

The effect of ice-free summer conditions on benthic food web structure in the Barents Sea


1 Akvaplan-niva (nåværende ansatt)

1 Akvaplan-niva (tidligere ansatt)

Forfattere (6)

  1. Amanda Ziegler
  2. Lis Lindal Jørgensen
  3. Bodil Annikki Ulla Barbro Bluhm
  4. Julia Giebichenstein
  5. Katrine Borgå
  6. Thaise Ricardo de Freitas


Reduced Arctic sea-ice cover has been shown to alter phytoplankton community composition and reduce the magnitude of vertical flux, thereby reducing the strength of pelagic-benthic coupling. It is predicted that Arctic shelf ecosystems, like the Barents Sea, will transition into sub-polar-like ecosystems under future climatic conditions. However, few studies have provided a benthic perspective to the question of how ice-free conditions in the Arctic will affect food web structure. In this study, we aim to test whether ice-free summer conditions in the Barents Sea and adjacent Nansen Basin alter benthic food web structure and the strength of pelagic benthic coupling. To do so, we used bulk stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen measured in food sources and benthic consumers, demersal fish, and zooplankton collected during summers with contrasting sea-ice conditions: August 2018 – low sea-ice extent and August 2019 – high sea-ice extent. We compared benthic food web structure across three oceanographically distinct regions from the sea-ice free central Barents Sea shelf and the seasonally ice-free northern Barents Sea shelf to the slope extending into the Nansen Basin. The results of this work will not only improve our understanding of the impact that Arctic sea-ice loss has on benthic communities but provide additional insight to the resiliency of Arctic benthic food webs.

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