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Towards better lumpfish: Changes in size variation, cataract development, behaviour and sea lice grazing through selective breeding
Albert Kjartan Dagbjartarson Imsland, Patrick Reynolds [+5]
Aquaculture 2024-01
Genomic Signatures of Local Adaptation under High Gene Flow in Lumpfish—Implications for Broodstock Provenance Sourcing and Larval Production
Simo Njabulo Maduna, Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir [+7]
Genes 2023-09-26
Lack of population genetic structure of lumpfish along the Norwegian coast: A reappraisal based on EST-STRs analyses
Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir, Davíð Gíslason [+6]
Aquaculture 2022-06
Mitogenomics of the suborder Cottoidei (Teleostei: Perciformes): Improved assemblies, mitogenome features, phylogeny, and ecological implications
Simo N. Maduna, Adam Vivian-Smith [+6]
Genomics 2022-03
Quantification of grazing efficacy, growth and health score of different lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) families: Possible size and gender effects
Albert Kjartan Dagbjartarson Imsland, Patrick Reynolds [+7]
Aquaculture 2021-01
Genome- and transcriptome-derived microsatellite loci in lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus: molecular tools for aquaculture, conservation and fisheries management
Scientific Reports 2020-01-17
Feeding behaviour and growth of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) fed with feed blocks
Albert K Imsland, Patrick Reynolds [+8]
Aquaculture Research 2018-03-07
Population genetic structure of lumpfish along the Norwegian coast: aquaculture implications
Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir, Julia Schregel [+4]
Aquaculture International 2017-09-17
Effects of lumpfish size on foraging behaviour and co-existence with sea lice infected Atlantic salmon in sea cages
Albert K. Imsland, Patrick Reynolds [+9]
Aquaculture 2016-12
Is cleaning behaviour in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) parentally controlled?
Albert K. Imsland, Patrick Reynolds [+12]
Aquaculture 2016-06
Investigation of behavioural interactions between lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) and goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) under controlled conditions
Albert K. Imsland, Patrick Reynolds [+7]
Aquaculture International 2016-04-28
Nuclear DNA RFLP variation of Atlantic cod in the North Atlantic Ocean
O Jónsdóttir
Fisheries Research 2003-09
Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir, Albert Kjartansson Imsland [+2]
Fisheries Research 2003
Linking population genetics and growth properties of Atlantic cod
Albert K. Imsland & Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 2003
Genetic heterogeneity and growth properties of different genotypes of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) at two spawning sites off south Iceland
Fisheries Research 2002-03
Genetic differentiation among Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) in Icelandic waters: temporal stability
Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir, Anna Kristin Daníelsdóttir [+1]
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2001
Effects of exposure to extended photoperiods during the first winter on long-term growth and age at first maturity in turbot (Scophthalmus macimus)
Albert Imsland, Arild Folkvord [+2]
Aquaculture 1997
CYCLOPTERUS-STR: Development and validation of a genome- and transcriptome-derived microsatellite database of Cyclopterus lumpus
Simo Maduna, Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir [+2]
AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2019 2019-10-07
Genomics of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus): towards marker assisted selection
Simo Maduna, Albert K.D. Imsland [+2]
European Summit on Aquaculture, Fisheries and Horticulture 2018-09-20
Correction to: Population genetic structure of lumpfish along the Norwegian coast: aquaculture implications
Aquaculture International 2017-10-26
Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) in the North Atlantic with emphasis on Icelandic waters; population genetic structure, temporal stability and genotypic dependent growth properties
Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir