Rune Palerud

+ 47 97 14 39 97

Miljøutredning og overvåking


  1. Miljøovervåkning i Sørfjorden ved Osterøy

    Trine Dale, Gjermund Bahr [+4]

    NIVA-rapport 2019

  1. Assessing evidence for random assembly of marine benthic communities from regional species pools

    PJ Somerfield, C Arvanitidis [+33]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2009-04-30

  2. Biological geography of the European seas: results from the MacroBen database

    C Arvanitidis, PJ Somerfield [+57]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2009-04-30

  3. Continental-scale patterns in benthic invertebrate diversity: insights from the MacroBen database

    PE Renaud, TJ Webb [+33]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2009-04-30

  4. Macrobenthic fauna of the Franz Josef Land archipelago

    S. Dahle, N. A. Anisimova [+4]

    Polar Biology 2008-10-07

  5. The marine macroorganisms in Svalbard water

    Rune Palerud, Torleiv Brattegard [+3]

    Skrifter / Norsk polarinstitutt 2004

  6. A species list of marine macrorganisms in Svalbard Waters

    Rune Palerud, Bjørn Gulliksen [+2]

    Årbok / Norsk polarinstitutt 2004

  7. Marine Amphipoda Gamnmaridea in the North-east Atlantic and Norwegian Arctic

    Rune Palerud & Wim Vader

    Tromura. Naturvitenskap 1991

kapittel (akademisk)
  1. The marine macro-organisms in Svalbard waters

    Rune Palerud, Bjørn Gulliksen [+3]

    A catalogue of the terrestrial and marine animals of Svalbard 2004

  2. The Marine Sublittoral Fauna of Jan Mayen Island

    Bjørn Gulliksen, Frank Beuchel [+6]

    Jan Mayen Island in Scientific Focus 2004

  3. Arctic Coastal and Marine Environmental Monitoring

    H. Goodwin & R. Palerud

    Coastal Systems and Continental Margins 2003