Lars Olav Sparboe
Publikasjoner (11)
Diversification of marine aquaculture in Norway under climate change
Lynne Falconer, Lars Olav Sparboe [+10]
Aquaculture 2024-12
Comparison of Juvenile Spotted Wolffish, Anarhichas minor, Growth in Shallow Raceways and Circular Tanks
Albert K. Imsland, Snorri Gunnarsson [+4]
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 2007-03
The effect of temperature and fish size on growth and feed efficiency ratio of juvenile spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor
A. K. Imsland, A. Foss [+2]
Journal of Fish Biology 2006-04
The effect of temperature and fish size on growth and feed efficiency ratio of juvenile spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor
Albert Imsland, Atle Foss [+2]
Journal of Fish Biology 2006
Framtidas matproduksjon: Regjeringen spenner bein på egne mål
Magnus Petersen, Mari Bjordal [+8]
Nationen 2023-03-02
The spotted wolffish – intimidating but delicious
Trude Kristin Borch, Marianne Frantzen [+1]
Fram Forum 2023
Miljøkonsekvenser av akvakultur og sameksisterende næringer
Anita Evenset, Gro Harlaug Refseth [+16]
Akvaplan-niva rapport 2023