
Våre publikasjoner

Våre publikasjoner

  1. Photosynthetic light requirement near the theoretical minimum detected in Arctic microalgae

    Clara J. M. Hoppe, Niels Fuchs [+17]

    Nature Communications 2024-09-04

  2. Publisher Correction: Population genomics of post-glacial western Eurasia

    Morten E. Allentoft, Martin Sikora [+162]

    Nature 2024-01-18

  3. Weak seasonality in benthic food web structure within an Arctic inflow shelf region

    Amanda F. Ziegler, Bodil A. Bluhm [+2]

    Progress in Oceanography 2023-09

  4. Diets of gadoid fish in Arctic waters of Svalbard fjords during the polar night

    Lars-Henrik Larsen, Marine Cusa [+6]

    Polar Biology 2023-06-23

  5. Isotopic turnover in polar cod (Boreogadus saida) muscle determined through a controlled feeding experiment

    Amanda Fern Ziegler, Bodil A. Bluhm [+2]

    Journal of Fish Biology 2023-04-18

  6. Ontogenetic changes in the body structure of the Arctic fish Leptoclinus maculatus

    S. N. Pekkoeva, E. A. Kondakova [+3]

    Scientific Reports 2023-03-06

  7. Still Arctic?—The changing Barents Sea

    Sebastian Gerland, Randi B. Ingvaldsen [+39]

    Elem Sci Anth 2023

Jørgen BergePaul E. RenaudStig Falk–PetersenLis Lindal JørgensenØystein VarpeJanne E. SøreideMalin DaaseHaakon HopOle Jørgen LønneGeir JohnsenFinlo CottierEva LeuLionel CamusJasmine NahrgangGérald DarnisMaxime GeoffroyNina Mari JørgensenBjørn GulliksenAmanda ZieglerJørgen S. ChristiansenBodil A. BluhmS. N. PekkoevaS. A. MurzinaSanna MajanevaDaniel VogedesGeir Wing GabrielsenN. N. NemovaBodil BluhmTrine BekkbyRolf GradingerKjetil SagerupSabine CochraneHenrik NygårdMarine CusaPeter LeopoldRaul PrimicerioNina MikkelsenZ. A. NefedovaHartvig ChristieKjell Magnus NorderhaugWilliam G. Ambrose Jr.O. LonneEven H. JørgensenJan Marcin WeslawskiJohannes WolkersDamien TranHector AndradeElena EriksenUlf LindstrømJørgen Schou Christiansen