Maj Arnberg


+ 47 91 36 52 85


Publikasjoner (33)

  1. Effects of oil and global environmental drivers on two keystone marine invertebrates

    Maj Arnberg, Piero Calosi [+8]

    Scientific Reports 2018-11-26

  2. Effects of low crude oil chronic exposure on the northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica)

    Leon Moodley, Maj Arnberg [+10]

    Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2018-03

  3. Effects of chronic crude oil exposure on early developmental stages of the Northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica)

    Maj Arnberg, Leon Moodley [+9]

    Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2017-08-29

  4. Impacts of ocean acidification on survival, growth, and swimming behaviours differ between larval urchins and brittlestars

    Kit Yu Karen Chan, Daniel Grünbaum [+2]

    ICES Journal of Marine Science 2015-05-07

  5. Ocean acidification induces budding in larval sea urchins

    Kit Yu Karen Chan, Daniel Grünbaum [+3]

    Marine Biology 2012-11-09

  6. Biological impacts of ocean acidification: a postgraduate perspective on research priorities

    Samantha L. Garrard, R. C. Hunter [+18]

    Marine Biology 2012-08-26

  7. Effects of Ocean Acidification on Early Life Stages of Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) and Mussel (Mytilus edulis)

    Renée Katrin Bechmann, Ingrid Christina Taban [+6]

    Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2011-03-09

  1. Miljøkonsekvenser av akvakultur og sameksisterende næringer

    Anita Evenset, Gro Harlaug Refseth [+16]

    Akvaplan-niva rapport 2023

    1. Effekter av lusemidler på reker.

      Renée Katrin Bechmann, Maj Arnberg [+7]

      FHF møte med Ressursgruppe Sameksistens 2019-11-27

    2. Mikroplast – omfang og konsekvensar for liv og miljø i fjord og vassdrag

      Alessio Gomiero, Maj Arnberg [+4]

      Hardangerfjordseminaret 2018 2018-05-04

    3. Lakselusmedisin dreper reker

      Renée Katrin Bechmann, Emily Lyng [+11]

      Forskningsrådets og FHFs mini-seminar: Havmiljø - Nord-Fishing 2016-08-17

    1. Sensitivity of northern shrimp Pandalus borealis to commercial formulations used as anti-parasitic drugs.

      Renée Katrin Bechmann, Maj Arnberg [+7]

      Aquaculture Europe 19. Our Future – Growing from Water. 2019-10-07

    2. Combined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil related discharges. An example of and IRIS-Environmental project

      Renèe Katrin Bechmann, Maj Arnberg [+6]

      Besøk av Sam Fanshawe, vinner av Rachel Carson Prisen 2013 2013-06-03

    3. The combined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil spill on the development, feeding and metabolism of the Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) larvae

      Ingrid Christina Taban, Maj Arnberg [+4]

      The Arctic Ocean Acidification – International Conference 2013-05-06

    1. Combined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil related discharges

      Renèe Katrin Bechmann, Maj Arnberg [+6]

      The Arctic Ocean Acidification - International Conference 2013-05-06

    2. Combined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil related discharges

      Renèe Katrin Bechmann, Maj Arnberg [+6]

      Tekna Biotech Group - Temakveld 2013-04-25

    3. Combined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil related discharges

      Renèe Katrin Bechmann, Maj Arnberg [+6]

      4th Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium 2012-10-16

    4. On-going research at IRIS on the interaction between acidification and oil pollution

      Steinar Sanni, Renèe Katrin Bechmann [+2]

      ICES - SCICOM Steering Group on Human Interactions on Ecosystems (SSGHIE), Working Group on Biological Effects of Contaminants WGBEC 2012-03-12

    5. Ocean acidification in the real world – synergetic effects with temperature, toxicants and oil spills

      Sam Dupont, Maj Arnberg [+2]

      7th Alexander von Humboldt International Conference 2011-03-20

      1. Combined effects of ocean acidification and oil spill on the development of the green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis)

        Maj Arnberg, Sam Dupont [+4]

        Third International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World 2012-09-24

        Akademisk artikkel
        1. Biological impacts of ocean acidification: a postgraduate perspective on research priorities

          S. L. Garrard, R. C. Hunter [+18]

          Energy Systems, Springer Verlag 2012

          Co-authors (117)

            18 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Stig Westerlund

            10 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Thierry Baussant

            9 works (with: 2 others)

          1. Renée Katrin Bechmann
          2. Sam Dupont

            8 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Emily Lyng

            7 works (with: 1 others)

          1. John I. Spicer

            6 works (with: 3 others)

          1. Ingrid Christina Taban
          2. Renée K. Bechmann
          3. Renèe Katrin Bechmann

            5 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Piero Calosi

            4 works (with: 4 others)

          1. Alessio Gomiero
          2. Alfhild Kringstad
          3. Mark Berry
          4. P Calosi

            3 works (with: 7 others)

          1. Gro Harlaug Refseth
          2. Marianne Nilsen
          3. Shaw Bamber
          4. Shaw Duncan Bamber
          5. Sjur Vingen
          6. Sreerekha Ramanand
          7. Thorleifur Ágústsson

            2 works (with: 33 others)

          1. A. C. Lane
          2. A. Kumar
          3. A. Torstensson
          4. Anita Evenset
          5. B. G. Rodrigues Alves
          6. Daniel Grünbaum
          7. Elisa Ravagnan
          8. Evgenia Dunaevskaya
          9. F. Ape
          10. Frederike Keitel-Gröner
          11. G. V. Aguirre-Martínez
          12. Geraint A. Tarling
          13. J. C. Phillips
          14. Kit Yu Karen Chan
          15. Kjell Birger Øysæd
          16. Kjetil Sagerup
          17. Leon Moodley
          18. Les E Burridge
          19. M. D. Basallote
          20. M. M. Bjoerk
          21. M. R. de Orte
          22. Michael Thorndyke
          23. Paul J. Seear
          24. Paul Seear
          25. R. C. Hunter
          26. R. Dineshram
          27. R. H. Maneja
          28. S. Annane
          29. S. J. McCoy
          30. Sreerekha S. Ramanand
          31. Steinar Sanni
          32. Trine Dale
          33. U. Cardini

            1 works (with: 63 others)

          1. A. Ingvarsdóttir
          2. A. Y. Frommel
          3. Astrid Harendza
          4. Andrea Y. Frommel
          5. Anja Striberny
          6. Anna Ingvarsdottir
          7. Anna Ingvarsdóttir
          8. Anne Helene S. Tandberg
          9. Audun Iversen
          10. B.F. Godal
          11. Brit Fjone Godal
          12. C. Bjørkblom
          13. Claudia Halsband
          14. D.L. Joachim
          15. Dag Øystein Hjermann
          16. David Izquierdo-Gomez
          17. Dick Van Oevelen
          18. E. Ravagnan
          19. Eirik Inge Mikkelsen
          20. Eva Leu
          21. Fernanda Cisterna
          22. Francesco Regoli
          23. Gjermund Bahr
          24. Grete Jonsson
          25. Gunhild Borgersen
          26. Ian John Allan
          27. Ingrid C. Taban
          28. Ingrid Myrnes Hansen
          29. Jan Thomas Rundberget
          30. Katherine Langford
          31. Katrine Eriksen
          32. Kristine Bondo Pedersen
          33. Lionel Camus
          34. Les Burridge
          35. Les E. Burridge
          36. Linda Bærheim
          37. Lars Olav Sparboe
          38. Luca Tassara
          39. Magnus Drivdal
          40. Mari Mæland
          41. Marit Frederikke Markussen Bjorbækmo
          42. Maura Benedetti
          43. O Ortega-Martinez
          44. Ole Anders Nøst
          45. Øystein Glåmseter
          46. Per-Arne Emaus
          47. Patricio Feest
          48. Pernilla Carlsson
          49. Peter Van Breugel
          50. R. Caron Cooper
          51. R. Cooper
          52. Roy Robertsen
          53. S. Jannicke Moe
          54. S. L. Garrard
          55. S. Sanni
          56. Sam T. Dupont
          57. Samantha L. Garrard
          58. Shaw D. Bamber
          59. Silje Steinsbø
          60. Trude Borch
          61. Thorleifur Agustsson
          62. Tjalling Jager
          63. Wenche Eikrem