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Migration to breeding areas by male sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus from the Northeast Atlantic Arctic
Christian Lydersen, Marie-Anne Blanchet [+9]
Scientific Reports 2025-03-06
Marine diets of anadromous Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in Svalbard, Norway
Olof Bengtsson, Christian Lydersen [+3]
Polar Biology 2023-09-22
Recolonization and recovery of an Arctic benthic community subject to mine-tailings deposits
Hilde C. Trannum, Kristine B. Pedersen [+3]
Journal of Sea Research 2023-02
Temporal trends of mercury in Arctic biota: 10 more years of progress in Arctic monitoring
Adam D. Morris, Simon J. Wilson [+25]
Science of The Total Environment 2022-09
Small Arctic rivers transport legacy contaminants from thawing catchments to coastal areas in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard
Maeve McGovern, Katrine Borgå [+4]
Environmental Pollution 2022-07
Is Glacial Meltwater a Secondary Source of Legacy Contaminants to Arctic Coastal Food Webs?
Maeve McGovern, Nicholas A. Warner [+8]
Environmental Science & Technology 2022-04-26
Telemetry data of red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) migrations in a north Norwegian fjord
Magnus Aune, Jenny L.A. Jensen [+4]
Data in Brief 2022-04
Space and Habitat Utilization of the Red King Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) in a Newly Invaded Fjord in Northern Norway
Magnus Aune, Jenny L. A. Jensen [+5]
Frontiers in Marine Science 2022-03-04
Increasing Trends of Legacy and Emerging Organic Contaminants in a Dated Sediment Core From East-Africa
Maja Nipen, Rolf David Vogt [+8]
Frontiers in Environmental Science 2022-01-07
Seasonal habitat use of a lagoon by ringed seals Pusa hispida in Svalbard, Norway
J Vacquié-Garcia, C Lydersen [+4]
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2021-09-30
Passive sampling and benchmarking to rank HOC levels in the aquatic environment
Ian John Allan, Branislav Vrana [+6]
Scientific Reports 2021-05-27
Evidence of energy and nutrient transfer from invasive pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) spawners to juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) in northern Norway
Kathy Dunlop, Antti P. Eloranta [+5]
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2020-11-16
Influence of Riverine Input on Norwegian Coastal Systems
Helene Frigstad, Øyvind Kaste [+7]
Frontiers in Marine Science 2020-06-04
Improved Environmental Status: 50 Years of Declining Fish Mercury Levels in Boreal and Subarctic Fennoscandia
Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten, Staffan Åkerblom [+13]
Environmental Science & Technology 2019-01-14
Detection of tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate and other organophosphorous compounds in Arctic rivers
Ian J. Allan, Øyvind A. Garmo [+4]
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018-08-18
Lifelong Exposure to PCBs in the Remote Norwegian Arctic Disrupts the Plasma Stress Metabolome in Arctic Charr
Patrick T. Gauthier, Anita Evenset [+3]
Environmental Science & Technology 2018-01-02
Freezer on, lights off! Environmental effects on activity rhythms of fish in the Arctic
Kate L. Hawley, Carolyn M. Rosten [+3]
Biology Letters 2017-12
Elucidating the Behavior of Cyclic Volatile Methylsiloxanes in a Subarctic Freshwater Food Web: A Modeled and Measured Approach
Ingjerd S. Krogseth, Emma Undeman [+5]
Environmental Science & Technology 2017-10-18
The Impact of a Nickel-Copper Smelter on Concentrations of Toxic Elements in Local Wild Food from the Norwegian, Finnish, and Russian Border Regions
Martine Hansen, Therese Nøst [+11]
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017-06-28
Biomarker response and hypothalamus-pituitary-interrenal axis functioning in Arctic charr from Bjørnøya (74°30′ N), Norway, with high levels of organohalogenated compounds
Even H. Jørgensen, Alec G. Maule [+7]
Aquatic Toxicology 2017-06
Metal speciation of historic and new copper mine tailings from Repparfjorden, Northern Norway, before and after acid, base and electrodialytic extraction
Kristine B. Pedersen, Pernille E. Jensen [+4]
Minerals Engineering 2017-06
Miniaturization of a transthyretin binding assay using a fluorescent probe for high throughput screening of thyroid hormone disruption in environmental samples
Xiyu Ouyang, Jean Froment [+6]
Chemosphere 2017-03
Novel terrestrial haul-out behaviour by ringed seals (Pusa hispida) in Svalbard, in association with harbour seals (Phoca vitulina)
Christian Lydersen, Jade Vaquie-Garcia [+3]
Polar Research 2017-01
Understanding of Cyclic Volatile Methyl Siloxane Fate in a High Latitude Lake Is Constrained by Uncertainty in Organic Carbon–Water Partitioning
Ingjerd Sunde Krogseth, Michael John Whelan [+4]
Environmental Science & Technology 2016-12-20
Arctic charr exploit restricted urbanized coastal areas during marine migration: Could they be in harm’s way?
J. L. A. Jensen, G. N. Christensen [+3]
Hydrobiologia 2016-05-09
Fine-scale behavioural differences distinguish resource use by ecomorphs in a closed ecosystem
Kate L. Hawley, Carolyn M. Rosten [+2]
Scientific Reports 2016-04-21
Photodegradation of PAHs in passive water samplers
Ian J. Allan, Guttorm Christensen [+2]
Marine Pollution Bulletin 2016-04
Seasonal variation in accumulation of persistent organic pollutants in an Arctic marine benthic food web
A. Evenset, I.G. Hallanger [+7]
Science of The Total Environment 2016-01
Methylmercury biomagnification in an Arctic pelagic food web
Anders Ruus, Ida B. Øverjordet [+6]
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2015-08-14
Current status, between-year comparisons and maternal transfer of organohalogenated compounds (OHCs) in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) from Bjørnøya, Svalbard (Norway)
J. Bytingsvik, M. Frantzen [+4]
Science of The Total Environment 2015-07
Characterization of AhR agonists reveals antagonistic activity in European herring gull (Larus argentatus) eggs
Martine Muusse, Guttorm Christensen [+6]
Science of The Total Environment 2015-05
Effect of diet, location and sampling year on bioaccumulation of mercury, selenium and cadmium in pelagic feeding seabirds in Svalbard
Ida Beathe Øverjordet, Geir Wing Gabrielsen [+7]
Chemosphere 2015-03
Toxic and essential elements changed in black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) during their stay in an Arctic breeding area
Ida Beathe Øverjordet, Magnus Brunvoll Kongsrud [+7]
Science of The Total Environment 2015-01
Allometric relationships to liver tissue concentrations of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in Atlantic cod
Nicholas A. Warner, Therese H. Nøst [+2]
Environmental Pollution 2014-07
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Agonists in European Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) Eggs From Norway
Martine Muusse, Guttorm Christensen [+3]
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2014-04-22
Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in Arctic Lakes
Ingjerd Sunde Krogseth, Nicholas Alexander Warner [+5]
Organohalogen Compounds 2014
Spatial Trends of Trace-Element Contamination in Recently Deposited Lake Sediment Around the Ni–Cu Smelter at Nikel, Kola Peninsula, Russian Arctic
Sigurd Rognerud, Vladimir A. Dauvalter [+4]
AMBIO 2013-02-19
Seasonality in contaminant accumulation in Arctic marine pelagic food webs using trophic magnification factor as a measure of bioaccumulation
Ingeborg G. Hallanger, Nicholas A. Warner [+6]
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2011-03-18
Benthic food-web structure of an Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard)
Paul E. Renaud, Michael Tessmann [+2]
Marine Biology Research 2010-12-03
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Dated Freshwater and Marine Sediments Along the Norwegian Coast
Ingvar Eide, Toril Berg [+4]
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 2010-10-16
Volatile Siloxanes in the European Arctic: Assessment of Sources and Spatial Distribution
Nicholas A. Warner, Anita Evenset [+4]
Environmental Science & Technology 2010-09-13
Historical and Geographical Trends in Sediment Chronology from Lakes and Marine Sites Along the Norwegian Coast
Jorunn Larsen, Peter G. Appleby [+3]
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 2009-06-02
Use of a food web model to evaluate the factors responsible for high PCB fish concentrations in Lake Ellasjøen, a high Arctic Lake
Sarah B. Gewurtz, Nilima Gandhi [+4]
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2008-12-23
Goose-mediated nutrient enrichment and planktonic grazer control in arctic freshwater ponds
G. J. Van Geest, D. O. Hessen [+7]
Oecologia 2007-07-03
Historical trends in persistent organic pollutants and metals recorded in sediment from Lake Ellasjøen, Bjørnøya, Norwegian Arctic
A. Evenset, G.N. Christensen [+5]
Environmental Pollution 2007-03
Seabird Guano Is an Efficient Conveyer of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) to Arctic Lake Ecosystems
A. Evenset, J. Carroll [+4]
Environmental Science & Technology 2007-01-11
Seabird Guano is an efficient conveyer of persistent organic pollutants (Pops) to Arctic Lake Ecosystems
Anita Evenset, Jo Lynn Carroll [+4]
Environmental Science and Technology 2007
Atmospheric transport of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) to Bjørnøya (Bear island)
Roland Kallenborn, Guttorm Christensen [+3]
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2007
Short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in biota from the European Arctic — differences in homologue group patterns
Margot Reth, Anita Ciric [+3]
Science of The Total Environment 2006-08-15
Development of a Multichemical Food Web Model: Application to PBDEs in Lake Ellasjøen, Bear Island, Norway
Nilima Gandhi, Satyendra P. Bhavsar [+5]
Environmental Science & Technology 2006-06-27
A comparison of contaminant dynamics in arctic and temperate fish: A modeling approach
Sarah B. Gewurtz, Rebecca Laposa [+5]
Chemosphere 2006-05
Selected chlorobornanes, polychlorinated naphthalenes and brominated flame retardants in Bjørnøya (Bear Island) freshwater biota
Anita Evenset, Guttorm N. Christensen [+1]
Environmental Pollution 2005-08
A comparison of organic contaminants in two high Arctic lake ecosystems, Bjørnøya (Bear Island), Norway
Anita Evenset, Guttorm N Christensen [+5]
Science of The Total Environment 2004-01
Contaminants in coastal waters 2022
Merete Schøyen, Merete Grung [+11]
NIVA-rapport 2024
Økokyst – delprogram Barentshavet, Årsrapport 2022
Guttorm Christensen, Lars-Henrik Larsen [+14]
Miljødirektoratet 2023
ØKOKYST – delprogram Norskehavet Nord, Årsrapport 2022
Guttorm Christensen, Hans Petter Mannvik [+14]
Forhold for overlevelse av Gyrodactylus salaris i Oslofjorden
Andre Staalstrøm, Guttorm Christensen [+1]
NIVA-rapport 2023
Overvåking og kartlegging av fremmed ferskvannsfisk ved bruk av miljø-DNA 2021
Anette Engesmo, Elianne Dunthorn Egge [+4]
NIVA-rapport 2022
Effektivsering av forvaltning av Svalbard-røye med miljø-DNA
Carolyn M Rosten, Henriette Vaagland [+4]
Svalbards Miljøvernfond 2021
Overvåking og kartlegging av fremmed ferskvannsfisk og vasspest ved bruk av miljø-DNA
Anette Engesmo, Sonja Kistenich [+4]
NIVA-rapport 2021
The impact of the spring 2020 snowmelt floods on physicochemical conditions in three Norwegian river-fjord-coastal systems
Amanda Poste, Øyvind Kaste [+8]
Evaluering av ØKOKYST - stasjonsnett og klassegrenser
Mats Gunnar Walday, Camilla With Fagerli [+6]
NIVA-rapport 2020
Mercury Risk Evaluation, Risk Management and Risk Reduction Measures in the Arctic (ARCRISK) – Inception Report
Cathrine Brecke Gundersen, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten [+9]
Overvåking og kartlegging av fremmed ferskvannsfisk ved bruk av miljø-DNA
Anette Engesmo, Steen Wilhelm Knudsen [+3]
NIVA-rapport 2019
Havbruksnæringens konsekvenser for økosystemtjenester og samfunn i nordområdene. Forprosjekt Balsfjorden
Bjørn-Steinar Sæther, Ann-Magnhild Solås [+8]
Nofima rapportserie 2017
Spatial and temporal trends of mercury in freshwater fish in Fennoscandia (1965-2015)
Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten, Staffan Åkerblom [+16]
NIVA-rapport 2017
Screening of UV chemicals, bisphenols and siloxanes in the Arctic
Magali Lucia, Geir W. Gabrielsen [+2]
Review and application of Russian and Norwegian methods for measuring and estimating riverine inputs of heavy metals to the Barents Sea
Ø. Kaste, I. Allan [+11]
Norsk institutt for vannforskning 2014
Health and environmental impacts in the Norwegian border area related to local Russian industrial emissions. Knowledge status.
Torkjel Manning Sandanger, Erik Eik Anda [+4]
NILU OR (NILU Oppdragsrapport) 2013
Passive air and water sampling at Andøya, Bjørnøya and Jan Mayen
Ian Allan, Wenche Aas [+6]
Norsk institutt for vannforskning 2012
Tilførselsprogrammet: 2010 Passive air and water sampling at Andøya, Bjørnøya and Jan Mayen, 2009-2010
Ian J. Allan, Wenche Aas [+4]
Norsk institutt for vannforskning 2011
Miljøovervåking av kvikksølv i abbor, 2010. Environmental survey of mercury in perch, 2010
E. Fjeld, S. Rognerud [+3]
Norsk institutt for vannforskning 2010
New brominated flame retardants in Arctic biota
Kjetil Sagerup, Dorte Herzke [+8]
Klima- og forurensningsdirektoratet 2010
Screening of new contaminants in samples from the Norwegian Arctic : Silver, Platinum, Sucralose, Bisphenol A, Tetrabrombisphenol A, Siloxanes, Phtalates (DEHP), Phosphororganic flame retardants
Anita Evenset, Henriette Leknes [+4]
StatoilHydros miljøovervåkningsprogram fra Snøhvit. Overvåkning av vann- og sedimentkjemi, vannvegetasjon, bunndyr og fisk - gjenanalyser 2008
B.L. Skjelkvåle, G.N. Christensen [+5]
Norsk institutt for vannforskning 2009
Statoils miljøovervåkingsprogram for Snøhvit. Overvåking av vann- og sedimentkjemi, vannvegetasjon, Bunndyr og fisk. Grunnlagsundersøkelsen 2006
B.L. Skjelkvåle, G.N. Christensen [+7]
Norsk institutt for vannforskning 2007
Undersøkelse av PCDD/PCDF i ferskvannsfisk i Sørvaranger. Oppfølgingsundersøkelse 2003.
Ellen Katrin Enge, Guttorm Christensen [+1]
NILU 2003
Ingunn Skjelvan, Helene Frigstad [+6]
Overvåkningsdagen 2023-11-28
Pollution from electronic waste in the physical environment
Maja Nipen, Katrine Borgå [+8]
Forskningsdagene: What is my phone doing in Africa? 2019-09-26
Factors affecting bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in a sub-arctic bentho-pelagic food web
Ingjerd Sunde Krogseth, Emma Undeman [+5]
16th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment 2017-06-18
Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in an Arctic lake
SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting 2015-05-03
Økt risko for gyrospredning
Lars W. Solheim, Guttorm Christensen [+3]
Villaksnytt 2023
Økt risiko for gyro-spredning?
Lars W. Solheim, Guttorm N. Christensen [+3]
Hvordan påvirkes bunnfauna i en nordnorsk fjord av avgangsmasser fra en kobbergruve?
Anita Evenset, Hilde Cecilie Trannum [+3]
Ottar 2023
SETAC Europe 32nd annual meeting 2022-05-15
Environmental status of Svalbard coastscapes and focal ecosystem components
Janne Søreide, Vanessa Pitusi [+23]
Arctic Science Summit Week 2021-03-19
Environmental fate and bioaccumulation of cVMS in a subarctic freshwater lake
Ingjerd Sunde Krogseth, E. Undeman [+5]
Workshop in Norway to gain a common understanding of the environmental fate and behavior of the volatile methylsiloxanes 2018-03-09
A Fennoscandian platform of freshwater fish mercury data for the evaluation of effects of transboundary air pollution
Staffan Åkerblom, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten [+2]
13th international Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant 2017-07-16
Temporal trends in Hg contamination and food web transfer on a remote Arctic Island (Bjørnøya, Svalbard). International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant
Amanda Poste, Anita Evenset [+1]
Riverine inputs to Norwegian fjords: Effects on lower food web structure and mercury bioaccumulation
Amanda Poste, Sebastiaan Koppelle [+6]
International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant 2017-07-16
Factors affecting bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in a subarctic benthopelagic food web
SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting 2017-05-07
Contamination of heavy metals in river sediment and mussels
Paul Eric Aspholm, Aune Veersalu [+5]
International meeting Raakku! Restoration of freshwater pearl mussel populations with new methods 2014-05-13
Mercury accumulation in planktonic food webs from Atlantic and Arctic water masses around Spitsbergen.
Ida Beathe Øverjordet, Torunn Berg [+8]
International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP) 2009-06-07
Seasonal variation of total mercury (Hg), metallothionein and catalase in black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)
Ida Beathe Øverjordet, Magnus Brunvoll Kongsrud [+8]
ICMGP 2009-06-07
Mercury accumulation in planktonic food webs from Atlantic and Arctic water masses around Spitsbergen
Ida Beathe Øverjordet, Torunn Berg [+9]
SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting 2009-05-31
Long range atmospheric transport of metals: Deposition gradients in Bjørnøya, a small arctic island
Marte Giæver Tveter, Eiliv Steinnes [+3]
XIII International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment 2005-06-05
The TerrACE project: Effects of terrestrial inputs on contaminant dynamics in Arctic coastal ecosystems
Amanda Poste, Ian Allan [+12]
Ecosystem Studies of Subarctic and Arctic Seas (ESSAS) 2017-06-11
Methylmercury in Arctic Seabirds - Seasonal inter-tissue differences
Anders Ruus, Ida Beathe Øverjordet [+5]
SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe 27th annual meeting 2017-05-07
Methylmercury in an Arctic food web - With focus on seabirds
Anders Ruus, Ida Beathe Øverjordet [+6]
NSFT (Norsk selskap for farmakologi og toksikologi) vintermøte 2017-01-26
Growth variability and shell mineralogy of the Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) from Finnmark, Norway
William G. Jr. Ambrose, M.L. Carroll [+5]
3rd International Sclerochronology Conference 2013-05-18
Seasonal changes in mercury accumulation in zooplankton from an Arctic marine food web
COPOL - Contaminants in polar regions: Dynamic Range of contaminants in polar marine ecosystems
Anders Ruus, Anita Evenset [+6]
5thSETAC World Congress 2008-08-03
Submarine and deep-sea mine tailing placements: A review of current practices, environmental issues, natural analogs and knowledge gaps in Norway and internationally
Eva Ramirez-Llodra, Hilde C. Trannum [+9]
Marine Pollution Bulletin 2015-08
Water quality and heavy metals in fresh water pearl mussels and their habitat.
Paul Eric Aspholm, Aune Veersalu [+4]