
Våre publikasjoner

  1. How sensitive are polar cod early life stages to a changing Arctic?

    Morgan Lizabeth Bender, Julia Gossa [+9]

    PRIMO 2019-05-22

  2. Polar cod early life stages up against a changing Arctic

    Morgan Lizabeth Bender, Jasmine Nahrgang [+1]

    Fram Forum 2019

  3. Behavioral Response of Polar Cod Larvae Exposed to the Water-Soluble Fraction of Crude Oil at Two Different Temperatures

    Julia Gossa, Morgan Lizabeth Bender [+9]

    Arcex annual conference 2018 2018-10-09

  4. Effects of increased water temperature and water-soluble crude oil exposure on early life stages of polar cod (Boreogadus saida)

    Morgan Lizabeth Bender, Julia Gossa [+9]

    ARCEx The Research Center for Arctic Petroleum Exploration 2018-10-09

  5. “How sensitive are polar cod to a changing Arctic?”

    Morgan Lizabeth Bender, Julia Gossa [+9]

    Framdagen 2018-08-28