
Våre publikasjoner

Våre publikasjoner

forskningsartikkelforskningsrapportkonferanseinnleggkonferanseposteroversiktsartikkelkapittel (akademisk)
  1. Characterizing humpback whale behavior along the North-Norwegian coast

    Ingvild Ytterhus Utengen, Emma F. Vogel [+3]

    Animal Biotelemetry 2024-10-09

  2. Winter Tracking Data Suggest that Migratory Seabirds Transport Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances to Their Arctic Nesting Site

    Don-Jean Léandri-Breton, William Jouanneau [+12]

    Environmental Science & Technology 2024-07-11

  3. Individual quality overwrites carry‐over effects across the annual cycle of a long‐distance migrant

    Don‐Jean Léandri‐Breton, Kyle H. Elliott [+14]

    Journal of Animal Ecology 2024-06-05

  4. Seabirds reveal mercury distribution across the North Atlantic

    Céline Albert, Børge Moe [+37]

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2024-05-13

  5. Multi-vehicle adaptive 3D mapping for targeted ocean sampling

    Tore Mo-Bjørkelund, Sanna Majaneva [+3]

    PLOS ONE 2024-05-08

  6. Under ice plankton and lipid dynamics in a subarctic lake

    Erwin Kers, Eva Leu [+4]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2024-05

  7. Norwegian killer whale movements reflect their different prey types

    Emma F. Vogel, Audun H. Rikardsen [+3]

    Polar Research 2024-03-21