tidligere ansatt
Melting sea ice may open polar oceans to new predators
2017-10-05 (engelsk)
The future Barents Sea—A synthesis of physical, biogeochemical, and ecological changes toward 2050 and 2100
Marius Årthun, Khuong V. Dinh [+16]
Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 2025-02-21
Rapid climate change increases diversity and homogenizes composition of coastal fish at high latitudes
Anna Siwertsson, Ulf Lindström [+5]
Global Change Biology 2024-05
Diets of gadoid fish in Arctic waters of Svalbard fjords during the polar night
Lars-Henrik Larsen, Marine Cusa [+6]
Polar Biology 2023-06-23
A standard protocol for describing the evaluation of ecological models
Benjamin Planque, Johanna M. Aarflot [+15]
Ecological Modelling 2022-09
Timing of Calanus finmarchicus diapause in stochastic environments
Kanchana Bandara, Øystein Varpe [+4]
Ecological Modelling 2021-11
Pelagic organisms avoid white, blue, and red artificial light from scientific instruments
Maxime Geoffroy, Tom Langbehn [+9]
Scientific Reports 2021-07-22
Two hundred years of zooplankton vertical migration research
Kanchana Bandara, Øystein Varpe [+3]
Biological Reviews 2021-05-04
Temperature-dependent egg production and egg hatching rates of small egg-carrying and broadcast-spawning copepods Oithona similis, Microsetella norvegica and Microcalanus pusillus
Coralie Barth-Jensen, Marja Koski [+5]
Journal of Plankton Research 2020-09
Empirically based minimalistic model for representing seasonal phytoplankton dynamics
SH Piltz, PG Hjorth [+1]
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2020-04-23
Seasonal shifts in feeding patterns: Individual and population realized specialization in a high Arctic fish
Marine Cusa, Jørgen Berge [+1]
Ecology and Evolution 2019-09-21
Diverging phenological responses of Arctic seabirds to an earlier spring
Sébastien Descamps, Francisco Ramírez [+14]
Global Change Biology 2019-08-28
Potential Effect of Migration Strategy on Pollutant Occurrence in Eggs of Arctic Breeding Barnacle Geese (Branta leucopsis)
Daniel J. Hitchcock, Tom Andersen [+8]
Environmental Science & Technology 2019-04-02
Reindeer turning maritime: Ice‐locked tundra triggers changes in dietary niche utilization
Brage Bremset Hansen, Jon Runar Lorentzen [+5]
Ecosphere 2019-04
Artificial evolution of behavioral and life history strategies of high-latitude copepods in response to bottom-up and top-down selection pressures
Kanchana Bandara, Øystein Varpe [+2]
Progress in Oceanography 2019-04
Trade-offs between storage and survival affect diapause timing in capital breeders
Øystein Varpe & Maciej J. Ejsmond
Evolutionary Ecology 2018-11-10
New brominated flame retardants and dechlorane plus in the Arctic: Local sources and bioaccumulation potential in marine benthos
Pernilla Carlsson, Branislav Vrana [+4]
Chemosphere 2018-11
Mechanistic model identifies increasing light availability due to sea ice reductions as cause for increasing macroalgae cover in the Arctic
K. J. N. Scherrer, S. Kortsch [+4]
Limnology and Oceanography 2018-10-04
Gradients of season length and mortality risk cause shifts in body size, reserves and reproductive strategies of determinate growers
Maciej J. Ejsmond, John M. McNamara [+2]
Functional Ecology 2018-08-22
Interannual phenological variability in two North-East Atlantic populations of Calanus finmarchicus
Marina Espinasse, Claudia Halsband [+5]
Marine Biology Research 2018-08-09
Copepod diapause and the biogeography of the marine lipidscape
Nicholas R. Record, Rubao Ji [+5]
Journal of Biogeography 2018-08-05
Improving Data Reporting in Ecotoxicological Studies
Daniel J. Hitchcock, Tom Andersen [+2]
Environmental Science & Technology 2018-07-16
Pelagic food-webs in a changing Arctic: a trait-based perspective suggests a mode of resilience
Paul E Renaud, Malin Daase [+10]
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2018-06-27
A high-resolution modeling study on diel and seasonal vertical migrations of high-latitude copepods
Ecological Modelling 2018-01
Understanding Evolutionary Impacts of Seasonality: An Introduction to the Symposium
Caroline M Williams, Gregory J Ragland [+12]
Integrative and Comparative Biology 2017-10-16
Life History Adaptations to Seasonality
Øystein Varpe
Sea‐ice loss boosts visual search: fish foraging and changing pelagic interactions in polar oceans
Tom J. Langbehn & Øystein Varpe
Global Change Biology 2017-07-31
The role of local and regional environmental factors for Calanus finmarchicus and C. hyperboreus abundances in the Nordic Seas
Polar Biology 2017-06-28
Effects of reproductive strategies on pollutant concentrations in pinnipeds: a meta‐analysis
Daniel J. Hitchcock, Øystein Varpe [+2]
Oikos 2017-04-24
Spring phenology shapes the spatial foraging behavior of Antarctic petrels
P Fauchald, A Tarroux [+7]
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2017-03-24
Cratering behaviour and faecal C:N ratio in relation to seasonal snowpack characteristics in a High-Arctic ungulate
Larissa T. Beumer, Øystein Varpe [+1]
Polar Research 2017-01
Seasonal vertical strategies in a high-Arctic coastal zooplankton community
K Bandara, Ø Varpe [+4]
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2016-08-18
At-Sea Distribution and Prey Selection of Antarctic Petrels and Commercial Krill Fisheries
Sébastien Descamps, Arnaud Tarroux [+9]
PLOS ONE 2016-08-17
Rapid climate‐driven loss of breeding habitat for Arctic migratory birds
Hannah S. Wauchope, Justine D. Shaw [+5]
Global Change Biology 2016-07-19
Later at higher latitudes: large‐scale variability in seabird breeding timing and synchronicity
Zofia M. Burr, Øystein Varpe [+10]
Ecosphere 2016-05
Flexible flight response to challenging wind conditions in a commuting Antarctic seabird: do you catch the drift?
Arnaud Tarroux, Henri Weimerskirch [+8]
Animal Behaviour 2016-03
Experimental icing affects growth, mortality, and flowering in a high Arctic dwarf shrub
Jos M. Milner, Øystein Varpe [+2]
Ecology and Evolution 2016-02-28
Ecosystem model intercomparison of under‐ice and total primary production in the Arctic Ocean
Meibing Jin, Ekaterina E. Popova [+6]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2016-01
In the dark: A review of ecosystem processes during the Arctic polar night
Jørgen Berge, Paul E. Renaud [+15]
Progress in Oceanography 2015-12
Seasonality in Offspring Value and Trade-Offs with Growth Explain Capital Breeding
Maciej Jan Ejsmond, Øystein Varpe [+2]
The American Naturalist 2015-11
Unexpected Levels of Biological Activity during the Polar Night Offer New Perspectives on a Warming Arctic
Jørgen Berge, Malin Daase [+33]
Current Biology 2015-10
A fish-eye view on the new Arctic lightscape
Øystein Varpe, Malin Daase [+1]
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2015-08-17
Large‐scale oceanographic fluctuations drive Antarctic petrel survival and reproduction
Sébastien Descamps, Arnaud Tarroux [+4]
Ecography 2015-07-14
Is Ambient Light during the High Arctic Polar Night Sufficient to Act as a Visual Cue for Zooplankton?
Jonathan H. Cohen, Jørgen Berge [+15]
PLOS ONE 2015-06-03
Demographic effects of extreme weather events: snow storms, breeding success, and population growth rate in a long‐lived Antarctic seabird
Ecology and Evolution 2014-12-23
Warmer and wetter winters: characteristics and implications of an extreme weather event in the High Arctic
Brage B Hansen, Ketil Isaksen [+7]
Environmental Research Letters 2014-11-01
Polar night ecology of a pelagic predator, the chaetognath Parasagitta elegans
Jordan J. Grigor, Ariane E. Marais [+2]
Polar Biology 2014-10-15
Capital versus Income Breeding in a Seasonal Environment
Julie Sainmont, Ken H. Andersen [+2]
The American Naturalist 2014-10
Differences in lens optical plasticity in two gadoid fishes meeting in the Arctic
Mikael Jönsson, Øystein Varpe [+3]
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 2014-09-21
Inter- and intra-specific diurnal habitat selection of zooplankton during the spring bloom observed by Video Plankton Recorder
Julie Sainmont, Astthor Gislason [+5]
Marine Biology 2014-07-10
Arctic complexity: a case study on diel vertical migration of zooplankton
Jørgen Berge, Finlo Cottier [+13]
Journal of Plankton Research 2014-07-09
Gender Specific Reproductive Strategies of an Arctic Key Species (Boreogadus saida) and Implications of Climate Change
Jasmine Nahrgang, Øystein Varpe [+5]
PLoS ONE 2014-05-28
Seasonal ecology and life-history strategy of the high-latitude predatory zooplankter Parasagitta elegans
JJ Grigor, JE Søreide [+1]
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2014-03-03
The importance of tidewater glaciers for marine mammals and seabirds in Svalbard, Norway
Christian Lydersen, Philipp Assmy [+11]
Journal of Marine Systems 2014-01
Moonlit swimming: vertical distributions of macrozooplankton and nekton during the polar night
Clare N. Webster, Øystein Varpe [+4]
Polar Biology 2013-11-17
Non-consumptive mortality in copepods: occurrence of Calanus spp. carcasses in the Arctic Ocean during winter
Malin Daase, Øystein Varpe [+1]
Journal of Plankton Research 2013-09-07
Timing of reproductive events in the marine copepod Calanus glacialis: a pan-Arctic perspective
Malin Daase, Stig Falk-Petersen [+8]
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2013-06
Sea ice phenology and timing of primary production pulses in the Arctic Ocean
Rubao Ji, Meibing Jin [+1]
Global Change Biology 2012-12-15
Feeding in Arctic darkness: mid-winter diet of the pelagic amphipods Themisto abyssorum and T. libellula
Angelina Kraft, Jørgen Berge [+2]
Marine Biology 2012-09-26
Retention of ice-associated amphipods: possible consequences for an ice-free Arctic Ocean
J. Berge, Ø. Varpe [+5]
Biology Letters 2012-09-12
Mass Fluctuations Suggest Different Functions of Bimodal Foraging Trips in a Central-place Forager
Jorg Welcker, Anika Beiersdorf [+2]
Behavioral Ecology 2012-08-28
Potential misidentifications of two climate indicator species of the marine arctic ecosystem: Calanus glacialis and C. finmarchicus
T. M. Gabrielsen, B. Merkel [+7]
Polar Biology 2012-06-10
Fitness and phenology: annual routines and zooplankton adaptations to seasonal cycles
O. Varpe
Journal of Plankton Research 2012-02-01
Is the poleward expansion by Atlantic cod and haddock threatening native polar cod, Boreogadus saida?
Paul E. Renaud, Jørgen Berge [+5]
Polar Biology 2011-09-15
Fishing‐induced evolution of growth: concepts, mechanisms and the empirical evidence
Katja Enberg, Christian Jørgensen [+6]
Marine Ecology 2011-06-13
Annual routines and life history of the amphipod Onisimus litoralis: seasonal growth, body composition and energy budget
H Nygård, J Wallenschus [+3]
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2010-11-04
Lipid sac area as a proxy for individual lipid content of arctic calanoid copepods
Daniel Vogedes, Øystein Varpe [+4]
Journal of Plankton Research 2010-06-21
Changes in the decapod fauna of an Arctic fjord during the last 100 years (1908–2007)
Jørgen Berge, Paul E. Renaud [+5]
Polar Biology 2009-03-12
Diel vertical migration of Arctic zooplankton during the polar night
Biology Letters 2008-10-23
Avian sentinels of the impact of Atlantification on the contaminant state of Kongsfjorden: strengths and pitfalls of a data analytical toolbox.
Igor Eulaers, Pierre Blévin [+13]
9th Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium: Towards a Clean Ocean 2022-06-09
Exploring life-cycle adaptations in a declining sea-ice environment: are sympagic amphipods truly sympagic?
Erin Kunisch, Magnus Drivdal [+7]
POLAR 2018 2018-06-19
An ecosystem-based modeling system for predicting oil spill impacts in the marine environment
JoLynn Carroll, Geir Morten Skeie [+30]
Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014-01-26
Distribution and ecology of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in the eastern Barents Sea: A review of historical literature
Magnus Aune, Evgeniia Raskhozheva [+10]
Marine Environmental Research 2021-04
Functional changes in sub-Arctic benthos following macroalgae expansions.
Susanne Kortsch, Raul Primicerio [+6]
Arctic Frontiers Conference 2018-01-21
The TerrACE project: Effects of terrestrial inputs on contaminant dynamics in Arctic coastal ecosystems
Amanda Poste, Ian Allan [+12]
Ecosystem Studies of Subarctic and Arctic Seas (ESSAS) 2017-06-11
Expect the unexpected - a new perspective and understanding of marine life at high latitudes
Daniel Ludwig Vogedes, Jørgen Berge [+18]
Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Polar Marine Science 2015-03-14
Investigation of new brominated and organophosphorous flame retardants in Svalbard benthic marine food web; FlammePlank
Pernilla Marianne Carlsson, Pernilla Bohlin-Nizzetto [+4]
NIVA-rapport 2018
Adventdalsdeltaet og fjæreplyttens sesongmessige bruk av det marine habitat
Øystein Varpe & Bård-Jørgen Bårdsen
Akvaplan-niva 2014
Polartorsken - vil den bli utkonkurrert av sørlige fiskearter?
Jørgen Berge, Ole Jørgen Lønne [+5]
Svalbardposten 2009-09-11