
Våre publikasjoner

  1. The influence of Magnafloc10 on the acidic, alkaline, and electrodialytic desorption of metals from mine tailings

    Kristine B. Pedersen, Helena C. Reinardy [+4]

    Journal of Environmental Management 2018-10

  2. Life cycle assessment of subsea mine tailings disposal

    Xingqiang Song & Johan Berg Pettersen

    Arctic Frontiers 2018-01-21

  3. The influence of sediment properties and experimental variables on the efficiency of electrodialytic removal of metals from sediment

    Kristine B. Pedersen, Tore Lejon [+2]

    Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2017-12

  4. Simultaneous electrodialytic removal of PAH, PCB, TBT and heavy metals from sediments

    Kristine B. Pedersen, Tore Lejon [+2]

    Journal of Environmental Management 2017-08

  5. Long-term dispersion and availability of metals from submarine mine tailing disposal in a fjord in Arctic Norway

    Kristine B. Pedersen, Pernille E. Jensen [+7]

    Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2017-05-27