

Tailings Deposit Geochemistry - Initial Characterisation Studies


Forfattere (6)

  1. Rolf Arne Kleiv
  2. Maria Thornhill
  3. Knut Lyng Sandvik
  4. Bjerkeng Birger
  5. Eigil rune Iversen
  6. Yerkezhan Tanybayeva


The project ‘Development of a modelling tool for pollution transport from subaqueous sulphide tailings deposits’ was financed through the Norwegian Research Council’s PROFO programme and was conducted as a partnership between the Department of Geology and Mineral Resources Engineering at NTNU and the Norwegian Institute of Water Research (NIVA). The principal objective of the project was to improve a model for prediction of water quality and pollution transport from subaqueous sulphide tailings deposits, thus facilitating cost effective monitoring of existing deposits as well as the optimal implementation of any new measures.

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