Kamila Sztybor
Biologiske analyser og taksonomi


+ 47 77 02 56 69


Publikasjoner (32)

  1. Influence of methane seepage on isotopic signatures in living deep-sea benthic foraminifera, 79° N

    Katarzyna Melaniuk, Kamila Sztybor [+3]

    Scientific Reports 2022-01-21

  2. Cold-seep ostracods from the western Svalbard margin: direct palaeo-indicator for methane seepage?

    Moriaki Yasuhara, Kamila Sztybor [+4]

    Journal of Micropalaeontology 2018-01-05

  3. Late glacial and deglacial palaeoceanographic changes at Vestnesa Ridge, Fram Strait: Methane seep versus non-seep environments

    Kamila Sztybor & Tine L. Rasmussen

    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2017-06

  1. Gas migration through a 150 m hydrate stability zone off Svalbard results in local shallow ‘secondary’ hydrate formation

    Troels Laier, Tine Lander Rasmussen [+2]

    9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates 2017-06-25

  2. Climate reconstruction from a methane influenced environment

    Kamila Sztybor, Tine Lander Rasmussen [+3]

    Steering Committee -Advisory Board Meeting with CAGE 2016 team 2016-11-28

  1. Climate reconstruction from a methane influenced environment

    Kamila Sztybor, Tine Lander Rasmussen [+3]

    AGU Fall Meeting 9-13 Dec. 2013 2013-12-09

  2. Challenges in reading the paleo-record from an extreme environment

    Kamila Sztybor, Tine Lander Rasmussen [+3]

    11th International Conference on Paleoceanography 2013-09-01

  3. Long-term methane release from the seabed: benthic foraminifera records from the Svalbard Margin, Fram Strait

    Kamila Sztybor, Tine Lander Rasmussen [+2]

    11th Conference of Gas in Marine Sediments 2012-09-04

  4. Methane release from the seabed and climate change, Arctic Frontiers

    Kamila Sztybor, Chiara Consolaro [+3]

    Arctic Frontiers 2012-01-25

  5. Dating active vs inactive methane seep sites in the pockmark-filed of the Vestnesa Ridge (NW Svalbard)

    Chiara Consolara, Kamila Sztybor [+3]

    EGU General Assembly 2011-04-02

      1. Methane release and its impact on the marine sedimentary record

        Kamila Sztybor, Tine Lander Rasmussen [+2]

        AMGG Research School Workshop 2015-03-23

      2. Methane emissions in the Arctic Ocean: from the past to the future

        Giuliana Panieri, Tine L. Rasmussen [+4]

        Arctic Frontiers 2015. Part I. Arctic climate change – global implications: Greenhouse gas emissions in the Arctic. 2015-01-18

      3. Influence of methane release from the seabed on reliability of the paleo-record

        Kamila Sztybor, Tine Lander Rasmussen [+3]

        GIMS - 12th International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments 2014-09-01

        1. Deglacial methane events in the Arctic

          Chiara Consolaro, Tine Lander Rasmussen [+2]

          Geophysical Research Abstracts 2013

        2. Dating active vs inactive seep sites in the pockmark-field of the Vestnesa Ridge (NW Svalbard)

          Chiara Consolaro, Kamila Sztybor [+3]

          Geophysical Research Abstracts 2011

          Co-authors (59)

            20 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Tine Lander Rasmussen

            10 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Jurgen Mienert

            9 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Stefan Bünz

            8 works (with: 2 others)

          1. Chiara Consolaro
          2. Tine L. Rasmussen

            4 works (with: 2 others)

          1. Katarzyna Melaniuk
          2. Tove Nielsen

            3 works (with: 5 others)

          1. Katarzyna Zamelczyk
          2. Mohamed Ezat
          3. Noortje Dijkstra
          4. Stefan Sommer
          5. Tina Treude

            2 works (with: 7 others)

          1. Andrea Schneider
          2. Antoon Kuijpers
          3. Marek Zajączkowski
          4. Nils-Martin Hanken
          5. Patrycja Ewa Jernas
          6. Siri Ofstad
          7. Troels Laier

            1 works (with: 40 others)

          1. A. Stolk
          2. Alfred Uchman
          3. Anna Baczewska
          4. C. Consolaro
          5. Chiara Consolara
          6. Christine Lockwood-Ireland
          7. Dag A. Karlsen
          8. Dhanushka Devendra
          9. Egon Hansen
          10. Elsebeth Thomsen
          11. Felicita Scapini
          12. G. Panieri
          13. Giacomo Osti
          14. Giovanni M. Marchetti
          15. Giuliana Panieri
          16. Griselda Anglada Ortiz
          17. Hayato Tanaka
          18. Helge I. Høeg
          19. Hisayo Okahashi
          20. J. Mienert
          21. Jesper Hansen
          22. Julie Meilland
          23. Lucia Fanini
          24. Maciej M. Telesiński
          25. Magdalena Łącka
          26. Marek Zajaczkowski
          27. May Baker
          28. Mohamed Mahmoud Ezat Ahmed Mohamed
          29. Moriaki Yasuhara
          30. N. Nørgaard-Pedersen
          31. Naima El bani Altuna
          32. Ole Secher Tendal
          33. Runa Sato
          34. S. Bünz
          35. Simon Pind Jessen
          36. T. L. Rasmussen
          37. Tesfamariam B. Abay
          38. Tine L. Rasmussen
          39. Tom Arne Rydningen
          40. Ulrike Hoff