Stig Falk-Petersen
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Publikasjoner (193)

  1. Model-informed classification of broadband acoustic backscatter from zooplankton in an in situ mesocosm

    Muriel Dunn, Chelsey McGowan-Yallop [+11]

    ICES Journal of Marine Science 2023-12-07

  2. Diets of gadoid fish in Arctic waters of Svalbard fjords during the polar night

    Lars-Henrik Larsen, Marine Cusa [+6]

    Polar Biology 2023-06-23

  1. Ontogenetic changes in the body structure of the Arctic fish Leptoclinus maculatus

    S. N. Pekkoeva, E. A. Kondakova [+3]

    Scientific Reports 2023-03-06

  2. Large scale patches of Calanus finmarchicus and associated hydrographic conditions off the Lofoten archipelago

    Nicolas Weidberg, Nestor Santana Hernandez [+3]

    Journal of Marine Systems 2022-03

  3. Application of artificial neural network to estimate the quality of little auks' potential foraging grounds on Spitsbergen

    Rafał Boehnke, Marcin Wichorowski [+9]

    Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 2022-01-17

  4. Changes in Barents Sea Ice Edge Positions in the Last 442 Years. Part 2: Sun, Moon and Planets

    Jan-Erik Solheim, Stig Falk-Petersen [+2]

    International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics 2021

  5. Fatty acid composition of the postlarval daubed shanny (Leptoclinus maculatus) during the polar night

    Svetlana N. Pekkoeva, Svetlana A. Murzina [+5]

    Polar Biology 2020-04-23

  6. Changes in Barents Sea ice Edge Positions in the Last 440 years: A Review of Possible Driving Forces

    Nils-Axel Mörner, Jan-Erik Solheim [+2]

    International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics 2020

  7. Atlantic Water Pathways Along the North‐Western Svalbard Shelf Mapped Using Vessel‐Mounted Current Profilers

    Sebastian Menze, Randi B. Ingvaldsen [+5]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2019-03

  8. Remote sensing of zooplankton swarms

    Sünnje L. Basedow, David McKee [+7]

    Scientific Reports 2019-01-24

  9. Seasonal ecology in ice-covered Arctic seas - Considerations for spill response decision making

    Magnus Aune, Ana Sofia Aniceto [+7]

    Marine Environmental Research 2018-10

  10. Interannual phenological variability in two North-East Atlantic populations of Calanus finmarchicus

    Marina Espinasse, Claudia Halsband [+5]

    Marine Biology Research 2018-08-09

  11. Pelagic food-webs in a changing Arctic: a trait-based perspective suggests a mode of resilience

    Paul E Renaud, Malin Daase [+10]

    ICES Journal of Marine Science 2018-06-27

  12. Trophic level and fatty acids in harp seals compared with common minke whales in the Barents Sea

    Tore Haug, Stig Falk-Petersen [+6]

    Marine Biology Research 2017-06-23

  13. Zooplankton in Svalbard fjords on the Atlantic–Arctic boundary

    Marta Gluchowska, Slawomir Kwasniewski [+6]

    Polar Biology 2016-07-01

  14. Wintertime water dynamics and moonlight disruption of the acoustic backscatter diurnal signal in an ice‐covered Northeast Greenland fjord

    Vladislav Petrusevich, Igor A. Dmitrenko [+6]

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2016-07

  15. Small-scale diel vertical migration of zooplankton in the High Arctic

    Malin Daase, Haakon Hop [+1]

    Polar Biology 2015-12-01

  16. In the dark: A review of ecosystem processes during the Arctic polar night

    Jørgen Berge, Paul E. Renaud [+15]

    Progress in Oceanography 2015-12

  17. Arctic pelagic amphipods: lipid dynamics and life strategy

    Angelina Kraft, Martin Graeve [+3]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2015-07

  18. Winter Tales: the dark side of planktonic life

    Katarzyna Błachowiak-Samołyk, Józef Maria Wiktor [+4]

    Polar Biology 2014-10-30

  19. Polar night ecology of a pelagic predator, the chaetognath Parasagitta elegans

    Jordan J. Grigor, Ariane E. Marais [+2]

    Polar Biology 2014-10-15

  20. Arctic complexity: a case study on diel vertical migration of zooplankton

    Jørgen Berge, Finlo Cottier [+13]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2014-07-09

  21. Growth of daubed shanny (Teleostei: Leptoclinus maculatus) in Svalbard waters

    Camilla A. Meyer Ottesen, Haakon Hop [+2]

    Polar Biology 2014-03-25

  22. At the rainbow’s end: high productivity fueled by winter upwelling along an Arctic shelf

    Stig Falk-Petersen, Vladimir Pavlov [+4]

    Polar Biology 2014-03-21

  23. The importance of tidewater glaciers for marine mammals and seabirds in Svalbard, Norway

    Christian Lydersen, Philipp Assmy [+11]

    Journal of Marine Systems 2014-01

  24. Lipids in the daubed shanny (Teleostei: Leptoclinus maculatus) in Svalbard waters

    Svetlana A. Murzina, Zinaida A. Nefedova [+7]

    Polar Biology 2013-08-31

  25. Timing of reproductive events in the marine copepod Calanus glacialis: a pan-Arctic perspective

    Malin Daase, Stig Falk-Petersen [+8]

    Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2013-06

  26. Ice-related seasonality in zooplankton community composition in a high Arctic fjord

    Agata Weydmann, Janne E. Søreide [+4]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2013-04-09

  27. Lipid Status of the Two High Latitude Fish Species, Leptoclinus maculatus and Lumpenus fabricii

    Svetlana Murzina, Zinaida Nefedova [+5]

    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2013-03-27

  28. Oogenesis and lipids in gonad and liver of daubed shanny (Leptoclinus maculatus) females from Svalbard waters

    Svetlana A. Murzina, Camilla A. Meyer Ottesen [+4]

    Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 2012-03-23

  29. Editorial: Arctic marine biodiversity under change

    Haakon Hop, Tore Haug [+1]

    Marine Biodiversity 2011-08-11

  30. Early life history of the daubed shanny (Teleostei: Leptoclinus maculatus) in Svalbard waters

    C. A. Meyer Ottesen, Haakon Hop [+2]

    Marine Biodiversity 2011-02-23

  31. Increased irradiance reduces food quality of sea ice algae

    E Leu, J Wiktor [+3]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2010-07-29

  32. Lipid sac area as a proxy for individual lipid content of arctic calanoid copepods

    Daniel Vogedes, Øystein Varpe [+4]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2010-06-21

  33. Transfer of lipids from plankton to blubber of harp and hooded seals off East Greenland

    Stig Falk-Petersen, Tore Haug [+3]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2009-10

  34. Seasonal and spatial changes in the zooplankton community of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard

    Wojciech Walkusz, Slawek Kwasniewski [+5]

    Polar Research 2009-01

  35. Lipids and life strategy of Arctic Calanus

    Stig Falk-Petersen, Patrick Mayzaud [+2]

    Marine Biology Research 2008-12-24

  36. Diel vertical migration of Arctic zooplankton during the polar night

    Jørgen Berge, Finlo Cottier [+13]

    Biology Letters 2008-10-23

  37. Dividing mesozooplankton into upper and lower size groups: Applications to the grazing impact in the Marginal Ice Zone of the Barents Sea

    Anna Pasternak, Elena Arashkevich [+3]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  38. Influence of spatial heterogeneity on the type of zooplankton functional response: A study based on field observations

    Andrew Morozov, Elena Arashkevich [+2]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  39. Vertical migration in high Arctic waters during autumn 2004

    Stig Falk-Petersen, Eva Leu [+9]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  40. Light and spectral properties as determinants of C:N:P-ratios in phytoplankton

    Dag O. Hessen, Eva Leu [+2]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  41. Hydrodynamic control of mesozooplankton abundance and biomass in northern Svalbard waters (79–81°N)

    Katarzyna Blachowiak-Samolyk, Janne E. Søreide [+5]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  42. Seasonal feeding strategies of Calanus in the high-Arctic Svalbard region

    Janne E. Søreide, Stig Falk-Petersen [+5]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  43. Lipids in the Arctic fish, Leptoclinus maculatus larvae

    Svetlana A. Murzina, Stig Falk-Petersen [+1]

    Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 2008-08

  44. Trophic interactions of the pelagic ecosystem over the Reykjanes Ridge as evaluated by fatty acid and stable isotope analyses

    H. Petursdottir, A. Gislason [+3]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-01

  45. Magnitude of mesozooplankton variability: a case study from the Marginal Ice Zone of the Barents Sea in spring

    K. Blachowiak-Samolyk, S. Kwasniewski [+2]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2007-12-04

  46. Perspectives on marine zooplankton lipids

    G Kattner, W Hagen [+17]

    Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2007-11-01

  47. Trophic structure of zooplankton in the Fram Strait in spring and autumn 2003

    Katarzyna Blachowiak-Samolyk, Slawek Kwasniewski [+3]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2007-11

  48. The fate of dietary lipids in the Arctic ctenophore Mertensia ovum (Fabricius 1780)

    Martin Graeve, Marte Lundberg [+4]

    Marine Biology 2007-10-23

  49. Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects growth but not food quality of arctic diatoms

    Eva Leu, Stig Falk-Petersen [+1]

    Limnology and Oceanography 2007-03

  50. Fatty acid dynamics during the spring bloom in a High Arctic fjord: importance of abiotic factors versus community changes

    Eva Leu, Stig Falk-Petersen [+4]

    Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2006-12-01

  51. Lipids in copepodite stages of Calanus glacialis

    Anette Wold, Eva Leu [+2]

    Polar Biology 2006-11-25

  52. Unsynchronised and synchronised vertical migration of zooplankton in a high Arctic fjord

    Finlo R. Cottier, Geraint A. Tarling [+2]

    Limnology and Oceanography 2006-11

  53. Physical and biological characteristics of the pelagic system across Fram Strait to Kongsfjorden

    Haakon Hop, Stig Falk-Petersen [+5]

    Progress in Oceanography 2006-10

  54. Food webs and carbon flux in the Barents Sea

    Paul Wassmann, Marit Reigstad [+10]

    Progress in Oceanography 2006-10

  55. Effects of changes in ambient PAR and UV radiation on the nutritional quality of an Arctic diatom (Thalassiosira antarctica var. borealis)

    Eva Leu, Sten-Åke Wängberg [+4]

    Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2006-09

  56. Biomagnification of polybrominated diphenyl ether and hexabromocyclododecane flame retardants in the polar bear food chain in Svalbard, Norway

    Eugen Gravningen Sørmo, Maria Pettersvik Salmer [+9]

    Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2006-09

  57. Population structure and accumulation of lipids in the ctenophore Mertensia ovum

    Marte Lundberg, Haakon Hop [+3]

    Marine Biology 2006-04-19

  58. Arctic zooplankton do not perform diel vertical migration (DVM) during periods of midnight sun

    K Blachowiak-Samolyk, S Kwasniewski [+6]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2006-02-16

  59. The Arctic pteropod Clione limacina: seasonal lipid dynamics and life-strategy

    Marco Böer, Charlotte Gannefors [+4]

    Marine Biology 2005-06-07

  60. The Arctic sea butterfly Limacina helicina: lipids and life strategy

    Charlotte Gannefors, Marco Böer [+6]

    Marine Biology 2005-02-10

  61. Deriving phytoplankton biomass in the Marginal Ice Zone from satellite observable parameters

    O. Engelsen, H. Hop [+3]

    International Journal of Remote Sensing 2004-04

  62. Distribution of Calanus species in Kongsfjorden, a glacial fjord in Svalbard

    Slawek Kwasniewski, Haakon Hop [+2]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2003-01-01

  63. The marine ecosystem of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard

    Haakon Hop, Tom Pearson [+26]

    Polar Research 2002-01-06

  64. Lipid biomarkers and trophic linkages between ctenophores and copepods in Svalbard waters

    S Falk-Petersen, TM Dahl [+6]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2002

  65. Lipids, trophic relationships, and biodiversity in Arctic and Antarctic krill

    Stig Falk-Petersen, Wilhelm Hagen [+3]

    Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2000-12-01

  66. Fatty acid composition of the blubber in white whales ( Delphinapterus leucas )

    Trine Merete Dahl, Christian Lydersen [+5]

    Polar Biology 2000-05-22

  67. Antarctic krill Thysanoessa macrura fills a major gap in marine lipogenic pathways

    G Kattner, W Hagen [+3]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 1996

  68. Feeding ecology of cod (Gadus morhua L.) in Balsfjord and Ullsfjord, northern Norway, 1982-1983

    J. d. Santos & S. Falk-Petersen

    ICES Journal of Marine Science 1989-01-01

  69. The lipid biochemistry of calanoid copepods

    J. R. Sargent & S. Falk-Petersen

    Hydrobiologia 1988-10

  70. Lipid composition of zooplankton in relation to the sub-arctic food web

    Stig Falk-Petersen, John R. Sargent [+1]

    Polar Biology 1987-12

  71. Density- and sound speed contrasts in sub-Arctic zooplankton

    Johannes W. Kögeler, Stig Falk-Petersen [+3]

    Polar Biology 1987-06

  72. Structure and function Of an unusal lipid storage organ in the Arctic fishLumpenus maculatusFries

    Stig Falk-Petersen, Inger-Britt Falk-Petersen [+1]

    Sarsia 1986-05-30

  73. Lipid class and fatty acid composition of eggs from the Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)

    Stig Falk-Petersen, Inger-Britt Falk-Petersen [+2]

    Aquaculture 1986-03

  74. Acoustic assessment of krill stocks in Ullsfjorden, north Norway

    Stig Falk-Petersen & Åge Kristensen

    Sarsia 1985-05-29

  75. Lipogenesis in the arctic euphausiid Thysanoessa inermis

    R. J. Henderson, J. R. Sargent [+1]

    Marine Biology 1981

  1. Model-informed classification of broadband acoustic backscattering from zooplankton in an in situ mesocosm

    Muriel Barbara Dunn, Chelsey McGowan-Yallop [+11]

    From Echosounders to the Cloud: Transforming Acoustic Data to Information 2024-03-27

  2. Using an autonomous surface vehicle and hydroacoustics to survey epipelagic organisms at high-latitudes

    Muriel Barbara Dunn, Geir Pedersen [+6]

    Fourth ICES/PICES Early Career Scientist Conference 2022-07-18

  3. Comparison of sampling strategies for epipelagic sound scattering layers at high latitudes

    Muriel Barbara Dunn, Geir Pedersen [+6]

    Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022-02-28

    1. Target spectra discrimination of three Arctic species

      Muriel Barbara Dunn, Geir Pedersen [+8]

      From Echosounders to the Cloud: Transforming Acoustic Data to Information 2023-03-27

    2. Size Matters- Impact of climate change at the base of the Arctic food chain

      Malin Daase, Jørgen Berge [+6]

      Gordon Research Conference on Polar Marine Science 2015-03-16

    3. Expect the unexpected - a new perspective and understanding of marine life at high latitudes

      Daniel Ludwig Vogedes, Jørgen Berge [+18]

      Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Polar Marine Science 2015-03-14

    1. Changes in fatty acid composition of POM during an Arctic spring bloom

      Eva Leu, Stig Falk-Petersen [+4]

      GLOBEC-Symposium: Climate variability and sub-Arctic marine ecosystems 2005-05-16

    2. Intense feeding of Calanus hyperboreus on Arctic Autumn Bloom Propagated by a Record Minimum Sea Ice Extent in 2004

      Stig Falk-Petersen, A Wold [+8]

      ACIA International Symposium on Climate Change in the Arctic. 2004-11-09

    1. Forskningsskipet «Oceania»

      Salve Dahle, Stig Falk-Petersen [+1]

      Svalbardposten 2023

    2. En reise mot Ultima Thule

      Jørgen Berge, Stig Falk-Petersen [+4]

      Svalbardposten 2016-09-02

    1. I grenselandet (mellom Tull og Thule)

      Jørgen Berge, Paul E. Renaud [+8]

      Svalbardposten 2016

    1. Ecology of Arctic Pelagic Communities

      Malin Daase, Jørgen Berge [+2]

      Arctic Ecology 2020-12-18

    2. Zooplankton in the Polar Night

      Jørgen Berge, Malin Daase [+4]

      Advances in Polar Ecology 2020

    3. Zooplankton in Kongsfjorden (1996–2016) in Relation to Climate Change

      Haakon Hop, Anette Wold [+7]

      The Ecosystem of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard 2019

    1. Integrated aspects of environmental change: Climate change, UV radiation and long range transport of pollutants

      J. B. Ørbæk, R. Kallenborn [+4]

      Arctic Alpine Ecosystems and People in a Changing Environment 2007

    2. Climate variability and possible effects on arctic food chains: The role of Calanus

      Stig Falk-Petersen, Vladimir Pavlov [+2]

      Arctic Alpine Ecosystems and People in a Changing Environment 2007

    3. The lipid biochemistry of calanoid copepods

      J. R. Sargent & S. Falk-Petersen

      Biology of Copepods 1988

        Akademisk kapittel
        1. Zooplankton in Kongsfjorden (1996–2016) in Relation to Climate Change

          Haakon Hop, Anette Wold [+7]

          The Ecosystem of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard 2019

          1. Historier fra Rijpfjorden (del 4): Om kibb, sjøis og næringskjeder

            Jørgen Berge, Janne Søreide [+3]

            Svalbardposten 2018

          2. Historier fra Rijpfjorden (del 3): Monster!

            Jørgen Berge, Paul E. Renaud [+1]

            Svalbardposten 2018

            Akademisk artikkel
            1. Light and spectral properties as determinants of C:N:P-ratios in phytoplankton

              Dag Olav Hessen, Eva Leu [+2]

              Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008

            2. Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects growth but not food quality of arctic diatoms

              Eva Leu, Stig Falk-Petersen [+1]

              Limnology and Oceanography 2007

            1. Fatty acid dynamics during the spring bloom in a High Arctic fjord: Importance of abiotic factors versus community changes

              Eva Leu, Stig Falk-Petersen [+4]

              Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2006

              Akademisk oversiktsartikkel

                Co-authors (480)

                  46 works (with: 1 others)

                1. Jørgen Berge

                  39 works (with: 1 others)

                1. Haakon Hop

                  26 works (with: 1 others)

                1. Malin Daase

                  25 works (with: 1 others)

                1. Janne E. Søreide

                  24 works (with: 1 others)

                1. Eva Leu

                  18 works (with: 1 others)

                1. Øystein Varpe

                  17 works (with: 1 others)

                1. Anette Wold

                  14 works (with: 1 others)

                1. Paul E. Renaud

                  12 works (with: 1 others)

                1. Lionel Camus

                  11 works (with: 1 others)

                1. Finlo Cottier

                  10 works (with: 5 others)

                1. Gérald Darnis
                2. Ole Jørgen Lønne
                3. Geir Pedersen
                4. J. R. Sargent
                5. Maxime Geoffroy

                  9 works (with: 2 others)

                1. John R. Sargent
                2. S. A. Murzina

                  8 works (with: 7 others)

                1. Else Nøst Hegseth
                2. Geir Johnsen
                3. Martin Graeve
                4. N. N. Nemova
                5. S. N. Pekkoeva
                6. Slawek Kwasniewski
                7. Slawomir Kwasniewski

                  7 works (with: 3 others)

                1. Nina N. Nemova
                2. Svetlana A. Murzina
                3. Tore Haug

                  6 works (with: 12 others)

                1. Angela Wulff
                2. Bjørn Gulliksen
                3. Christian Lydersen
                4. Gerhard Kattner
                5. H. Hop
                6. Jan Marcin Weslawski
                7. Ketil Eiane
                8. Marit Reigstad
                9. Muriel Barbara Dunn
                10. Michael L. Carroll
                11. Vigdis Tverberg
                12. Z. A. Nefedova

                  5 works (with: 4 others)

                1. Daniel Vogedes
                2. Kit M. Kovacs
                3. S Kwasniewski
                4. Sünnje Linnéa Basedow

                  4 works (with: 20 others)

                1. Katherine M. Dunlop
                2. Astthor Gislason
                3. C.C.E. Hopkins
                4. Camilla A. Meyer Ottesen
                5. Dag O. Hessen
                6. David Peddie
                7. Elena Arashkevich
                8. Geir Wing Gabrielsen
                9. H Hop
                10. Joel Pederick
                11. John Sargent
                12. Jon Børre Ørbæk
                13. JR Sargent
                14. Kanchana Bandara
                15. Kim Last
                16. Malin Hildegard Elisabeth Daase
                17. O. Lonne
                18. Sten-Åke Wängberg
                19. Svetlana N. Pekkoeva
                20. Vladimir Pavlov

                  3 works (with: 29 others)

                1. Michael J. Greenacre
                2. A. Gislason
                3. Andrew S. Brierley
                4. Arild Sundfjord
                5. Ana Sofia Aniceto
                6. Claudia Halsband
                7. Dag Olav Hessen
                8. E. N. Hegseth
                9. H. Petursdottir
                10. Inger-Britt Falk-Petersen
                11. Kåre Edvardsen
                12. Katarzyna Blachowiak-Samolyk
                13. Kjell T. Nilssen
                14. Louis Fortier
                15. Magnus Aune
                16. Marco Böer
                17. Marine Cusa
                18. Marta Gluchowska
                19. Michael Poltermann
                20. Olga Pavlova
                21. Paul Wassmann
                22. Salve Dahle
                23. Sünnje L. Basedow
                24. Tove M. Gabrielsen
                25. Zinaida A. Nefedova
                26. З.А. Нефедова
                27. Н.Н. Немова
                28. С.А. Мурзина
                29. С.Н. Пеккоева

                  2 works (with: 75 others)

                1. William G. Ambrose Jr.
                2. Nathalie Morata
                3. Jasmine Nahrgang
                4. Alexey K. Pavlov
                5. A. Wold
                6. Åge Kristensen
                7. Andrew S Brierley
                8. Angelina Kraft
                9. B Gulliksen
                10. Benoit Philippe
                11. Bjørn Gulliksen
                12. Boris V. Ivanov
                13. Catherine L. Scott
                14. Catherine Scott
                15. Charlotte Gannefors
                16. Chelsey McGowan-Yallop
                17. CL Scott
                18. Colin Griffiths
                19. Dag O. Hessen
                20. Daniel Hayes
                21. Daniel Ludwig Vogedes
                22. E Hansen
                23. Else N. Hegseth
                24. Emilia Trudnowska
                25. Evgeny P. Ieshko
                26. Finlo Robert Cottier
                27. Friedrich Buchholz
                28. G Kattner
                29. Geir Gramvik
                30. H Nygård
                31. Harald Steen
                32. Harald Svendsen
                33. Henrik Nygård
                34. Inger Graves
                35. J.R. Sargent
                36. Jan-Erik Solheim
                37. Jeremy Cook
                38. Jørgen S. Christiansen
                39. K. Tande
                40. Kate Willis
                41. Kristin Heggland
                42. Kristinn Gudmundsson
                43. Loic Bachelot
                44. Luca Tassara
                45. Marek Zajaczkowski
                46. Marina Espinasse
                47. Mark A. Moline
                48. Marte Lundberg
                49. Mats A. Granskog
                50. Mikko Vihtakari
                51. Natalia Shunatova
                52. Nils-Axel Mörner
                53. Ole Humlum
                54. Patrick Mayzaud
                55. Peer Fietzek
                56. Peygham Ghaffari
                57. R. J. Henderson
                58. Reinert Korsnes
                59. RM Millar
                60. Roar Kristoffersen
                61. S. Kwasniewski
                62. Sebastian Menze
                63. Sergey G. Sokolov
                64. Silke Lischka
                65. Sonnich Meier
                66. Sophie Fielding
                67. Sunnje Linnea Basedow
                68. T. R. Ruokolainen
                69. TM Dahl
                70. Tor Langeland
                71. Trond Kristiansen
                72. Ulf Lindstrøm
                73. V. P. Voronin
                74. W Hagen
                75. Wojciech Walkusz

                  1 works (with: 313 others)

                1. Sam Eglund-Newby
                2. Rosalie Evans
                3. Martin Biuw
                4. Hector Andrade
                5. Fredrik Broms
                6. Thomas H. Pearson
                7. Gunnar Pedersen
                8. Iris Jæger
                9. M L Madsen
                10. A Røstad
                11. A Wold
                12. A. H. Hoel
                13. A. Vader
                14. A.B. Ledang
                15. A.H.H. Renner
                16. Aaron T. Fisk
                17. Agata Weydmann
                18. Agnieszka Beszczynska‐Moeller
                19. Agnieszka Prominska
                20. Alexei M. Orlov
                21. Amatzia Genin
                22. Anais Aubert
                23. Ananda Rabindranath
                24. Anders Røstad
                25. Andrei Granovitch
                26. Andrew Clarke
                27. Andrew Morozov
                28. Andrey Y. Voronkov0
                29. Angelika H.H. Renner
                30. Ann Sperrevik
                31. Ann-Kristin Sperrevik
                32. Anna Maria Kubiszyn
                33. Anna Olszewska
                34. Anna Pasternak
                35. Anya Gonchar
                36. Ariane E. Marais
                37. Asgeir J. Sørensen
                38. Asgeir Johan Sørensen
                39. B W Hansen
                40. B. Espinasse
                41. B. Vaja
                42. B.V. Ivanov
                43. Bailey C. McMeans
                44. Bert Rudels
                45. Bjørn Munro Jenssen
                46. Bodil A. Bluhm
                47. C. A. Meyer Ottesen
                48. C. C. E. Hopkins
                49. C. Fox
                50. C. Middleton
                51. Camilla A.M. Ottesen
                52. Carlo Papucci3
                53. Cecilie von Quillfeldt
                54. Chris Klok
                55. Christian Wexels Riser
                56. Christian Wiencke
                57. Clara J.M. Hoppe
                58. Clare N. Webster
                59. Colin A. Stedmon
                60. D Deibel
                61. D Müller-Navarra
                62. D Pond
                63. D Stübing
                64. D.O. Hessen
                65. Dag Lorentzen
                66. Dag O Hessen
                67. Dag Slagstad
                68. Damien Tran
                69. Daria Nikishina
                70. Dariusz Jakubas
                71. David G. Barber
                72. David McKee
                73. Dieter Janssen
                74. Dorota Kidawa
                75. E Keskinen
                76. E. A. Kondakova
                77. E. Falck
                78. E. Hansen
                79. E. Kjørsvik
                80. E. P. Ieshko
                81. Edmond Hansen
                82. Eike Stübner
                83. Einar Skarstad Egeland
                84. Ekaterina A. Kondakova
                85. Elisabeth Lie
                86. Emily Joanne Venables
                87. Emma Michaud
                88. Erin H. Kunisch
                89. Essi Keskinen
                90. Eugen Gravningen Sørmo
                91. F. Cottier
                92. F. Nilsen
                93. Fanny Narcy
                94. Finlo R. Cottier
                95. Frank Nilsen
                96. Fridtjof Mehlum
                97. Fritz Pettersen
                98. G -A Paffenhöfer
                99. Geraint A. Tarling
                100. Gro Fonnes
                101. Guido Di Prisco2
                102. GW Gabrielsen
                103. H J Hirche
                104. H Saito
                105. H. C. Eilertsen
                106. H. Chr. Eilertsen
                107. H.C. Eilertsen
                108. Hallvard Strøm
                109. Harald Lura
                110. Heather Cronin
                111. Helene Hodal
                112. Hildur Petursdottir
                113. Hans Petter Mannvik
                114. I. -B. Falk-Petersen
                115. I. Tombre
                116. Ian Gjertz
                117. Igor A. Dmitrenko
                118. Ilker Fer
                119. Ilona Goszczko
                120. Ina Lefering
                121. J Wiktor
                122. J. B. Ørbæk
                123. J. d. Santos
                124. J. Gjaldbæk Thormar
                125. J. Henderson
                126. J. Klungsøyr
                127. J. P. Taasen
                128. J. Svavarsson
                129. Jack Kohler
                130. Jacqueline Tamis
                131. Jan Marcin Węsławski
                132. Janneche Utne Skaare
                133. Jean-Charles Massabuau
                134. Jenny Jensen
                135. Jens K. Ehn
                136. Joanna Legeżyńska
                137. Johanna Hovinen
                138. John Dalen
                139. John Reid Sargent
                140. Jonas Thormar
                141. Jonathan H. Cohen
                142. Jonathan H. Cohen
                143. Jordan J. Grigor
                144. Jorgen Berge
                145. Jørgen Schou Christiansen
                146. Józef Maria Wiktor
                147. Jozef Wiktor
                148. Julie Grenvald
                149. Jos Kögeler
                150. K Blachowiak-Samolyk
                151. K Dmoch
                152. K Draganska
                153. K Richardson
                154. K. A. Filippova
                155. K. Blachowiak-Samolyk
                156. K. Eiane
                157. K. Sørensen
                158. Kai Bischof
                159. Kai Christensen
                160. Kai Hakon Christensen
                161. Kai Sorensen
                162. Kai Sørensen
                163. Kaja Balazy
                164. Kanchana Bandara W. M. Dumindu
                165. Katarzyna Błachowiak-Samołyk
                166. Katarzyna Błachowiak‐Samołyk
                167. Katarzyna Dmoch
                168. Katarzyna Wojczulanis‐Jakubas
                169. Keith A. Hobson
                170. Kim S Last
                171. Kim S. Last
                172. Kim S. Last
                173. Kine Bæk
                174. Kit Maureen Kovacs
                175. Kjersti Dale
                176. Kjetil Sagerup
                177. Ksenia Kosobokova
                178. Kseniia A. Filippova
                179. Kunio Shirasawa
                180. Kurt S. Tande
                181. L.L.A. Olivier
                182. Lars Aage Gade-Sørensen
                183. Laura Hobbs
                184. Lena Seuthe
                185. Lars-Henrik Larsen
                186. Lia Hemerik
                187. Loïc Bachelot
                188. LT Mouritsen
                189. M Graeve
                190. M Vihtakari
                191. M. A. Moline
                192. M. Boutoute
                193. M. Daase
                194. M. Graeve
                195. M. Noyon
                196. M. Poltermann
                197. M. V. Churova
                198. Magnus Drivdal
                199. Marcin Wichorowski
                200. Margaret I. Wallace
                201. Margarita Zarubin
                202. Maria Pettersvik Salmer
                203. Maria Wlodarska-Kowalczuk
                204. Maria Włodarska-Kowalczuk
                205. Mark A. Moline
                206. Mark Moline
                207. Martha Tveit
                208. Martine van den Heuvel-Greve
                209. Marvin Choquet
                210. Michael T. Arts
                211. Michel Poulin
                212. Mike Kendall
                213. Monika Kędra
                214. Morten Hjorth
                215. N. Fraser
                216. Neil S Banas
                217. Nestor Santana Hernandez
                218. Néstor Santana Hernández
                219. Nicolas Weidberg
                220. Nikolaj A. Kovaltchouk1
                221. Nina Nemova
                222. O. Engelsen
                223. Ole Anders Nøst
                224. Oda Sofie Bye Wilhelmsen
                225. Oda Bjærke
                226. Oksana G. Poluektova
                227. Ola Engelsen
                228. P D Nichols
                229. P Mayzaud
                230. P Virtue
                231. P. Mayzaud
                232. P. O. Ripatti
                233. Pauli O. Ripatti
                234. Pauli Ripatti
                235. Pepijn de Vries
                236. Per J. Færøvig
                237. Per-Johan Færøvig
                238. Peter Haugan
                239. Petter Norgren
                240. Philipp Assmy
                241. Piotr Balazy
                242. Piotr Bałazy
                243. Piotr Kuklinski
                244. Piotr Kukliński
                245. Piotr Wieczorek
                246. R Campbell
                247. R F Lee
                248. R. Kallenborn
                249. R. Skogseth
                250. R.R. Gatten
                251. Rafał Boehnke
                252. Randi B. Ingvaldsen
                253. Raymond J. G. Leakey
                254. RJ Henderson
                255. Robbert Jak
                256. Rolf Gradinger
                257. Rose-Mary Millar
                258. Rupert Krapp
                259. S H Jónasdóttir
                260. S. Tilseth
                261. S.L. Basedow
                262. Sanna Majaneva
                263. Sawomir Kwasniewski
                264. Sebastian Gerland4
                265. Sergej Timofeev
                266. Sergey A. Kirillov
                267. Sergey Timofeev
                268. Signe Jung-Madsen
                269. Sigurd Tjostheim
                270. Sigurd Tjøstheim
                271. Sabine Cochrane
                272. Sławek Kwaśniewski
                273. Slawomir Kwaśniewski
                274. Søren Rysgaard
                275. Stanislav G. Denisenko
                276. Stéphane Gasparini
                277. Stephen R. Hudson
                278. Sünnje Basedow
                279. Sünnje L Basedow
                280. Svein Kristiansen
                281. Svein-Erik Fevolden
                282. Svetlana Murzina
                283. Svetlana Pekkoeva
                284. T. Haug
                285. Tatiana R. Ryokolainen
                286. Tatiana Ruokolainen
                287. Terje B. Løyning
                288. Thor Magne Jonassen
                289. Tom J Langbehn
                290. Tom Langbehn
                291. Tom Pearson
                292. Toshiyuki Kawamura
                293. Tove M Gabrielsen
                294. Tove M. Gabrielsen
                295. Trine A. Callesen
                296. Trine M. Dahl
                297. Trine Merete Dahl
                298. V. Tverberg
                299. Viviana Farstey
                300. Vladislav Petrusevich
                301. W. Hagen
                302. W.Paul Budgell
                303. Waldek Walczowski
                304. Wieter Boone
                305. Wilhelm Hagen
                306. William Paul Budgell
                307. Y. B. Okolodkov
                308. Zinaida Nefedova
                309. Е.П. Иешко
                310. Й. Берге
                311. О. Й. Лонне
                312. П.О. Рипатти
                313. Т.Р. Руоколайнен