Peygham Ghaffari


+ 47 96 65 28 12


Publikasjoner (33)

  1. A note on the silent decline of the Caspian environment

    Hamid A.K. Lahijani, Peygham Ghaffari [+6]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2024-08

  2. Low-frequency sea level changes in the Caspian Sea: long-term and seasonal trends

    Jafar Azizpour & Peygham Ghaffari

    Climate Dynamics 2023-02-24

  1. SailBuoy Ocean Currents: Low-Cost Upper-Layer Ocean Current Measurements

    Nellie Wullenweber, Lars R. Hole [+4]

    Sensors 2022-07-25

  2. Wave-induced Lagrangian drift in a porous seabed

    Jan Erik H. Weber & Peygham Ghaffari

    Environmental Fluid Mechanics 2021-11-25

  3. Intrathermocline eddies in the Strait of Hormuz

    Jafar Azizpour, Hossein Farjami [+1]

    Arabian Journal of Geosciences 2021-10

  4. Stokes Drift in Topographic Waves over an Enclosed Basin Shelf

    Peygham Ghaffari, Jan Erik H. Weber [+2]

    Journal of Physical Oceanography 2020-05

  5. The Influence of Topography on the Stability of the Norwegian Atlantic Current off Northern Norway

    Peygham Ghaffari, Pål Erik Isachsen [+2]

    Journal of Physical Oceanography 2018-11

  6. Mass transport in internal coastal Kelvin waves

    Jan Erik H. Weber & Peygham Ghaffari

    European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids 2014-09

  7. Mass Transport in the Stokes Edge Wave for Constant Arbitrary Bottom Slope in a Rotating Ocean

    Peygham Ghaffari & Jan Erik H. Weber

    Journal of Physical Oceanography 2014-04-01

  8. Topographic effects on current variability in the Caspian Sea

    P. Ghaffari, P. E. Isachsen [+1]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2013-12

  9. Mass transport in the Stokes edge wave

    Jan Erik H. Weber & Peygham Ghaffari

    Journal of Marine Research 2009-03-01

  1. Introduction: Lake Urmia – A Hypersaline Waterbody in a Drying Climate

    Peygham Ghaffari & Evgeniy Yakushev

    Handbook of Environmental Chemistry 2023

    1. Introduction: Lake Urmia – A Hypersaline Waterbody in a Drying Climate

      Peygham Ghaffari & Evgeniy V. Yakushev

      The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry 2023

    2. Conclusions

      P. Ghaffari, E. V. Yakushev [+1]

      The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry 2023

    1. Comparative Study of the Major Ion Composition in Eurasian Salt Lakes: Lake Urmia, Lake Issyk-Kul, Aral Sea, and Dead Sea

      Natalia Yu. Andrulionis, Evgeniy V. Yakushev [+4]

      The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry 2023

    2. Global and Regional Signals in the Water Level Variation in Hypersaline Basin of the Lake Urmia

      Jafar Azizpour & Peygham Ghaffari

      The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry 2021

    3. Hydro-Meteorological Observations in Hypersaline Basin of Lake Urmia

      B. Sherkatiazin, E. V. Yakushev [+5]

      The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry 2021

    4. Modelling Biogeochemical and Physicochemical Regime Changes During the Drying Period of Lake Urmia

      E. V. Yakushev, O. A. Nøst [+3]

      The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry 2020

    1. The role of oceanographic processes on the deposition of microfibers an Arctic fjord (Adventfjorden, Svalbard)

      Peygham Ghaffari, Dorte Herzke [+1]

      7th International Marine Debris Conference (7IMDC) 2022-09-18

      1. Mean currents induced by spatially damped internal Kelvin waves: Application to Van Mijenfjorden in Svalbard

        Jan Erik H. Weber & Peygham Ghaffari

        8th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO) 2016-06-07

      2. Mass transport in the Stokes edge wave

        Jan Erik H. Weber & Peygham Ghaffari

        2nd MATHOCEAN Montpellier workshop 2010-02-01

        1. Autonomous surface and underwater vehicles reveal new discoveries in the Arctic Ocean

          Lionel Camus, David Peddie [+24]

          OCEANS 2019 - Marseille 2019-06

          1. Current conditions in the Oslofjord. Focus on current strength along the bottom

            Andre Staalstrøm & Peygham Ghaffari

            NIVA-rapport 2015

            Co-authors (79)

              7 works (with: 2 others)

            1. Jan Erik H. Weber
            2. Ole Anders Nøst

              4 works (with: 3 others)

            1. Evgeniy V. Yakushev
            2. Lionel Camus
            3. Salve Dahle

              3 works (with: 6 others)

            1. Claudia Halsband
            2. Dorte Herzke
            3. E. V. Yakushev
            4. Evgeniy Yakushev
            5. Inger Graves
            6. Jafar Azizpour

              2 works (with: 24 others)

            1. Katherine M. Dunlop
            2. Ann-Kristin Sperrevik
            3. Ana Sofia Aniceto
            4. Daniel Hayes
            5. David Peddie
            6. Geir Gramvik
            7. Geir Pedersen
            8. Hamid A. K. Lahijani
            9. Jan Henry Sundet
            10. Jeremy Cook
            11. Joel Pederick
            12. Jorn Bruggeman
            13. Kai Hakon Christensen
            14. Kanchana Bandara
            15. Luca Tassara
            16. Magnus Aune
            17. Mahnaz Jafari
            18. Malin Daase
            19. Natalia Yu. Andrulionis
            20. Peer Fietzek
            21. Stig Falk-Petersen
            22. Tor Langeland
            23. Trond Kristiansen
            24. Vigdis Tverberg

              1 works (with: 44 others)

            1. Hector Andrade
            2. Abdolmajid Naderi Beni
            3. Abolfazl Saleh
            4. Andre Staalstrøm
            5. Ann Sperrevik
            6. B. Sherkatiazin
            7. Behrooz Abtahi
            8. Caroline Aas Tranang
            9. E. Protsenko
            10. Gro Fonnes
            11. H. A. K. Lahijani
            12. H. A. Lahijani
            13. H. Schelwet
            14. Hamid A.K. Lahijani
            15. Harald Lura
            16. Harald Tholo
            17. Håvard Espenes
            18. Hossein Farjami
            19. J. Azizpour
            20. J. Bruggeman
            21. J. H. LaCasce
            22. Jan Erik Weber
            23. Johanne Rydsaa
            24. Kai Christensen
            25. Kai Sorensen
            26. Kai Sørensen
            27. Lars R. Hole
            28. Magnus Drivdal
            29. Marthe Larsen Haarr
            30. Milad Behravesh
            31. Nellie Wullenweber
            32. P. E. Isachsen
            33. Pål Erik Isachsen
            34. Petr O. Zavialov
            35. Rui Pires
            36. Stine Hermansen
            37. Sigurd Tjostheim
            38. Sigurd Tjøstheim
            39. Sünnje Basedow
            40. Sunnje Linnea Basedow
            41. Suzanne A.G. Leroy
            42. T. Knutz
            43. V. Chegini
            44. Vilde Sørnes Solbakken