Jørgen Berge
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Publikasjoner (112)

  1. Photosynthetic light requirement near the theoretical minimum detected in Arctic microalgae

    Clara J. M. Hoppe, Niels Fuchs [+17]

    Nature Communications 2024-09-04

  2. Diets of gadoid fish in Arctic waters of Svalbard fjords during the polar night

    Lars-Henrik Larsen, Marine Cusa [+6]

    Polar Biology 2023-06-23

  1. Ontogenetic changes in the body structure of the Arctic fish Leptoclinus maculatus

    S. N. Pekkoeva, E. A. Kondakova [+3]

    Scientific Reports 2023-03-06

  2. Still Arctic?—The changing Barents Sea

    Sebastian Gerland, Randi B. Ingvaldsen [+39]

    Elem Sci Anth 2023

  3. Environmental niche overlap in sibling planktonic species Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis in Arctic fjords

    Agata Weydmann‐Zwolicka, Finlo Cottier [+4]

    Ecology and Evolution 2022-12

  4. Pelagic organisms avoid white, blue, and red artificial light from scientific instruments

    Maxime Geoffroy, Tom Langbehn [+9]

    Scientific Reports 2021-07-22

  5. Zooplankton and sediment fluxes in two contrasting fjords reveal Atlantification of the Arctic

    Agata Weydmann-Zwolicka, Paula Prątnicka [+4]

    Science of The Total Environment 2021-06

  6. Summer and winter MgCO3 levels in the skeletons of Arctic bryozoans

    Anna Iglikowska, Małgorzata Krzemińska [+4]

    Marine Environmental Research 2020-12

  7. Fatty acid composition of the postlarval daubed shanny (Leptoclinus maculatus) during the polar night

    Svetlana N. Pekkoeva, Svetlana A. Murzina [+5]

    Polar Biology 2020-04-23

  8. Growth and metabolism of adult polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in response to dietary crude oil

    Jasmine Nahrgang, Morgan L. Bender [+4]

    Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2019-09

  9. Seasonal constancy (summer vs. winter) of benthic size spectra in an Arctic fjord

    Mikołaj Mazurkiewicz, Barbara Górska [+4]

    Polar Biology 2019-06-08

  10. High Arctic Mytilus spp.: occurrence, distribution and history of dispersal

    Peter Leopold, Paul E. Renaud [+2]

    Polar Biology 2018-10-16

  11. Hyperbenthic food-web structure in an Arctic fjord

    M McGovern, J Berge [+3]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2018-09-17

  12. Pelagic food-webs in a changing Arctic: a trait-based perspective suggests a mode of resilience

    Paul E Renaud, Malin Daase [+10]

    ICES Journal of Marine Science 2018-06-27

  13. Increased occurrence of the jellyfish Periphylla periphylla in the European high Arctic

    Maxime Geoffroy, Jørgen Berge [+7]

    Polar Biology 2018-06-25

  14. The longer the better: the effect of substrate on sessile biota in Arctic kelp forests

    Natalia Shunatova, Daria Nikishina [+5]

    Polar Biology 2018-02-02

  15. Recruitment of benthic invertebrates in high Arctic fjords: Relation to temperature, depth, and season

    Kirstin S. Meyer, Andrew K. Sweetman [+7]

    Limnology and Oceanography 2017-05-30

  16. A key to the past? Element ratios as environmental proxies in two Arctic bivalves

    Mikko Vihtakari, William G. Ambrose [+7]

    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2017-01

  17. Advection in polar and sub-polar environments: Impacts on high latitude marine ecosystems

    George L. Hunt, Kenneth F. Drinkwater [+16]

    Progress in Oceanography 2016-12

  18. Seasonal vertical strategies in a high-Arctic coastal zooplankton community

    K Bandara, Ø Varpe [+4]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2016-08-18

  19. Plankton community composition and vertical migration during polar night in Kongsfjorden

    Julie Cornelius Grenvald, Trine Abraham Callesen [+7]

    Polar Biology 2016-07-30

  20. In the dark: A review of ecosystem processes during the Arctic polar night

    Jørgen Berge, Paul E. Renaud [+15]

    Progress in Oceanography 2015-12

  21. Aspects of reproductive biology of wild-caught polar cod (Boreogadus saida) from Svalbard waters

    Jasmine Nahrgang, Ekaterina Storhaug [+4]

    Polar Biology 2015-11-27

  22. Macroalgal detritus and food-web subsidies along an Arctic fjord depth-gradient

    Paul E. Renaud, Therese S. Løkken [+3]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2015-06-05

  23. Differences in lens optical plasticity in two gadoid fishes meeting in the Arctic

    Mikael Jönsson, Øystein Varpe [+3]

    Journal of Comparative Physiology A 2014-09-21

  24. Arctic complexity: a case study on diel vertical migration of zooplankton

    Jørgen Berge, Finlo Cottier [+13]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2014-07-09

  25. At the rainbow’s end: high productivity fueled by winter upwelling along an Arctic shelf

    Stig Falk-Petersen, Vladimir Pavlov [+4]

    Polar Biology 2014-03-21

  26. Lipids in the daubed shanny (Teleostei: Leptoclinus maculatus) in Svalbard waters

    Svetlana A. Murzina, Zinaida A. Nefedova [+7]

    Polar Biology 2013-08-31

  27. Timing of reproductive events in the marine copepod Calanus glacialis: a pan-Arctic perspective

    Malin Daase, Stig Falk-Petersen [+8]

    Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2013-06

  28. Ice-related seasonality in zooplankton community composition in a high Arctic fjord

    Agata Weydmann, Janne E. Søreide [+4]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2013-04-09

  29. Aggregations of predators and prey affect predation impact of the Arctic ctenophore Mertensia ovum

    S Majaneva, J Berge [+6]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2013-02-27

  30. Evolution of the Arctic Calanus complex: an Arctic marine avocado?

    J. Berge, T. M. Gabrielsen [+2]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2012-01-03

  31. Biodiversitet i Arktis

    Jørgen Berge & Paul E. Renaud

    Naturen 2011-01-04

  32. Biodiversity Trends along the Western European Margin

    Bhavani E. Narayanaswamy, Paul E. Renaud [+5]

    PLoS ONE 2010-12-13

  33. Increased irradiance reduces food quality of sea ice algae

    E Leu, J Wiktor [+3]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2010-07-29

  34. Lipid sac area as a proxy for individual lipid content of arctic calanoid copepods

    Daniel Vogedes, Øystein Varpe [+4]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2010-06-21

  35. The fauna of hydrothermal vents on the Mohn Ridge (North Atlantic)

    Christoffer Schander, Hans Tore Rapp [+22]

    Marine Biology Research 2010-03

  36. Changes in the decapod fauna of an Arctic fjord during the last 100 years (1908–2007)

    Jørgen Berge, Paul E. Renaud [+5]

    Polar Biology 2009-03-12

  37. Diel vertical migration of Arctic zooplankton during the polar night

    Jørgen Berge, Finlo Cottier [+13]

    Biology Letters 2008-10-23

  38. Vertical migration in high Arctic waters during autumn 2004

    Stig Falk-Petersen, Eva Leu [+9]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  1. Target spectra discrimination of three Arctic species

    Muriel Barbara Dunn, Geir Pedersen [+8]

    From Echosounders to the Cloud: Transforming Acoustic Data to Information 2023-03-27

  2. First records of Periphylla periphylla in a high Arctic fjord: a newcomer or a returning visitor?

    Maxime Geoffroy, Jørgen Berge [+3]

    Gordon Reserach Conference in Polar Marine Science 2017-03-25

  3. Ctenophores – native aliens in Norwegian waters (GooseAlien)

    Sanna Kristiina Majaneva, Aino Hosia [+2]

    5th International Jellyfish Bloom Symposium 2016-05-30

  1. Ctenophores – native aliens in Norwegian waters

    Sanna Majaneva, Aino Hosia [+2]

    Ctenopalooza 2016-03-14

  2. Size Matters- Impact of climate change at the base of the Arctic food chain

    Malin Daase, Jørgen Berge [+6]

    Gordon Research Conference on Polar Marine Science 2015-03-16

  3. Expect the unexpected - a new perspective and understanding of marine life at high latitudes

    Daniel Ludwig Vogedes, Jørgen Berge [+18]

    Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Polar Marine Science 2015-03-14

  4. Intense feeding of Calanus hyperboreus on Arctic Autumn Bloom Propagated by a Record Minimum Sea Ice Extent in 2004

    Stig Falk-Petersen, A Wold [+8]

    ACIA International Symposium on Climate Change in the Arctic. 2004-11-09

    1. Forskningsskipet «Oceania»

      Salve Dahle, Stig Falk-Petersen [+1]

      Svalbardposten 2023

    2. Om torsk, klima, polartorsk og bunndyr

      Jørgen Berge & Paul Eric Renaud

      Svalbardposten 2019-09-09

    3. En reise mot Ultima Thule

      Jørgen Berge, Stig Falk-Petersen [+4]

      Svalbardposten 2016-09-02

    1. I grenselandet (mellom Tull og Thule)

      Jørgen Berge, Paul E. Renaud [+8]

      Svalbardposten 2016

    2. Mørkets hemmeligheter

      Jørgen Berge, Geir Johnsen [+1]

      Svalbardposten 2013

    3. Polartorsken - vil den bli utkonkurrert av sørlige fiskearter?

      Jørgen Berge, Ole Jørgen Lønne [+5]

      Svalbardposten 2009-09-11

    1. Ecology of Arctic Pelagic Communities

      Malin Daase, Jørgen Berge [+2]

      Arctic Ecology 2020-12-18

    2. Zooplankton in the Polar Night

      Jørgen Berge, Malin Daase [+4]

      Advances in Polar Ecology 2020

    3. The Underwater Light Climate in Kongsfjorden and Its Ecological Implications

      Alexey K. Pavlov, Eva Leu [+14]

      The Ecosystem of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard 2019

      1. Om klimaendringer, det produktive Barentshavet, og kjøleskap

        Jørgen Berge & Paul E. Renaud

        Bladet Vesterålen 2018-10-04

      2. Om klimaendringer, det produktive Barentshavet og kjøleskap

        Jørgen Berge & Paul E. Renaud

        Nordlys 2018-10-03

      3. Historier fra Rijpfjorden (del 4): Om kibb, sjøis og næringskjeder

        Jørgen Berge, Janne Søreide [+3]

        Svalbardposten 2018

      1. Historier fra Rijpfjorden (del 3): Monster!

        Jørgen Berge, Paul E. Renaud [+1]

        Svalbardposten 2018

      1. Morphological and molecular evidence reveal underestimated ctenophore species richness – peeking into the group of unidentified species

        Sanna Kristiina Majaneva, Aino Hosia [+5]

        ICES/PICES 6th Zooplankton Production Symposium 2016-05-09


        Jasmine Nahrgang, Morgan Lizabeth Bender [+6]

        POLARISATION meeting 2014-04-10

        1. First records of Periphylla periphylla in a high Arctic fjord: a newcomer or a returning visitor?

          Maxime Geoffroy, Jørgen Berge [+3]

          Gordon Research Seminar in Polar Marine Science 2017-03-25


              Co-authors (437)

                46 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Stig Falk-Petersen

                45 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Paul E. Renaud

                24 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Øystein Varpe

                21 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Janne E. Søreide

                20 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Malin Daase

                19 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Geir Johnsen

                16 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Finlo Cottier

                15 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Eva Leu

                13 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Maxime Geoffroy

                11 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Gérald Darnis

                10 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Sanna Majaneva

                9 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Lionel Camus

                8 works (with: 2 others)

              1. Jasmine Nahrgang
              2. Haakon Hop

                7 works (with: 4 others)

              1. Ole Jørgen Lønne
              2. Daniel Vogedes
              3. S. A. Murzina
              4. S. N. Pekkoeva

                6 works (with: 2 others)

              1. Henrik Nygård
              2. N. N. Nemova

                5 works (with: 2 others)

              1. Bjørn Gulliksen
              2. Rolf Gradinger

                4 works (with: 5 others)

              1. William G. Ambrose Jr.
              2. Marine Cusa
              3. O. Lonne
              4. Peter Leopold
              5. Z. A. Nefedova

                3 works (with: 19 others)

              1. Nathalie Morata
              2. Aino Hosia
              3. Anette Wold
              4. Colin Griffiths
              5. Damien Tran
              6. Finlo Robert Cottier
              7. H Nygård
              8. Ireen Vieweg
              9. Jonathan H. Cohen
              10. Kim Last
              11. Leif Christian Stige
              12. Maria Włodarska-Kowalczuk
              13. Natalia Shunatova
              14. Nina N. Nemova
              15. Piotr Kukliński
              16. Pierre Priou
              17. Rupert H. Krapp
              18. Svetlana A. Murzina
              19. Tove M. Gabrielsen

                2 works (with: 62 others)

              1. Hector Andrade
              2. Lis Lindal Jørgensen
              3. A. Wold
              4. Andrei Granovitch
              5. Andrew S. Brierley
              6. Aud Larsen
              7. Bodil A. Bluhm
              8. Carl Ballantine
              9. Christophe Pampoulie
              10. Claudia Halsband
              11. Daniel Ludwig Vogedes
              12. Daniela M. Pampanin
              13. Daria Nikishina
              14. David McKee
              15. Erin Kunisch
              16. F. Cottier
              17. Finlo R. Cottier
              18. France Collard
              19. Giulia Castellani
              20. Guillaume Durier
              21. Gunnar Bratbak
              22. Hauke Flores
              23. J Wallenschus
              24. Jan Marcin Weslawski
              25. Jane Aanestad Godiksen
              26. Joanna Legeżyńska
              27. Joël Durant
              28. Ketil Eiane
              29. Kim Præbel
              30. Kim S. Last
              31. Kjetill Sigurd Jakobsen
              32. Kristin Heggland
              33. Laura Hobbs
              34. M. Daase
              35. Magnus Drivdal
              36. Marius Filomeno Maurstad
              37. Mark A. Moline
              38. Mark Ravinet
              39. Martin Graeve
              40. Mats A. Granskog
              41. Mikko Vihtakari
              42. Michael L. Carroll
              43. Mohamedou Sow
              44. Philip Anderson
              45. Pierre Ciret
              46. Piotr Kuklinski
              47. S Kwasniewski
              48. Sissel Jentoft
              49. Siv Nam Khang Hoff
              50. Sabine Cochrane
              51. Sonnich Meier
              52. Steven H.D. Haddock
              53. T. M. Gabrielsen
              54. T. R. Ruokolainen
              55. Torleiv Brattegard
              56. V. P. Voronin
              57. William L. Locke
              58. Zinaida A. Nefedova
              59. З.А. Нефедова
              60. Н.Н. Немова
              61. С.А. Мурзина
              62. С.Н. Пеккоева

                1 works (with: 329 others)

              1. Sam Eglund-Newby
              2. Fredrik Broms
              3. Katherine M. Dunlop
              4. Alexey K. Pavlov
              5. K. Hatlen
              6. A Røstad
              7. A Vader
              8. A Wold
              9. A. Bailey
              10. A. H. S. Tandberg
              11. A. Helland
              12. A. K. Sweetman
              13. A. Vader
              14. A. Y. Voronkov
              15. A.B. Ledang
              16. Adrian Zwolicki
              17. Agata Weydmann
              18. Agata Weydmann-Zwolicka
              19. Agata Weydmann‐Zwolicka
              20. Agneta Fransson
              21. Aksel Alstad Mogstad
              22. Alan Le Moan
              23. Alexandra Kraberg
              24. Alison Deary
              25. AM Rao
              26. Anais Aubert
              27. Ananda Rabindranath
              28. Anders Mosbech
              29. Anders Røstad
              30. Anders Torstensson
              31. Anders Warén
              32. Andrew K. Sweetman
              33. Andrew S Brierley
              34. Andrey Gebruk
              35. Andrey V. Dolgov
              36. Angelina Kraft
              37. Anna Iglikowska
              38. Anna Nikolopoulos
              39. Anya Gonchar
              40. Arild Sundfjord
              41. Arnault Le Bris
              42. Arne Melsom
              43. Artur Zolich
              44. Asgeir J. Sørensen
              45. Asgeir Johan Sørensen
              46. Audun Fosshagen
              47. B Szymczycha
              48. B.V. Ivanov
              49. Barbara Górska
              50. Ben Laurel
              51. Benjamin Levin
              52. Benoit Lebreton
              53. Benoit Philippe
              54. Bernhard Schartmüller
              55. Beverly J. Johnson
              56. Bhavani E. Narayanaswamy
              57. Bjarte Bogstad
              58. Björn Rost
              59. Benjamin Merkel
              60. Bodil Bluhm
              61. Camilla A. Meyer Ottesen
              62. Camilla Ottesen
              63. Carie Hoover
              64. Carmen L. David
              65. Caroline Bouchard
              66. Catherine Lalande
              67. Cathleen Vestfals
              68. Cecilie Mauritzen
              69. Cecilie von Quillfeldt
              70. Christian Katlein
              71. Christian Lydersen
              72. Christiane Todt
              73. Christoffer Schander
              74. Clara J. M. Hoppe
              75. Clara J.M. Hoppe
              76. Clare N. Webster
              77. Craig M. Young
              78. D. Konovalov
              79. D. O. B. Jones
              80. D. Vogedes
              81. D.O. Hessen
              82. Dag Lorentzen
              83. Dieter Hanelt
              84. Dieter Wolf-Gladrow
              85. Dirk Notz
              86. Dmitry V. Divine
              87. Dominique Robert
              88. E Keskinen
              89. E Stübner
              90. E. A. Kondakova
              91. E. Falck
              92. E. Johansson-Karlsson
              93. E. P. Ieshko
              94. Eike Stübner
              95. Eivind Oug
              96. Ekaterina Korshunova
              97. Ekaterina Storhaug
              98. Elena Eriksen
              99. Emily Joanne Venables
              100. Emma Michaud
              101. Enrique Isla
              102. Erin H. Kunisch
              103. Erlend Kjeldsberg Hovland
              104. Essi Keskinen
              105. Esther D. Goldstein
              106. Eugene J. Murphy
              107. F. Nilsen
              108. Felix C. Mark
              109. Frank Nilsen
              110. Franz J. Mueter
              111. Fredrik Pleijel
              112. Frid Mikkola
              113. Gaël Guillou
              114. Geir Pedersen
              115. George Divoky
              116. George L. Hunt
              117. Gerard C. A. Duineveld
              118. Gro Harlaug Refseth
              119. Gro I. van der Meeren
              120. H. Nygård
              121. Hanne H. Thoen
              122. Hans Tore Rapp
              123. Harald Gjøsæter
              124. Harald Steen
              125. Harri Pettitt-Wade
              126. Heather Cronin
              127. Henning Reiss
              128. Ian Bradbury
              129. Ian R. Bradbury
              130. Igor A. Melnikov
              131. Ilker Fer
              132. Ina Kostakis
              133. Ingar Halvorsen Wasbotten
              134. Ingeborg G. Hallanger
              135. Ingeborg Hallanger
              136. Ingunn H. Thorseth
              137. Ingvar Byrkjedal
              138. Inka Bartsch
              139. Irina Prokopchuk
              140. Iris Werner
              141. J Wiktor
              142. J. C. Grenvald
              143. J. Gjaldbæk Thormar
              144. Jan Marcin Węsławski
              145. Janet Duffy-Anderson
              146. Jean-Charles Gallet
              147. Jean-Charles Massabuau
              148. Jenny Jensen
              149. Jennifer Herbig
              150. JM Weęsławski
              151. Joanna Pawłowska
              152. Joël M. Durant
              153. Johanna Hovinen
              154. John Turner
              155. Jon Anders Kongsrud
              156. Jonas Thormar
              157. Jonas Wloka
              158. Jonathan A. D. Fisher
              159. Jonathan A.D. Fisher
              160. Jonathan Cohen
              161. Jonathan H. Cohen
              162. Jordan Nechev
              163. Jørgen Schou Christiansen
              164. Julie Cornelius Grenvald
              165. Julie Grenvald
              166. Justyna Meler
              167. K Draganska
              168. K Eiane
              169. Kate Willis
              170. Katrine Borgå
              171. Katrine Husum
              172. Kanchana Bandara
              173. Kristine Bondo Pedersen
              174. Kendra L. Daly
              175. Kenneth F. Drinkwater
              176. Kevin Arrigo
              177. Kevin Hedges
              178. Kim Larsen
              179. Kim S Last
              180. Kim S. Last
              181. Kirstin S. Meyer
              182. Kit M. Kovacs
              183. Kristin Heggøy Petersen
              184. Kristin Laidre
              185. Ksenia Kosobokova
              186. Kyle Elliott
              187. L. Hobbs
              188. L.L.A. Olivier
              189. Larisa Karamushko
              190. Lars Henrik Smedsrud
              191. Laurent Oziel
              192. Le Moan Alan
              193. Lena Seuthe
              194. Leon J. Clarke
              195. Lars-Henrik Larsen
              196. Lisa Levin
              197. Lisa Loseto
              198. Louis Fortier
              199. Louise Copeman
              200. M Lehtiniemi
              201. M McGovern
              202. M Vihtakari
              203. M. A. Moline
              204. M. Geoffroy
              205. M. Moline
              206. Magdalena Łącka
              207. Magnus Lucassen
              208. Maiju Lehtiniemi
              209. Małgorzata Krzemińska
              210. Malin Hildegard Elisabeth Daase
              211. Malte Müller
              212. Marc S. S. Lavaleye
              213. Marek Zajączkowski
              214. Margaret I. Wallace
              215. marianne Frantzen
              216. Marion Maturilli
              217. Marit Reigstad
              218. Marius Årthun
              219. Marius O. Jonassen
              220. Mark A. Moline
              221. Mark Moline
              222. Markus Majaneva
              223. Martha Tveit
              224. MARTIN GRAEVE
              225. Matthias Obst
              226. Muriel Barbara Dunn
              227. Melissa Chierici
              228. Marianne Frantzen
              229. Mickael Perrigault
              230. Mikael Jönsson
              231. Mikhail Ivanov
              232. Mikołaj Mazurkiewicz
              233. Mona M. Fuhrmann
              234. Monika Kędra
              235. Morgan Bender
              236. Morgan L. Bender
              237. Morgan Lizabeth Bender
              238. N. Fraser
              239. Nadja Steiner
              240. Natalia Chernova
              241. Neil S Banas
              242. Néstor Santana Hernández
              243. Nicolas Dupont
              244. Niels Fuchs
              245. Nigel E. Hussey
              246. Nina Karnovsky
              247. Nina Therese Mikkelsen
              248. Ø Sparre
              249. Oda Bjærke
              250. Ole K. Tørresen
              251. Ole Kristian Tørresen
              252. Oliver Müller
              253. Olympe Delmas
              254. P. O. Ripatti
              255. Paul Wassmann
              256. Paula Prątnicka
              257. Pauli O. Ripatti
              258. Petter Norgren
              259. Philip Trathan
              260. Philipp Assmy
              261. Piotr Balazy
              262. Piotr Bałazy
              263. Piotr Kowalczuk
              264. R. P. Harbour
              265. R. Skogseth
              266. Randi B. Ingvaldsen
              267. Ragnhild Pettersen
              268. Raul Primicerio
              269. Ronald H. H. Kröger
              270. Rozemarijn Keuning
              271. Rupert Krapp
              272. Roger Velvin
              273. S. Kristiansen
              274. Sabine Stöhr
              275. Sara Pedro
              276. Sarah Maes
              277. Sarah Schembri
              278. Sawomir Kwasniewski
              279. Salve Dahle
              280. Sebastian Gerland
              281. Sebastian H. Mernild
              282. Sebastian Menze
              283. Seth Danielson
              284. Signe Jung-Madsen
              285. Sigrid Lind
              286. Silje Hadler-Jacobsen
              287. Sławek Kwaśniewski
              288. Slawomir Kwasniewski
              289. Sławomir Sagan
              290. Stephane Gauthier
              291. Stéphane Gauthier
              292. Stephen R. Hudson
              293. Stig Falk-Pettersen
              294. STIG FALK‐PETERSEN
              295. Stuart Ryan
              296. Sünnje Linnéa Basedow
              297. Svein Kristiansen
              298. Svetlana Murzina
              299. Svetlana N. Pekkoeva
              300. T. Baussant
              301. T. Gabrielsen
              302. Tatiana Ivanova
              303. Tatiana R. Ryokolainen
              304. Therese S. Løkken
              305. Thierry Baussant
              306. Thievery Bassinet
              307. Thor Magne Jonassen
              308. Tom J. Langbehn
              309. Tom Langbehn
              310. Tomas Cedhagen
              311. Tomasz Kozłowski
              312. Tor Eldevik
              313. Tore Haug
              314. Torkel Gissel Nielsen
              315. Torkild Bakken
              316. Torsten Linders
              317. Tove M Gabrielsen
              318. Tove M. Gabrielsen
              319. Trine A. Callesen
              320. Trine Abraham Callesen
              321. Ulf Karsten
              322. Ulf Lindstrøm
              323. V. Tverberg
              324. Vidar S. Lien
              325. Vladimir Pavlov
              326. Walker O. Smith
              327. Wojciech Walkusz
              328. Е.П. Иешко
              329. П.О. Рипатти