Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir

+ 35 46 92 07 37

Akvakultur innovasjon



  1. Feeding behaviour and growth of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) fed with feed blocks

    Albert K Imsland, Patrick Reynolds [+8]

    Aquaculture Research 2018-03-07

  2. Population genetic structure of lumpfish along the Norwegian coast: aquaculture implications

    Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir, Julia Schregel [+4]

    Aquaculture International 2017-09-17

  3. Is cleaning behaviour in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) parentally controlled?

    Albert K. Imsland, Patrick Reynolds [+12]

    Aquaculture 2016-06

  4. Nuclear DNA RFLP variation of Atlantic cod in the North Atlantic Ocean

    Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir, Albert Kjartansson Imsland [+2]

    Fisheries Research 2003

  5. Linking population genetics and growth properties of Atlantic cod

    Albert K. Imsland & Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir

    Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 2003

  6. Genetic differentiation among Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) in Icelandic waters: temporal stability

    Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir, Anna Kristin Daníelsdóttir [+1]

    ICES Journal of Marine Science 2001

  1. CYCLOPTERUS-STR: Development and validation of a genome- and transcriptome-derived microsatellite database of Cyclopterus lumpus

    Simo Maduna, Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir [+2]

    AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2019 2019-10-07

  2. Genomics of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus): towards marker assisted selection

    Simo Maduna, Albert K.D. Imsland [+2]

    European Summit on Aquaculture, Fisheries and Horticulture 2018-09-20

  1. Correction to: Population genetic structure of lumpfish along the Norwegian coast: aquaculture implications

    Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir, Julia Schregel [+4]

    Aquaculture International 2017-10-26
