Geir Morten Skeie
Miljørisiko- og beredskapsanalyser


+ 47 91 37 22 52


Publikasjoner (14)

  1. An annual profile of the impacts of simulated oil spills on the Northeast Arctic cod and haddock fisheries

    JoLynn Carroll, Håvard G. Frøysa [+7]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2022-11

  2. Simulating crude oil exposure, uptake and effects in North Atlantic Calanus finmarchicus populations

    Ole Jacob Broch, Raymond Nepstad [+4]

    Marine Environmental Research 2020-12

  1. Assessing impacts of simulated oil spills on the Northeast Arctic cod fishery

    JoLynn Carroll, Frode Vikebø [+7]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2018-01

  2. ERA Acute – A Multi-Compartment Quantitative Risk Assessment for Oil Spills

    Cathrine Stephansen, Anders Bjørgesæter [+14]

    International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 2017-05-01

  1. Protecting seabirds by targeted and focused species-specific oil spill response strategies

    Geir Morten Skeie & Geir Helge Rødli Systad

    3rd World Seabird Conference 2021-08-04

  2. GIS-based assessment of the potential for predicting seabird distribution in shallow and intertidal habitats.

    Geir Helge Rødli Systad & Geir Morten Skeie

    2nd World Seabird Conference 2015-10-26

  3. An ecosystem-based modeling system for predicting oil spill impacts in the marine environment

    JoLynn Carroll, Geir Morten Skeie [+30]

    Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014-01-26

  1. SYMBIOSES - An integrated modeling framework for decision support in marine ecosystem based management

    JoLynn Carroll, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø [+6]

    Arctic Frontiers 2013 2013-01-20

  2. An ecosystem based impact assessment and management tool for the marine environment

    JoLynn Carroll, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø [+6]

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration meeting 2012-11-20

  1. Standardisering og tilrettelegging av sjøfugldata til bruk i konsekvens- og miljørisikoberegninger

    Geir Helge Rødli Systad, Anders Bjørgesæter [+2]

    NINA rapport 2018

    1. ERA ACUTE – A multi-compartment quantitative risk assessment methodology for oil spills

      Cathrine Stephansen, Anders Bjørgesæter [+14]

      International Oil Spill Conference 2017 2017-05-15

      1. SYMBIOSES – et integrert modelleringsverktøry for støtte til marin økosystem basert forvaltning

        JoLynn Carroll, Frode Bendiksen Vikebø [+6]

        Risikoforvaltning, fiskeri og nye næringer i Nord 2013-09-17

        Co-authors (60)

          7 works (with: 3 others)

        1. Jo Lynn Carroll
        2. Ole Jacob Broch
        3. Raymond Nepstad

          6 works (with: 1 others)

        1. Daniel Howell

          5 works (with: 2 others)

        1. Jonas Juselius
        2. Starrlight Augustine

          4 works (with: 1 others)

        1. Frode Bendiksen Vikebø

          3 works (with: 7 others)

        1. Anders Bjørgesæter
        2. Geir Helge Rødli Systad
        3. Mark Reed
        4. Odd Willy Brude
        5. Tom Sørnes
        6. Trond Nordtug
        7. Ute Brönner

          2 works (with: 11 others)

        1. Christian Collin-Hansen
        2. Cathrine Stephansen
        3. F. Engen
        4. Frode Vikebø
        5. Grethe Kjeilen-Eilertsen
        6. Henrik Jonsson
        7. Jean-Marie Libre
        8. Julie Damsgaard Jensen
        9. Marte Rusten
        10. Radovan Bast
        11. Tonje Waterloo Rogstad

          1 works (with: 35 others)

        1. Perrine Geraudie
        2. Øystein Varpe
        3. A. Boye
        4. A.L. Heggø
        5. Bjarte Bogstad
        6. Bjørn Einar Grøsvik
        7. Bjørn Henrik Hansen
        8. C. S. Spikkerud
        9. Cathrine Spikkerud
        10. Cecilie Fjeld Nygaard
        11. Cecilie Nygaard
        12. Chris Klok
        13. Colin Janssen
        14. Dag Slagstad
        15. Elisa Ravagnan
        16. Frederik De Laender
        17. G. H. Johnsen
        18. Gro Harlaug Refseth
        19. H. Lura
        20. Håvard G. Frøysa
        21. I. S. Kristoffersen
        22. Ingrid Ellingsen
        23. Jan Hendriks
        24. Karel Viaene
        25. Ketil Eiane
        26. Leif Christian Stige
        27. Lisette de Hoop
        28. Mathias Bockwoldt
        29. Morten Hjorth
        30. Øystein Langangen
        31. P. M. Sævik
        32. Pepijn de Vries
        33. S. Jannicke Moe
        34. S. Rasmussen
        35. Steinar Sanni