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Deep sea minerals exploration project EMINENT workshop
2024-09-17 (engelsk)
Combating salmon lice with reduced environmental impact: promising results using floating pellets in infeed medication
2024-04-23 (engelsk)
Bekjempelse av lakselus med redusert miljøpåvirkning: Lovende resultater ved bruk av flytende pellets med avlusningsmiddel
Smittespredning i akvakultur -et planleggingsverktøy for ny sonestruktur
Amfipoden 'Apherusa glacialis' i Nansens fotspor over Polhavet
2023-10-06 (engelsk)
Havstrømmer i polhavet
Magnus Drivdal/Akvaplan-niva
Stokes drift in crossing windsea and swell, and its effect on near-shore particle transport in Lofoten, Northern Norway
Håvard Espenes, Ana Carrasco [+4]
Ocean Modelling 2024-10
A numerical study of rectification driven by a tidal jet
Håvard Espenes, Pål Erik Isachsen [+1]
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2024-07
Acute and Sublethal Effects of Deltamethrin Discharges from the Aquaculture Industry on Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis Krøyer, 1838): Dispersal Modeling and Field Investigations
Maj Arnberg, Gro Harlaug Refseth [+9]
Environmental Science & Technology 2023-02-24
Connections to the Deep: Deep Vertical Migrations, an Important Part of the Life Cycle of Apherusa glacialis, an Arctic Ice-Associated Amphipod
Magnus Drivdal, Erin H. Kunisch [+4]
Frontiers in Marine Science 2021-12-15
Stokes Drift in Topographic Waves over an Enclosed Basin Shelf
Peygham Ghaffari, Jan Erik H. Weber [+2]
Journal of Physical Oceanography 2020-05
Dispersion Relation for Continental Shelf Waves When the Shallow Shelf Part Has an Arbitrary Width: Application to the Shelf West of Norway
Magnus Drivdal, Jan Erik H. Weber [+1]
Journal of Physical Oceanography 2016-02
Some aspects of the Coriolis-Stokes forcing in the oceanic momentum and energy budgets
Jan Erik H. Weber, Magnus Drivdal [+2]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2015-08
Wave-induced mixing and transport of buoyant particles: application to the Statfjord A oil spill
M. Drivdal, G. Broström [+1]
Ocean Science 2014-12-10
Note on Coriolis-Stokes force and energy
Göran Broström, Kai H. Christensen [+2]
Ocean Dynamics 2014-06-12
Observations of the ocean response to cold air outbreaks and polar lows over the Nordic Seas
P. E. Isachsen, M. Drivdal [+4]
Geophysical Research Letters 2013-07-28
Observation-based evaluation of surface wave effects on currents and trajectory forecasts
Johannes Röhrs, Kai Håkon Christensen [+4]
Ocean Dynamics 2012-11-09
Radiation stress and mean drift in continental shelf waves
Jan Erik H. Weber & Magnus Drivdal
Continental Shelf Research 2012-03
Var forurensning fra utfyllingsarbeid ved Northern Lights landanlegg årsaken til at mye laks døde etter avlusning i oppdrettsanlegget Ljøsøy N?
Jonny Beyer, Sondre Meland [+5]
NIVA-rapport 2023
Exploring life-cycle adaptations in a declining sea-ice environment: are sympagic amphipods truly sympagic?
Erin Kunisch, Magnus Drivdal [+7]
POLAR 2018 2018-06-19
The Golden Trader oil spill; evaluation of operational oil spill models
Gøran Brostrøm, Magnus Bjørn Drivdal [+3]
EGU General Assembly 2014-04-27
Wave induced transport and mixing of buoyant particles
Magnus Bjørn Drivdal, Gøran Brostrøm [+1]
Mean Lagrangian drift in contintnetal shelf waves
Magnus Drivdal & Jan Erik H. Weber
EGU General Assembly 2012 2012-04-22
Observations of surface wave effects and impacts on drifter trajectories
AGU Ocean Science Meeting 2012 2012-02-20
Surface wave measurements using ship-mounted ultrasonic altimeter
Kai Håkon Christensen, Johannes Röhrs [+3]
Waves, mixing, and drift in the upper ocean
Göran Broström, Kai Håkon Christensen [+8]
Ocean Science Meeting 2012-02-20