+ 47 97 19 87 66
Restoration and Development of Low-Trophic Blue Economies in the North
2025-01-28 (engelsk)
The spotted wolffish – intimidating but delicious
2023-05-23 (engelsk)
Ny forskningsstasjon søker automatiker
Seminar om nye oppdrettsarter i nord
Final project meeting for Arctic EcoSens was virtually perfect
2021-05-10 (engelsk)
Samarbeid for oppdatert havbrukskunnskap
Hvor bør vi dyrke tare?
Tre spennende marine arter i fokus ved Akvaplan-niva
Akvaplan-niva og Oceanfood - samarbeid om taredyrking
Krafttak for nye oppdrettsarter i nord
Marianne Frantzen/Akvaplan-niva
Anita Evenset og Marianne Frantzen, Bjørnøya2014.jpg
Anita Evenset og Marianne Frantzen, Bjørnøya
The impact of diet on egg, sperm, and larval quality in a spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor, Olafsen 1772) broodstock
Terese Vollstad-Giæver
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2024-05-14
Developmental effects of embryonic exposure to a water-soluble fraction of crude oil on early life stages of capelin (Mallotus villosus)
Adina Cassandra Granlund
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2020-05-15
Large volume cryopreservation of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) sperm for commercial hatchery production
Bamidele Theophilus Opeifa
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2019-06-03
Effects of mechanically and chemically dispersed oil on the osmo- and ion-regulatory capacity of juvenile lumpsucker (Cyclopterus lumpus)
Jocelyn Hernandez Palerud
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2015-02-15
Spawning time in adult polar cod (Boreogadus saida) altered by crude oil exposure, independent of food availability
Leah C. Strople, Ireen Vieweg [+12]
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2023-07-03
No observed developmental effects in early life stages of capelin (Mallotus villosus) exposed to a water-soluble fraction of crude oil during embryonic development
Jasmine Nahrgang, Cassandra Granlund [+4]
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2023-05-12
Impacts of climate change on metal leaching and partitioning for submarine mine tailings disposal
Kristine B. Pedersen, Tore Lejon [+4]
Marine Pollution Bulletin 2022-11
Combined effects of crude oil exposure and warming on eggs and larvae of an arctic forage fish
Morgan Lizabeth Bender, Julia Giebichenstein [+9]
Scientific Reports 2021-04-16
Quantifying the consequence of applying conservative assumptions in the assessment of oil spill effects on polar cod (Boreogadus saida) populations
Pepijn De Vries, Jacqueline Tamis [+6]
Polar Biology 2021-02-23
Effects of the sea lice bath treatment pharmaceuticals hydrogen peroxide, azamethiphos and deltamethrin on egg-carrying shrimp (Pandalus borealis)
Marianne Frantzen, Jenny Bytingsvik [+5]
Marine Environmental Research 2020-07
Growth and metabolism of adult polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in response to dietary crude oil
Jasmine Nahrgang, Morgan L. Bender [+4]
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2019-09
Effects of Mine Tailings Exposure on Early Life Stages of Atlantic Cod
Helena C. Reinardy, Kristine B. Pedersen [+2]
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2019-06-20
Effects of water accommodated fraction of physically and chemically dispersed heavy fuel oil on beach spawning capelin (Mallotus villosus)
Zhanna Tairova, Marianne Frantzen [+3]
Marine Environmental Research 2019-05
Seasonal and spatial variations in biomarker baseline levels within Arctic populations of mussels (Mytilus spp.)
Ekaterina Storhaug, Jasmine Nahrgang [+5]
Science of The Total Environment 2019-03
The influence of Magnafloc10 on the acidic, alkaline, and electrodialytic desorption of metals from mine tailings
Kristine B. Pedersen, Helena C. Reinardy [+4]
Journal of Environmental Management 2018-10
Effects of acute exposure to dispersed oil and burned oil residue on long-term survival, growth, and reproductive development in polar cod (Boreogadus saida)
M.L. Bender, M. Frantzen [+4]
Marine Environmental Research 2018-09
Seasonal changes in lipid class content in mussels Mytilus spp. from Rakkfjorden in the Norwegian Sea and Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea
Natalia Fokina, Ekaterina Storhaug [+4]
Polar Biology 2018-06-11
Biomarker response and hypothalamus-pituitary-interrenal axis functioning in Arctic charr from Bjørnøya (74°30′ N), Norway, with high levels of organohalogenated compounds
Even H. Jørgensen, Alec G. Maule [+7]
Aquatic Toxicology 2017-06
Metal speciation of historic and new copper mine tailings from Repparfjorden, Northern Norway, before and after acid, base and electrodialytic extraction
Kristine B. Pedersen, Pernille E. Jensen [+4]
Minerals Engineering 2017-06
Long-term dispersion and availability of metals from submarine mine tailing disposal in a fjord in Arctic Norway
Kristine B. Pedersen, Pernille E. Jensen [+7]
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2017-05-27
Effects of chronic dietary petroleum exposure on reproductive development in polar cod (Boreogadus saida)
Morgan Lizabeth Bender, Marianne Frantzen [+7]
Aquatic Toxicology 2016-11
Early life stages of an arctic keystone species (Boreogadus saida) show high sensitivity to a water-soluble fraction of crude oil
Jasmine Nahrgang, Paul Dubourg [+4]
Environmental Pollution 2016-11
Biological effects of marine diesel oil exposure in red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) assessed through a water and foodborne exposure experiment
Kjetil Sagerup, Jasmine Nahrgang [+3]
Marine Environmental Research 2016-08
Biological effects of mechanically and chemically dispersed oil on the Icelandic scallop (Chlamys islandica)
Marianne Frantzen, Francesco Regoli [+6]
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2016-05
Effects of crude oil exposure and elevated temperature on the liver transcriptome of polar cod (Boreogadus saida)
Øivind Andersen, Marianne Frantzen [+4]
Aquatic Toxicology 2015-08
Current status, between-year comparisons and maternal transfer of organohalogenated compounds (OHCs) in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) from Bjørnøya, Svalbard (Norway)
J. Bytingsvik, M. Frantzen [+4]
Science of The Total Environment 2015-07
Acute and long-term biological effects of mechanically and chemically dispersed oil on lumpsucker (Cyclopterus lumpus)
Marianne Frantzen, Bjørn Henrik Hansen [+5]
Marine Environmental Research 2015-04
Seasonal variation in biomarkers in blue mussel (Mytilus edulis), Icelandic scallop (Chlamys islandica) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)—Implications for environmental monitoring in the Barents Sea
J. Nahrgang, S.J. Brooks [+8]
Aquatic Toxicology 2013-02
Toxicity of crude oil and pyrene to the embryos of beach spawning capelin (Mallotus villosus)
Marianne Frantzen, Inger-Britt Falk-Petersen [+5]
Aquatic Toxicology 2012-02
Synthesis of 17,20β,21‐trihydroxypregn‐4‐en‐3‐one by ovaries of reproductively mature Atlantic cod Gadus morhua
H. Tveiten, M. Frantzen [+2]
Journal of Fish Biology 2010-07
Physiological stress responses in spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor) subjected to acute disturbance and progressive hypoxia
Natacha Lays, Maren Marie Thode Iversen [+2]
Aquaculture 2009-10
Milt characteristics of diploid and triploid Atlantic cod (Gadus morhuaL.)
Stefano Peruzzi, Geir Rudolfsen [+3]
Aquaculture Research 2009-07
Effects of photoperiod on sex steroids and gonad maturation in Arctic charr
Marianne Frantzen, Arne M. Arnesen [+3]
Aquaculture 2004-10
Effects of fastng on temporal changes in plasma concentrations of sex steroids, growth hormone and insuline-like growth factor I, and reproductive investment in Arctic charr
Marianne Frantzen, Børge Damsgård [+4]
Journal of Fish Biology 2004
Gonadal development and sex steroids in a female Arctic charr broodstock
Marianne Frantzen, Helge K Johnsen [+1]
Journal of Fish Biology 1997
Trude Kristin Borch, Marianne Frantzen [+1]
Fram Forum 2023
Flekksteinbit – skummel delikatesse
Dykking 2023
“Effects of increased water temperature and water-soluble crude oil exposure on survival, growth, and feeding success of early life stages of polar cod (Boreogadus saida)”
Morgan Lizabeth Bender, Julia Gossa [+9]
Ecosystem Studies of the Sub-Arctic Seas 2018-06-10
Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium 2016-10-24
Developmental toxicity of low levels of crude oil WSF on polar cod embryos.
Jasmine Nahrgang, luca tassara [+5]
POLARISATION meeting 2014-04-10
Differences in toxicity between chemically and naturally dispersed oil to some selected coastal sub-arctic species
Bjørn Henrik Hansen, Marianne Frantzen [+5]
Arctic Frontiers 2012-01-24
Effekter av kortisol og 11-ketotestosteron på spermkvaliteten hos flekksteinbit
Marianne Frantzen & Helge Tveiten
Programkonferansen HAVBRUK 2006 2006-03-29
Effects of cortisol and 11-ketotestosterone on testicular development and sperm quality in male spotted wolffish
Wolfish culture, status and challenges-Workshop, Bodø University College, January 23-25 2006. 2006-01-23
Effect of daylength and energetic status on sexual maturation
Marianne Frantzen
Environmental impact on Arctic charr, mini symposium 2003-11-28
Fish Physiology at the Norwegian College of Fishery Science
Aquaculture, Coastal Management and Environmental impact 2003-10-01
Potential effects of petroleum pollution and increasing water temperature on life-history traits in polar cod (Boreogadus saida)
Morgan Lizabeth Bender, Marianne Frantzen [+3]
Ecosystem Studies of Sub Arctic Ecosystems 2017-06-11
Marianne Frantzen, Helge Tveiten [+1]
8th International Symposium on reproductive Physiology of Fish 2007-06-03
Corrigendum to “Early life stages of an arctic keystone species (Boreogadus saida) show high sensitivity to a water-soluble fraction of crude oil” [Environ. Pollut. 218 (November) (2016) 605–614]
Environmental Pollution 2017-04
Control of reproduction in salmonids - experimental studies on Arctic charr
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2003