Identification of multiple chromosomal inversions and fusions in a keystone Arctic species with high gene flow
Annual Conference of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution ()
1 Akvaplan-niva (nåværende ansatt)
Forfattere (18)
- Siv Nam Khang Hoff
- Marius Filomeno Maurstad
- Le Moan Alan
- Mark Ravinet
- Joël Durant
- Ole K. Tørresen
- Ireen Vieweg
- France Collard
- Christophe Pampoulie
- Jane Aanestad Godiksen
- Ian R. Bradbury
- Leif Christian Stige
- Paul Eric Renaud
- Jasmine Magali Nahrgang-Berge
- Haakon Hop
- Kjetill Sigurd Jakobsen
- Kim Præbel
- Sissel Jentoft