposium 2015-06-15

  9. Ontogenetic trajectories of body and head morphology in three sympatric Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) morphs

    Marianne Simonsen, Colin Ean Adams [+3]

    The 8th International Charr Symposium 2015-06-15

  10. Food web structure in a subarctic lake

    Anna Siwertsson, Per-Arne Amundsen [+7]

    Invited guest lecture 2015-05-07

  11. The role of parasites in food-web of subarctic lakes

    Rune Knudsen, Anna Siwertsson [+3]

    Invited guest lecture 2014-05-05

  12. Incipient speciation and ecosystem dynamics in subarctic lakes

    Rune Knudsen, Anna Siwertsson [+3]

    Invited guest lecture 2014-02-13

  13. The role of parasites in food-web topology and dynamics of subarctic lakes – background and current status

    Anna Siwertsson, Rune Knudsen [+3]

    Seminar at UC Santa Barbara 2014-02-03

  14. Incipient speciation in subarctic Scandinavia

    Rune Knudsen, Kim Præbel [+2]

    Gjesteforelesning 2013-10-04

  15. Ecological speciation in subarctic whitefish and Arctic charr

    Per-Arne Amundsen, Rune Knudsen [+4]

    CEES Seminar 2013-04-10

  16. Incipient ecological speciation in subarctic whitefish

    Per-Arne Amundsen, Rune Knudsen [+4]

    Workshop on patterns and processes of intraspecific divergence and their relevance to aquatic biological diversity 2013-02-25

  17. Diversity of whitefish populations in northern Fennoscandia

    Anna Siwertsson, Rune Knudsen [+3]

    Research Open Day (instituttseminar) 2012-11-21

  18. Adaptive niche proliferation of polymorphic whitefish along the Kautokeino riversystem in northern Norway

    Kjartan Østbye, Kim Præbel [+3]

    11th International symposium on the biology and management of coregonid fishes 2011-09-26

  19. Parallel post-glacial re-colonisation of European whitefish morphs in northern Fennoscandia

    Kim Præbel, Kjartan Østbye [+5]

    11th International symposium on the biology and management of coregonid fishes 2011-09-26

  20. Incipient ecological speciation in subarctic salmonids

    Per-Arne Amundsen, Rune Knudsen [+3]

    Guest Lecture - UC Santa Barbara 2011-06-27

  21. Polymorphism and ecological speciation in freshwater fish

    Per-Arne Amundsen, Rune Knudsen [+4]

    Guest Lecture- NOAA Fisheries 2011-04-08

  22. Polymorphism and ecological speciation in European whitefish and Arctic charr

    Per-Arne Amundsen, Rune Knudsen [+4]

    Guest Lecture - Oregon State University 2011-03-29

  23. Incipient speciation through ecological divergence in subarctic European whitefish populations

    Kim Præbel, Anna Siwertsson [+2]

    EV-Seminars, IFM-Geomar 2011-02-16

  24. Incipient speciation through ecological divergence in subarctic whitefish populations

    Kim Præbel, Anna Siwertsson [+3]

    Seminar at CEES 2010-11-22

  25. Incipient speciation and adaptive radiation in fishes from northern Scandinavia

    Rune Knudsen, Anna Siwertsson [+2]

    Seminar in fish polymorphism & ecology 2010-11-11

  26. Resource polymorphism and incipient speciation in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) from a subarctic lake

    Rune Knudsen, Per-Arne Amundsen [+2]

    Woorkshop in limnology/freshwater ecology 2010-05-05

  27. Incipient ecological speciation in subarctic whitefish populations

    Anna Siwertsson

    Seminar at the University of Texas at Austin 2010-02-22

  28. Variable patterns of phenotypic diversification within whitefish (Coregounus lavaretus) populations in northern Scandinavia

    Anna Siwertsson, Rune Knudsen [+3]

    Evolutionary Ecology of Fishes: Diversification, Adaptation and Speciation 2009-11-23

  29. High inter-individual temporal consitency of narrow niches - an early step in the speciation process?

    Rune Knudsen, Anna Siwertsson [+4]

    Evolutionary Ecology of Fishes: Diversification, Adaptation and Speciation 2009-11-23

  30. Stability of Gill Raker Numbers through Time in Subarctic Whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus (L.))Polulations

    Anna Siwertsson, Rune Knudsen [+1]

    Tenth International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes 2008-08-24

  31. Incipient ecological speciation in subarctic whitefish populations – a starting project

    Anna Siwertsson, Rune Knudsen [+1]

    Graduate-meeting of the specialized section “Ecology” of the German Zoological Society. “The ecology of specialized individuals in populations: prerequisites – constraints – development – relevance” 2008-03-07

  1. Økokyst – delprogram Barentshavet, Årsrapport 2022

    Guttorm Christensen, Lars-Henrik Larsen [+14]


  2. ØKOKYST – delprogram Norskehavet Nord, Årsrapport 2022

    Guttorm Christensen, Hans Petter Mannvik [+14]


  3. Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of Norwegian Barents Sea Shelf Ecosystems

    Anna Siwertsson, Berengere Husson [+29]

    Rapport fra havforskningen 2023

  1. Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of Norwegian Barents Sea Shelf Ecosystems - Appendices

    Anna Siwertsson, Berengere Husson [+29]

    Rapport fra havforskningen 2023

  2. Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of the North Sea Shelf Ecosystem - Appendices

    Per Arneberg, Berengere Husson [+22]

    Rapport fra havforskningen 2023

  3. Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of the North Sea Shelf Ecosystem

    Per Arneberg, Berengere Husson [+22]

    Rapport fra havforskningen 2023

  4. Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of the Norwegian Sea Pelagic Ecosystem

    Per Arneberg, Anna Siwertsson [+13]

    Rapport fra havforskningen 2023

  1. Introduction of Mysis relicta (Mysida) reduces niche segregation between deep-water Arctic charr morphs

    Rune Knudsen, Antti Eloranta [+3]

    The 9th International Charr Symposium 2018-06-18

  2. Parallelism in parasite infections in two polymorphic Arctic charr populations in subarctic Norway

    Rune Knudsen, Birgitte Refsnes [+3]

    The 8th International Charr Symposium 2015-06-15

  1. A diagnostic tool for efficient genetic analysis of population structure in coregonids

    Kim Præbel, Jon-Ivar Westgaard [+5]

    11th International symposium on the biology and management of coregonid fishes 2011-09-26

  2. Ongoing ecological speciation in Fennoscandian whitefish?

    Rune Knudsen, Kim Præbel [+4]

    First European Conference on Speciation Research 2010-12-12

  3. Significance of gill rakers in Coregonus radiation

    Kimmo K. Kahilainen, Anna Siwertsson [+4]

    Evolutionary Ecology of Fishes: Diversification, Adaptation and Speciation 2009-11-23

  1. Evolusjon og artsdannelse i nord-norske innsjøer

    Anna Siwertsson

    Rekruteringsdag ved BFE fakultetet 2014-10-06

  2. Early speciation into dark side of life

    Rune Knudsen, Sigrid Østrem Skoglund [+4]

    Instituttseminar 2012-11-21

  1. Evolusjon og artsdannelse i nord-norske innsjøer

    Anna Siwertsson

    Rekruteringsdag ved BFE fakultetet 2012-10-18

  2. Incipient ecological speciation in northern salmonids

    Rune Knudsen, Kim Præbel [+4]

    Foredrag 2012-02-02

  3. Evolusjon og artsdannelse i nord-norske innsjøer

    Anna Siwertsson

    Rekruteringsdag på BFE fakultetet 2011-10-17

  4. Incipient speciation of whitefish and Arctic charr

    Rune Knudsen, Anna Siwertsson [+2]

    Student exchange seminar 2011-08-25

  1. Forskning og kultivering av en overbefolka røyebestand

    Per-Arne Amundsen, Aslak Smalås [+4]


  2. Darwins fisker? Spennende evolusjon hos røye og sik

    Rune Knudsen, Anna Siwertsson [+1]

    Ottar 2008

  3. Invasjon av lagesild i Pasvikvassdraget

    Per-Arne Amundsen, Karl øystein Gjelland [+4]

    Ottar 2008

      Akademisk artikkel

        Co-authors (178)

          65 works (with: 1 others)

        1. Rune Knudsen

          58 works (with: 1 others)

        1. Per-Arne Amundsen

          27 works (with: 1 others)

        1. Kim Præbel

          20 works (with: 1 others)

        1. Anders Klemetsen

          12 works (with: 1 others)

        1. Kimmo K. Kahilainen

          10 works (with: 1 others)

        1. Roar Kristoffersen

          9 works (with: 1 others)

        1. Raul Primicerio

          8 works (with: 1 others)

        1. Per Arneberg

          7 works (with: 2 others)

        1. Berengere Husson
        2. Per‐Arne Amundsen

          6 works (with: 4 others)

        1. Colin Ean Adams
        2. Kevin D. Lafferty
        3. Per Fauchald
        4. Svein-Erik Fevolden

          5 works (with: 3 others)

        1. Armand M. Kuris
        2. Hiroko Kato Solvang
        3. Knut Yngve Børsheim

          4 works (with: 11 others)

        1. André Frainer
        2. Antti Eloranta
        3. Antti P. Eloranta
        4. Colin E. Adams
        5. Eirik Haugstvedt Henriksen
        6. Gro Ingleid van der Meeren
        7. Jesper Andreas Kuhn
        8. Magnus Aune
        9. Marianne Simonsen
        10. Miroslava Soldánová
        11. Sissel Jentoft

          3 works (with: 12 others)

        1. Aril Slotte
        2. Armand Kuris
        3. Brian Hayden
        4. Elizabeth Marie Jones
        5. Jason Newton
        6. Jenny C. Shaw
        7. Jenny Shaw
        8. Jesper A. Kuhn
        9. Kevin Lafferty
        10. Kjartan Østbye
        11. R. Knudsen
        12. Ulf Ove Lindstrøm

          2 works (with: 63 others)

        1. Agneta Fransson
        2. Anders Martin Frugård Opdal
        3. Andre Barbosa Frainer
        4. Andre Frainer Barbosa
        5. Anette Engesmo
        6. Ann Kathrin Baur
        7. Anna Jeja Gabriella Ljungström
        8. Aslak Smalås
        9. Anne Tårånd Aasen
        10. August E.Dessen Tobiesen
        11. Birgitte Refsnes
        12. Bjarte Bogstad
        13. Cecilie Kvamme
        14. Christian Lydersen
        15. Côme Denechaud
        16. Deanna Marie Leonard
        17. Espen Johnsen
        18. Espen Strand
        19. Georg Skaret
        20. Guttorm Christensen
        21. Guldborg Søvik
        22. Haakon Hop
        23. Hannes Höffle
        24. Helene Frigstad
        25. Hans Petter Mannvik
        26. Ida Dahl-Hansen
        27. Jane Uhd Jepsen
        28. Joël Durant
        29. Jon Albretsen
        30. Jon-Ivar Westgaard
        31. Karen Assmann
        32. Karl øystein Gjelland
        33. Kristine Hopland Sperre
        34. Kit M. Kovacs
        35. Laurene Anne Marie Pecuchet
        36. Laurene Peuchet
        37. Lars-Henrik Larsen
        38. Malin Daase
        39. Michael Power
        40. Morten D. Skogen
        41. Nils Inge Øien
        42. Odd Terje Sandlund
        43. Olga Pavlova
        44. Pål Buhl-Mortensen
        45. Paul Wassmann
        46. Paul E. Renaud
        47. Philipp Assmy
        48. Randi Brunvær Ingvaldsen
        49. Rosalyn Fredriksen
        50. Rolf Anker Ims
        51. Sebastian Gerland
        52. Stine Hermansen
        53. Shripathi Bhat
        54. Sigrid Lind
        55. Sigrid Østrem Skoglund
        56. Sabine Cochrane
        57. Terri Ann Souster
        58. Thomas Bøhn
        59. Tone Falkenhaug
        60. Tore Johannessen
        61. Trine Bekkby
        62. Wenche Eikrem
        63. Yves Reecht

          1 works (with: 75 others)

        1. Katherine M. Dunlop
        2. Jofrid Skarðhamar
        3. Øystein Varpe
        4. A. P. Eloranta
        5. Åge Sigurd Høines
        6. Ana-Maria Peris Tamayo
        7. Aneta Kostadinova
        8. Armand M Kuris
        9. Åshild Ø. Pedersen
        10. Aslak Smålås
        11. B. Hayden
        12. Benjamin Planque
        13. Bérengère Husson
        14. C. Harrod
        15. Cecilie H. von Quillfeldt
        16. Cesilie Lien
        17. Dana Morton
        18. E. Saltykova
        19. Erik Berg
        20. Erling Kåre Stenevik
        21. Felicia Keulder-Stenevik
        22. Gro I. van der Meeren
        23. Hallvard Jensen
        24. J.‐P. Myllykangas
        25. Jana Roháčová
        26. Jane U. Jepsen
        27. Jenny Jensen
        28. Johanna M. Aarflot
        29. John E. Brittain
        30. K. K. Kahilainen
        31. K. Præbel
        32. Karl Ø. Gjelland
        33. Karl Øystein Gjelland
        34. Kim Praebel
        35. Kimmo Kahilainen
        36. Kotaro Ono
        37. Kristin S. Johansen
        38. laina h DalsbØ
        39. Leif Nøttestad
        40. Marianne Knutsdotter Simonsen
        41. Marina Espinasse
        42. Markku Karhunen
        43. Mette Skern-Mauritzen
        44. Mike Power
        45. Monica Garduño-Paz
        46. Nigel G. Yoccoz
        47. Nigel Gilles Yoccoz
        48. Nigel Yoccoz
        49. Otso Ovaskainen
        50. Øystein Skagseth
        51. P.-A. Amundsen
        52. P.‐A. Amundsen
        53. Paolo Moccetti
        55. Rachel A. Paterson
        57. Roger I. Jones
        58. Rolf A. Ims
        59. Runar Kjær
        60. S. M. Thomas
        61. Seyed Karim Mousavi
        62. Shannon E. Moore
        63. Shriphati Bath
        64. Sigrid Skoglund
        65. Simona Georgieva
        66. Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo
        67. Sonja Kistenich
        68. Stefano Peruzzi
        69. Svein‐Erik Fevolden
        70. THOMAS BØHN
        71. Tomáš Scholz
        72. Ulf Lindström
        73. Ulf Lindstrøm
        74. Vilde R. Bjørdal
        75. Webjørn Raunsgård Melle