Pierre Priou


+ 47 45 91 98 74


Publikasjoner (12)

  1. Uncrewed surface vehicles (USVs) as platforms for fisheries and plankton acoustics

    Nils Olav Handegard, Alex De Robertis [+11]

    ICES Journal of Marine Science 2024-09-17

  2. Sea-ice decline could keep zooplankton deeper for longer

    Hauke Flores, Gaëlle Veyssière [+12]

    Nature Climate Change 2023-08-28

  1. Pelagic organisms avoid white, blue, and red artificial light from scientific instruments

    Maxime Geoffroy, Tom Langbehn [+9]

    Scientific Reports 2021-07-22

  1. Bioglider: An Integrated Glider Solution for Enhancing Environmental Knowledge

    Yves Ponçon, Laurent Mortier [+16]

    OCEANS 2023 - MTS/IEEE U.S. Gulf Coast 2023-09-25

    1. Linking hydroacoustics with UVP imagery to study the Arctic pelagic ecosystem

      Maxime Geoffroy, Pierre Priou [+3]

      First Underwater Vision Profiler user meeting and MOPGA-TAD midterm symposium 2022-09-15

      1. Fine-scale distribution of zooplankton is linked to phytoplankton composition and abundance

        Fredrika Norrbin, Pierre Priou [+1]

        Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016-02-22

      2. Association between plankton and hydrography in Porsangerfjord, northern Norway

        Pierre Priou, Alejandro Prat Varela [+1]

        Workshop on Ecology of Northern Fjord s 2015-11-25


          Co-authors (73)

            5 works (with: 1 others)

          1. Maxime Geoffroy

            3 works (with: 2 others)

          1. Jørgen Berge
          2. Fredrika Norrbin

            2 works (with: 7 others)

          1. Alejandro Prat Varela
          2. David McKee
          3. Geir Johnsen
          4. Geir Pedersen
          5. Giulia Castellani
          6. Hauke Flores
          7. Malin Daase

            1 works (with: 63 others)

          1. Janne E. Søreide
          2. Øystein Varpe
          3. Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller
          4. Alex De Robertis
          5. Anna Nikolopoulos
          6. Arnault Le Bris
          7. Arne Johannes Holmin
          8. Astrid Cornils
          9. Barbara Niehoff
          10. Benoit Geller
          11. Christian Katlein
          12. Claudia Halsband
          13. Dan Hayes
          14. Daniel Vogedes
          15. David A Demer
          16. David Peddie
          17. Ehsan Abdi
          18. Else Nøst Hegseth
          19. Erin Kunisch
          20. Espen Johnsen
          21. F Maps
          22. Finlo Cottier
          23. Gaëlle Veyssière
          24. Ina Kostakis
          25. Jakub Zdroik
          26. Jeremy Wilkinson
          27. Jerome Coindat
          28. Jonathan A. D. Fisher
          29. Jonathan A.D. Fisher
          30. Jonathan Cohen
          31. Jonathan H. Cohen
          32. Joshua Lawrence
          33. Julienne Stroeve
          34. Katrin Schmidt
          35. Kim S. Last
          36. L Vilgrain
          37. Laurent Mortier
          38. Lionel Camus
          39. Lovro Valcic
          40. M Babin
          41. Marc Picheral
          42. Marcel Nicolaus
          43. Mario Hoppmann
          44. Muriel Barbara Dunn
          45. Michael Karcher
          46. Mikal Samuelsen
          47. Morten Thorstensen
          48. Naig Le Bouffant
          49. Nils Olav Handegard
          50. Peer Fitzek
          51. Paul E. Renaud
          52. Philip Anderson
          53. Rabea Rogge
          54. Richard O'Driscoll
          55. Rolf Gradinger
          56. Stephane Gauthier
          57. Sunnje Basedow
          58. Tarak Arbi
          59. Tom Langbehn
          60. Torsten Linders
          61. Tove M. Gabrielsen
          62. Virginie Ramasco
          63. Yves Ponçon