Virginie Ramasco


+ 47 77 75 03 10


Publikasjoner (16)

  1. Effects of the invasive red king crab on food web structure and ecosystem properties in an Atlantic fjord

    T Pedersen, MM Fuhrmann [+16]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2018-05-28

  2. Selection and foraging response of harbour seals in an area of changing prey resources

    V Ramasco, U Lindström [+1]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2017-10-13

  1. Macrobenthic biomass and production in a heterogenic subarctic fjord after invasion by the red king crab

    Mona M. Fuhrmann, Torstein Pedersen [+2]

    Journal of Sea Research 2015-12

  2. The intensity of horizontal and vertical search in a diving forager: the harbour seal

    Virginie Ramasco, Frédéric Barraquand [+3]

    Movement Ecology 2015-05-27

  1. Bioglider: An Integrated Glider Solution for Enhancing Environmental Knowledge

    Yves Ponçon, Laurent Mortier [+16]

    OCEANS 2023 - MTS/IEEE U.S. Gulf Coast 2023-09-25

    1. Glider setting sail to study reef effects from Hywind Scotland

      Virginie Ramasco, Trude Kristin Borch [+1]

      Fram Forum 2023

      1. Studier av mulige påvirkninger fra seismikkaktiviteten på økosystemetved Ekofisk

        Salve Dahle, Lionel Camus [+2]

        Fisk og Seismikk 2022-04-19

        1. The response of harbour seals to seasonal dynamics in prey availability in a subarctic fjord in Northern Norway.

          Virginie Ramasco, Ulf Lindström [+1]

          Workshop on Ecology of northern fjords 2015-11-25

            1. Identifying periods of ‘resting’ at sea helps making sense of harbour seals’ foraging signature in movement data

              Virginie Ramasco, Martin Biuw [+3]

              20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals 2013-12-09

            2. Ecopath modelling of ecosystem structure of a subarctic norwegian fjord after a decline in the coastal cod (Gadus morhua) stock

              Torstein Pedersen, Ulf Lindstrøm [+12]

              Gadoid Fisheries, The Ecology and Management of Redbuilding 2013-10-15

              Co-authors (66)

                5 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Kjell Tormod Nilssen

                3 works (with: 2 others)

              1. Martin Biuw
              2. Lionel Camus

                2 works (with: 6 others)

              1. Lis Lindal Jørgensen
              2. Frédéric Barraquand
              3. KT Nilssen
              4. Torstein Pedersen
              5. Trond Ivarjord
              6. Ulf Lindstrøm

                1 works (with: 57 others)

              1. A Bjørge
              2. Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller
              3. AM Hjelset
              4. Benoit Geller
              5. Bernie J. McConnell
              6. Bernie McConnell
              7. C Michaelsen
              8. Christer Michaelsen
              9. Dan Hayes
              10. E Källgren
              11. Ehsan Abdi
              12. Einar M. Nilssen
              13. Einar Magnus Nilssen
              14. Elena Eriksen
              15. EM Nilssen
              16. Emma Källgren
              17. Eric J. Pedersen
              18. F Norrbin
              19. Frédéric Cyr
              20. G Systad
              21. Geir Helge Systad
              22. Geir Pedersen
              23. H Steen
              24. Jakub Zdroik
              25. Jan Henry Sundet
              26. Jerome Coindat
              27. JH Sundet
              28. K Sivertsen
              29. Karen de Jong
              30. Kjell T Nilssen
              31. Knut Sivertsen
              32. Laurent Mortier
              33. MA Svenning
              34. Magnus Aune
              35. Marc Picheral
              36. Margaret Warren
              37. Mariano Koen-Alonso
              38. Martin Svenning
              39. Muriel Barbara Dunn
              40. MM Fuhrmann
              41. Mona M. Fuhrmann
              42. Mona Maria Fuhrmann
              43. Morten Thorstensen
              44. Nadine Wells
              45. Peer Fitzek
              46. Paul E. Renaud
              47. Pierre Priou
              48. Raul Primicerio
              49. Salve Dahle
              50. Sunnje Basedow
              51. T Pedersen
              52. Tarak Arbi
              53. Trude Borch
              54. U Lindström
              55. U Lindstrøm
              56. Ulf Lindström
              57. Yves Ponçon