Albert K. D. Imsland
FoU-sjef Akvakultur og sjømat


+ 35 45 62 58 00

Publications (247)

  1. Lumpfish physiological response to chronic stress

    Tiago da Santa Lopes, Benjamin Costas [+5]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2024-08-09

  1. Does sedation with AQUI-S® mitigate transport stress and post transport mortality in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergyltae)?

    Sara Calabrese, Thor Magne Jonassen [+6]

    Frontiers in Veterinary Science 2024-01-15

  2. The digestion time for salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus)

    Fredrik R. Staven, Solveig Engebretsen [+7]

    Aquaculture 2024-01

  3. The effect of CO2, total ammonia nitrogen and pH on growth of juvenile lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus)

    Helgi Thorarensen, Albert Kjartan Dagbjartarson Imsland [+1]

    Aquaculture 2023-12

  4. Exploring the Effects of Acute Stress Exposure on Lumpfish Plasma and Liver Biomarkers

    Tiago da Santa Lopes, Benjamin Costas [+4]

    Animals 2023-11-23

  5. Cleaner Fish in Aquaculture

    Albert Kjartan Dagbjartarson Imsland

    Fishes 2023-01-31

  6. Causes of Mortality and Loss of Lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus

    Patrick Reynolds, Albert Kjartan Dagbjartarson Imsland [+1]

    Fishes 2022-11-10

  7. Comparing Body Density of Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) to Different Operational Welfare Indicators

    Albert Kjartan Dagbjartarson Imsland, Magnus Sunason Berg [+2]

    Fishes 2022-10-13

  8. Physiological Effects of Recapture and Transport from Net-Cages in Lumpfish

    Atle Foss & Albert K. D. Imsland

    Fishes 2022-09-15

  9. Acoustic Delicing of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar): Fish Welfare and Salmon Lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) Dynamics

    Bibbi Maria Kállay Hjelle, Albert Kjartan Dagbjartarson Imsland [+2]

    Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2022-07-22

  10. The effect of temperature on growth performance and aerobic metabolic scope in Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.)

    Christian Beuvard, Albert K.D. Imsland [+1]

    Journal of Thermal Biology 2022-02

  11. The effect of alternate‐day feeding on growth and feed conversion in Atlantic cod Gadus morhua

    Marit Bjørnevik, Albert K. D. Imsland [+4]

    Aquaculture Nutrition 2021-03-25

  12. Stocking density and its influence on the productivity of red cusk eel, Genypterus chilensis (Guichenot, 1848), in shallow raceways

    Atle Foss, Albert K.D. Imsland [+4]

    Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 2020-11-01

  13. Effect of rearing temperature on flesh quality in Arctic charr ( Salvelinus alpinus )

    Albert K. D. Imsland, Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir [+4]

    Aquaculture Research 2020-10-26

  14. Possible Use of Lumpfish to Control Caligus elongatus Infestation on Farmed Atlantic Salmon: A Mini Review

    Albert K. Imsland, Mette Remen [+5]

    Journal of Ocean University of China 2020-09-02

  15. Catch me if you can: How to recapture lumpfish using light as an attractant

    Atle Foss, Albert K.D. Imsland [+2]

    Aquacultural Engineering 2020-08

  16. Effects of short‐term starvation periods on flesh quality in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)in different seasons

    Albert Kjartan Dagbjartarson Imsland, Bjørn Roth [+3]

    Aquaculture Research 2020-06-25

  17. Impact of environmental factors on the growth and maturation of farmed Arctic charr

    Albert Kjartan Dagbjartarson Imsland, Snorri Gunnarsson [+1]

    Reviews in Aquaculture 2019-12-17

  18. Money for nothing: The possible use of recycled fish farm material as habitat for lumpfish

    Albert K.D. Imsland & Helen Conlon

    Aquacultural Engineering 2019-11

  19. Is Habituation Measurable in Lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus When Used as Cleaner Fish in Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar Aquaculture?

    Fredrik R. Staven, Jarle T. Nordeide [+4]

    Frontiers in Veterinary Science 2019-07-09

  20. Flesh quality of Atlantic salmon smolts reared at different temperatures and photoperiods

    Albert K. D. Imsland, Bjorn Roth [+5]

    Aquaculture Research 2019-04-22

  21. The use of photoperiods to provide year round spawning in lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus

    Albert K. Imsland, Thor Arne Hangstad [+12]

    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 2019-02

  22. Effect of incubation temperature on eggs and larvae of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus)

    Albert Kjartan Dagbjartarson Imsland, Mathias Danielsen [+3]

    Aquaculture 2019-01

  23. Physiological response of temperature shocks in turbot and sole

    Atle Foss, Albert Kjartan Dagbjartarson Imsland [+4]

    Journal of Applied Aquaculture 2018-11-19

  24. Assessment of artificial substrates for lumpfish: effect of material thickness and water current speed

    Albert K. Imsland, Patrick Reynolds [+5]

    Aquaculture International 2018-09-05

  25. It works! Lumpfish can significantly lower sea lice infestation in large-scale salmon farming

    Albert Kjartan Dagbjartarson Imsland, Anna Hanssen [+7]

    Biology Open 2018-09-03

  26. Feeding behaviour and growth of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) fed with feed blocks

    Albert K Imsland, Patrick Reynolds [+8]

    Aquaculture Research 2018-03-07

  27. Correction to: Population genetic structure of lumpfish along the Norwegian coast: aquaculture implications

    Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir, Julia Schregel [+4]

    Aquaculture International 2017-10-26

  28. Population genetic structure of lumpfish along the Norwegian coast: aquaculture implications

    Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir, Julia Schregel [+4]

    Aquaculture International 2017-09-17

  29. Use of lumpfish for sea‐lice control in salmon farming: challenges and opportunities

    Adam Powell, Jim W. Treasurer [+5]

    Reviews in Aquaculture 2017-03-09

  30. The effect of thermal acclimation on aerobic scope and critical swimming speed in Atlantic salmonSalmo salar

    Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal [+2]

    Journal of Experimental Biology 2017-01-01

  31. Is cleaning behaviour in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) parentally controlled?

    Albert K. Imsland, Patrick Reynolds [+12]

    Aquaculture 2016-06

  32. The effect of low temperatures and photoperiods on growth and vertebra morphometry in Atlantic salmon

    Inge Døskeland, Albert Kjartan D. Imsland [+6]

    Aquaculture International 2016-04-01

  33. The potential of aquaculture sole production in Europe: Production costs and markets

    Trond Bjørndal, Jordi Guillen [+1]

    Aquaculture Economics & Management 2016-01-02

  34. Effect of Fish Protein Replacement in Diets for Juvenile Turbot Scophthalmus Maximus

    Albert K. D. Imsland, Thomas Helmvig [+2]

    Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2016

  35. Experimental design and statistical analyses of fish growth studies

    Helgi Thorarensen, Godfrey Kawooya Kubiriza [+1]

    Aquaculture 2015-11

  36. Assessment of suitable substrates for lumpfish in sea pens

    Albert K. Imsland, Patrick Reynolds [+6]

    Aquaculture International 2014-09-20

  37. Osmoregulation in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts transferred to seawater at different temperatures

    S. O. Handeland, A. K. Imsland [+6]

    Journal of Fish Biology 2014-08-07

  38. The Shelf Life of Farmed Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)

    Bjorn Roth, Lene Kramer [+5]

    Journal of Food Science 2014-07-21

  39. Triploid Induction in Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhuaL.) by the Use of Different Pressure Levels

    Albert K. D. Imsland, Trine Haugen [+2]

    Journal of Applied Aquaculture 2014-07-03

  40. Notes on the behaviour of lumpfish in sea pens with and without Atlantic salmon present

    Albert K. Imsland, Patrick Reynolds [+6]

    Journal of Ethology 2014-03-16

  41. Photoperiod and temperature effects on growth and maturation of pre- and post-smolt Atlantic salmon

    Albert Kjartansson Imsland, Sigurd Olav Handeland [+1]

    Aquaculture International 2014-01-11

  42. Cortisol and Behavioral Response to Handling (Acute) and Confinement (Chronic) Stressors in Juvenile Spotted Wolffish,Anarhichas minor

    Nathalie R. Le François, Sarah Tremblay-Bourgeois [+5]

    Journal of Applied Aquaculture 2013-07-03

  43. Osmoregulation and growth in offspring of wild Atlantic salmon at different temperatures

    Sigurd O. Handeland, Albert K. Imsland [+5]

    Environmental Biology of Fishes 2013-05-25

  44. Low light intensity can reduce Atlantic salmon smolt quality

    Sigurd O. Handeland, Albert K. Imsland [+11]

    Aquaculture 2013-03

  45. Physiology during smoltification in Atlantic salmon: effect of melatonin implants

    S. O. Handeland, A. K. Imsland [+3]

    Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 2013-01-01

  46. Effect of different feeding regimes on growth in juvenile Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L.

    Henriette Hanssen, Albert K. Imsland [+7]

    Aquaculture 2012-10

  47. Larval rearing environment influences the physiological adaptation in juvenile Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua

    Roland Koedijk, Albert Kjartansson Imsland [+4]

    Aquaculture International 2011-10-05

  48. Growth and maturation in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in response to different feed rations

    Albert Kjartansson Imsland & Snorri Gunnarsson

    Aquaculture 2011-08

  49. A retrospective approach to fractionize variation in body mass of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua

    A. K. Imsland, R. Koedijk [+6]

    Journal of Fish Biology 2010-12-06

  50. Timing and selectivity of mortality in reared Atlantic cod revealed by otolith analysis

    Arild Folkvord, Roland M. Koedijk [+2]

    Environmental Biology of Fishes 2010-07-31

  51. Ontogenetic effects of diet during early development on growth performance, myosin mRNA expression and metabolic enzyme activity in Atlantic cod juveniles reared at different salinities

    Roland M. Koedijk, Nathalie R. Le François [+7]

    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 2010-05

  52. Long-Term Rearing of Atlantic Halibut at Intermediate Salinity: Effect on Growth, Feed Conversion Efficiency, and Blood Physiology

    Albert K. Imsland, Snorri Gunnarsson [+6]

    Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 2010-02

  53. Stocking Density and its Influence on Growth of Spotted Wolffish, Anarhichas minor, in Shallow Raceways

    Albert K. Imsland, Snorri Gunnarsson [+3]

    Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 2009-12

  54. Effect of rearing density on the growth and welfare indices of juvenile spotted wolffish,Anarhichas minor(Olafsen)

    Sarah Tremblay-Bourgeois, Nathalie R Le François [+3]

    Aquaculture Research 2009-11

  55. Relationship between Muscle pH and Flesh Color of Atlantic Halibut

    B. Roth, A. Foss [+1]

    Journal of Food Science 2009-04

  56. Commercial‐scale Validation of Temperature‐step Rearing on Growth Physiology in Turbot, Scophthalmus maximus

    Albert K. Imsland, Snorri Gunnarsson [+4]

    Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 2008-09-21

  57. Cryopreservation of sperm from spotted wolffish

    Snorri Gunnarsson, Sindri Sigurdsson [+2]

    Aquaculture International 2008-09-12

  58. Plasma insulin-like growth factor-I concentrations and growth in juvenile halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus): Effects of photoperiods and feeding regimes

    Albert K. Imsland, Atle Foss [+6]

    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 2008-09

  59. Population Genetic Structure of the Spotted Wolffish, Anarhichas minor, in the North Atlantic

    Albert K. Imsland, Karen Stensland [+5]

    The Open Marine Biology Journal 2008-04-18

  60. Persistent growth effects of temperature and photoperiod in Atlantic cod Gadus morhua

    A. K. Imsland, A. Foss [+4]

    Journal of Fish Biology 2007-10-22

  61. New haemoglobin genotypes in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua: Possible relation with growth

    Albert K. Imsland, Atle Foss [+4]

    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 2007-08

  62. Comparison of Juvenile Spotted Wolffish, Anarhichas minor, Growth in Shallow Raceways and Circular Tanks

    Albert K. Imsland, Snorri Gunnarsson [+4]

    Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 2007-03

  63. Interaction between temperature and photoperiod on growth and feeding of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): possible secondary effects

    Albert Kjartansson Imsland, Atle Foss [+4]

    Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2007-02-01

  64. Myosin expression levels and enzyme activity in juvenile spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor) muscle: a method for monitoring growth rates

    Albert K Imsland, Nathalie R. Le François [+4]

    Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2006-09-01

  65. Genotypic response to photoperiod treatment in Atlantic cod (Gadus Morhua)

    Albert Kjartansson Imsland, Atle Foss [+3]

    Aquaculture 2005-11

  66. A review of the culture potential of spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor Olafsen

    Atle Foss, Albert K. Imsland [+2]

    Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 2004-06

  67. Variations in growth in haemoglobin genotypes of Atlantic cod

    A. K. Imsland, A. Foss [+5]

    Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 2004-03

  68. Environment affects stress in exercised turbot

    Erich H. Van Ham, Rogier D. Van Anholt [+8]

    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 2003-11

  69. Exposure to continuous light inhibits maturation in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)

    Albert K. Imsland, Morten Dragsnes [+1]

    Aquaculture 2003-04

  70. A review of the culture potential of Solea solea and S. senegalensis

    A. K. Imsland, A. Foss [+7]

    Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 2003

  71. Linking population genetics and growth properties of Atlantic cod

    Albert K. Imsland & Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir

    Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 2003

  72. Growth and age at first maturity in turbot and halibut reared under different photoperiods

    Albert K. Imsland & Thor M. Jonassen

    Aquaculture International 2003

  73. The effect of different initial size distributions on the growth of Atlantic halibut

    M. Ö. Stefánsson, A. K. Imsland [+4]

    Journal of Fish Biology 2000-04

  74. Population genetic studies of the Atlantic halibut in the North Atlantic Ocean

    A. Foss, A. K. Imsland [+1]

    Journal of Fish Biology 1998-10

  75. Effects of size grading on growth and survival of juvenile turbot at two temperatures

    Leif M. Sunde, Albert K. Imsland [+2]

    Aquaculture International 1998

  76. The interaction of temperature and fish size on growth of juvenile turbot

    A. K. Imsland, L. M. Sunde [+2]

    Journal of Fish Biology 1996-11

Popular science
  1. Unyansert fra Mattilsynet om velferd og effekt ved bruk av rensefisk

    Albert Imsland, Trude Kristin Borch [+1] 2023

  2. Laksens vekst- og stressnivå påvirkes av svingende oksygenverdier.

    Mette Remen, Frode Oppedal [+4]

    Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 2012

    Research report
    1. Årsaker til dødelighet og tap av rensefisk (DOKUMENTAR)

      Albert Imsland, Lauris Boissonnot [+12]

      1. Towards a sustainable fishery and use of cleaner fish in salmonid aquaculture

        Kim Tallaksen Halvorsen, Anne Berit Skiftesvik [+21]

        TemaNord 2021-12-03

        Conference poster
        1. CYCLOPTERUS-STR: Development and validation of a genome- and transcriptome-derived microsatellite database of Cyclopterus lumpus

          Simo Maduna, Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir [+2]

          AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2019 2019-10-07

        2. Genomics of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus): towards marker assisted selection

          Simo Maduna, Albert K.D. Imsland [+2]

          European Summit on Aquaculture, Fisheries and Horticulture 2018-09-20

        3. Effect of incubation temperature on eggs and larvae of lumpsucker (Cyclopterus lumpus L.)

          Mathias Danielsen, Ane Vigdisdatter Nytrø [+4]

          Eurpean Aquaculture Symposium 2016 2016-09-19

        1. Intensive production of juvenile cod: effects of water reuse and stocking densities on growth and water quality

          Atle Foss, Torstein Kristensen [+5]

          International Conference "Aquaculture Europe 2005" 2005-08-05

        Conference presentation
        1. Habituation of lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus reveals desensitized stress- and behavioural responses after interaction with Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

          Fredrik Ribsskog Staven, Jarle Tryti Nordeide [+4]

          13th International Congress on Biology of Fish 2018-07-15

        2. Oksygentoleranse hos postsmolt laks; Effekt av temperatur og akklimering.

          Mette Remen, Rolf Erik Olsen [+3]

          Programkonferansen Havbruk 2014 2014-03-31

        1. Growth, maturation and flesh quality in atlantic cod

          Marit Bjørnevik, Bjørn Roth [+7]

          43rd WEFTA Conference 2013-10-09

        2. Får oppdrettslaks nok oksygen i merdene?

          Mette Remen, Thomas Torgersen [+4]

          Akvasamling ved Havforskningsinsituttet 2012-10-17

        3. Metabolisme, fôrinntak, fordøyelse og vekst hos laksepostsmolt i syklisk hypoksi.

          Mette Remen, Rolf Erik Olsen [+2]

          Programkonferansen HAVBRUK 2012 2012-04-18

        4. Growth, maturation and flesh quality control in on-growing Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L

          Henriette Hanssen, Atle Foss [+7]

          Aquaculture Europe 2011 2011-10-18

        5. Lysregimet påvirker vekst hos ung kveite (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) i oppdrett

          Thor Magne Jonassen, Linda Marie Simensen [+3]

          NFR Programkonferanse Marine Arter i Oppdrett -9999

        Professional article
        1. Krav til fisketetthet og vannforbruk

          Sara Calabrese, Sigurd O Handeland [+16]

          Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 2014

            Academic article
            1. Stocking Density and its Influence on Growth of Spotted Wolffish, Anarhichas minor, in Shallow Raceways

              Albert Imsland, Snorri Gunnarsson [+3]

              Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 2009

            2. Relations between muscle pH and flesh color of Atlantic halibut

              Bjørn Roth & Albert Imsland

              Journal of Food Science 2009

            1. Variations in growth in haemoglobin genotypes of Atlantic cod

              Albert Imsland, Atle Foss [+5]

              Fish Physiology & Biochemistry 2004

            2. A review of the culture potential of spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor Olafsen

              Atle Foss, Albert Imsland [+2]

              Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 2004

            3. Linking population genetics and growth properties of Atlantic cod

              Albert K. Imsland & Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir

              Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 2003

            4. Nuclear DNA RFLP variation of Atlantic cod in the North Atlantic Ocean

              Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir, Albert Kjartansson Imsland [+2]

              Fisheries Research 2003

            5. Seawater acclimation of tilapia, Oreochromis spilurus spilurus Günter, fry and fingerlings

              Thor Magne Jonassen, Albert Imsland [+1]

              Aquaculture Research 1997

            6. 1.3. Piggvar. Havbruksrapport 1997

              Albert Imsland

              Fisken og Havet, Særnummer 1997

            Academic review
            1. A review of the culture potential of spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor Olafsen

              Atle Foss, Albert Imsland [+1]

              Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 2005

              Co-authors (491)

                92 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Atle Foss

                41 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Thor Magne Jonassen

                33 works (with: 2 others)

              1. Patrick Reynolds
              2. Snorri Gunnarsson

                31 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Sigurd O. Stefansson

                24 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Thor Arne Hangstad

                18 works (with: 2 others)

              1. Bjørn Roth
              2. Ólöf Dóra Bartels Jónsdóttir

                17 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Helgi Thorarensen

                16 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Tor Anders Elvegård

                15 works (with: 2 others)

              1. Erik Vikingstad
              2. Birgitta Norberg

                14 works (with: 1 others)

              1. Mette Remen

                13 works (with: 3 others)

              1. Arild Folkvord
              2. Ane Vigdisdatter Nytrø
              3. S. O. Stefansson

                12 works (with: 3 others)

              1. Arnþór Gústavsson
              2. Bjorn Roth
              3. Sigurd Stefansson

                10 works (with: 4 others)

              1. Bjørn Mikalsen
              2. Gerhard Eliassen
              3. Jón Árnason
              4. Snorre B. Hagen

                9 works (with: 2 others)

              1. Frode Oppedal
              2. Sigurd O. Handeland

                8 works (with: 2 others)

              1. Gunnar Nævdal
              2. Tonje Cecilie Urskog

                7 works (with: 3 others)

              1. Rolf Erik Olsen
              2. Sigurd O Stefansson
              3. Sigurd Olav Stefansson

                6 works (with: 5 others)

              1. A. Folkvord
              2. Lauris Boissonnot
              3. Per Gunnar Fjelldal
              4. Thomas Torgersen
              5. Torstein Kristensen

                5 works (with: 8 others)

              1. Anna Hanssen
              2. Arnar F. Jónsson
              3. B. Roth
              4. Inger-Britt Falk-Petersen
              5. Ingólfur Arnarson
              6. Marit Bjørnevik
              7. Pablo Balseiro
              8. Sara Calabrese

                4 works (with: 15 others)

              1. Victor Øiestad
              2. Anders Øfsti
              3. Åse Åtland
              4. B. Th. Björnsson
              5. Christel Solberg
              6. Edward Schram
              7. Enrique Pino Martinez
              8. Halvard Hovland
              9. Heiðdís Smáradóttir
              10. Helge Hustveit
              11. Henriette Hanssen
              12. Karin Pittman
              13. Lauri Kapari
              14. Sigurd Handeland
              15. Sigurd Olav Handeland

                3 works (with: 28 others)

              1. Agnar Steinarsson
              2. Camilla Karlsen
              3. Cindy Pedrosa
              4. Fredrik Staven
              5. H. Thorarensen
              6. Harald Sveier
              7. Ian Mayer
              8. Lars Helge Stien
              9. Lars Olav Sparboe
              10. Mads D. Jenssen
              11. Nathalie R. Le François
              12. R. Koedijk
              13. R. Waagbø
              14. Randi Rydland
              15. Rian Schelvis-Smit
              16. Richard FitzGerald
              17. Roland Koedijk
              18. S. O. Handeland
              19. S.O. Stefansson
              20. Sebastiaan C.A. Lemmens
              21. Silje Stensby-Skjærvik
              22. Simo Maduna
              23. Simo Njabulo Maduna
              24. Sindri Sigurdsson
              25. Skjalg Pedersen
              26. Tom Ole Nilsen
              27. Trond Sandvik
              28. Turid Synnøve Aas

                2 works (with: 77 others)

              1. Karin Bloch-Hansen
              2. Leif M. Sunde
              3. A. Steinarsson
              4. Adam Vivian-Smith
              5. Anders Mangor-Jensen
              6. Åse Husebø
              7. Bendik Fyhn Terjesen
              8. Benjamin Costas
              9. Bert Lambooij
              10. C. Pedrosa
              11. Camilla D. Hosfeld
              12. Camilla Diesen Hosfeld
              13. Camilla Tobiassen
              14. Carolina Serra Saude
              15. Davíð Gíslason
              16. Delphine Ditlecadet
              17. E. Otterlei
              18. E. Schram
              19. Endre Steigum
              20. Erik Höglund
              21. Eva Andersson
              22. Frank Spetland
              23. Frode Mathisen
              24. G. Nævdal
              25. Giulia Micallef
              26. H. Smáradóttir
              27. H. Sveier
              28. Hans Geir Eiken
              29. Hans van de Vis
              30. Helga Øen Åsnes
              31. Inge Døskeland
              32. J. Árnason
              33. Jelena Kolarevic
              34. Jorge M. O. Fernandes
              35. Julia Schregel
              36. K. M. Liakonis
              37. Ken Ståle Lindberg
              38. Kjetil Korsnes
              39. Kjetil Sagerup
              40. Lars O. E. Ebbesson
              41. Lars O.E. Ebbesson
              42. Lourenço Ramos-Pinto
              43. Linda Simensen
              44. M. Johansson
              45. Malthe Hvas
              46. Marc H.G Berntssen
              47. Marianne Kraugerud
              48. Mark Darryn Powell
              49. Mathias Danielsen
              50. Mitchell S. Fleming
              51. Nina S. Iversen
              52. O. Breck
              53. Olav Breck
              54. Ole Folkedal
              55. Per-Arne Emaus
              56. Per Andersen
              57. Petter Lohne
              58. Rannveig Björnsdóttir
              59. Roland M. Koedijk
              60. S. Handeland
              61. Sarah Tremblay-Bourgeois
              62. Simo N. Maduna
              63. Sindri Sigurðsson
              64. Siv Grethe Aarnes
              65. Sten I. Siikavuopio
              66. Sten Ivar Siikavuopio
              67. Sveinung Fivelstad
              68. Sondre Veberg Larsen
              69. T. Árnason
              70. Tiago da Santa Lopes
              71. Tom Hansen
              72. Tom O. Nilsen
              73. Tommi Nyman
              74. Torild Johansen
              75. Torolf Storsul
              76. Trond Wergeland
              77. Truls Wergeland

                1 works (with: 328 others)

              1. Perrine Geraudie
              2. Patrick White
              3. A Folkvord
              4. A Nylund
              5. A. Kamstra
              6. A. Nylund
              7. A.B. Bergsson
              8. A.K. Danélsdóttir
              9. A.L. Langston
              10. AAB Cohen
              11. Aase Vorre Skuland
              12. Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir
              13. Adam Powell
              14. Alex J. Keay
              15. Alkistis C Parpoura
              16. Alkistis C. Parpoura
              17. Amber Christina Monroe
              18. Armand Moe Nes
              19. Anders B. Magnussen
              20. Anders Lamberg
              21. Anders Thorsen
              22. Andreas Heide
              23. Andreas R. Staven
              24. Anne Berit Skiftesvik
              25. Anne Langston
              26. Anne-Berit Skiftesvik
              27. Anne-Camilla Diesen Hosfeld
              28. Arianne Savoie
              29. Åsa Espmark
              30. Ásgeir Ásgeirsson
              31. ÁSgeir ÁSgeirsson
              32. Atle Mortensen
              33. B Roth
              34. B. Erstad
              35. B. Hellemans
              36. B. Rydland Olsen
              37. B.F. Terjesen
              38. Benedikt Kristjánsson
              39. Benedikt Sigur?sson
              40. Benedikt Sigurdsson
              41. Bernard-Antonin Dupont Cyr
              42. Bibbi Maria Kállay Hjelle
              43. Birgitta Nordberg
              44. Björgólfur Hávarðsson
              45. Bjørn O. Sveinsbø
              46. Bjørn Sveinsbø
              47. Björn Thrandur Björnsson
              48. Bjørn-Steinar Saether
              49. C. D. Hosfeld
              50. C. Hosfeld
              51. C. Solberg
              52. C.I.M. Martins
              53. C.J. Kloet
              54. Carl André
              55. Carlos Garcia de Leaniz
              56. Caroline Durif
              57. Cato Lyngøy
              58. Christian Beuvard
              59. Christos Siapazis
              60. Cláudia Aragão
              61. Cornelya F. C. Klütsch
              62. Cornelya F.C. Klütsch
              63. Craig L. Pooley
              64. CW Revie
              65. D. Delbare
              66. D. Moeller
              67. Dag Moeller
              68. E Karlsbakk
              69. E. Karlsbakk
              70. E. Mac Aoidh
              71. E. Slinde
              72. E. van Ham
              73. Eeva Jansson
              74. Eirik Leknes
              75. EJ Lock
              76. Elisabeth A. Myklebust
              77. Elisabeth Grahl-Madsen
              78. Ellie Jane Watts
              79. Ellika Faust
              80. Elsa Denker
              81. Emily Purvis
              82. Enrique Pino‐Martinez
              83. Erich H Van Ham
              84. Erich H. Van Ham
              85. Erich v Ham
              86. Erik Hoglund
              87. Erik Slinde
              88. F Sambraus
              89. F. A. M. Volckaert
              90. F. Mathisen
              91. Felipe A. Briceño
              92. G Nævdal
              93. G. Blom
              94. G. E. Maes
              95. G. Lacroix
              96. G. Ó. Hreggvidsson
              97. G.Ö. Kristjánsson
              98. Gaute Jørpeland
              99. Geir Th. Zoega
              100. GF McEwan
              101. Giampiero Scanu
              102. Godfrey Kawooya Kubiriza
              103. Grete Baeverfjord
              104. Grete Hansen Aas
              105. Guðbjörg Ólafsdóttir
              106. Gunnar Naevdal
              107. Gunnar O. Kristjansson
              108. Guus Kruitwagen
              109. Gyri Teien Haugland
              110. H Plarre
              111. H Sveier
              112. H. Hansen
              113. H. Hovland
              114. H. Plarre
              115. H. Takle
              116. H. Toften
              117. H.I. Wergeland
              118. H.L. Heimisdottir
              119. Håkan Wennhage
              120. Hans Ch. Teien
              121. Hans Hagen Stockhausen
              122. Harald Rune Takle
              123. Harald Takle
              124. Håvard Kaland
              125. Heiđdís Smáradóttir
              126. Heidrun Wergeland
              127. Helen Conlon
              128. Helena C. Reinardy
              129. Henny Reimert
              130. Henriette Hansen
              131. Henrik Carl
              132. Hjörtur Methúsalemsson
              133. Hlynur Reynisson
              134. Hogne Bleie
              135. Hulda Bysheim
              136. IB Falk-Petersen
              137. Inger Fyllingen
              138. J. A. M. Raeymaekers
              139. J. Johannsdottir
              140. J. Kolarevic
              141. J. Robbens
              142. J. T. Martinsohn
              143. J.O. Veland
              144. Jacob Linnemann Rønfeldt
              145. James A Mackie
              146. Jarle T. Nordeide
              147. Jarle Tryti Nordeide
              148. Jeroen Bouwmans
              149. Jim W. Treasurer
              150. John Adron
              151. Jon Arnason
              152. Jón Árnasond
              153. Jón Kjartan Jónsson
              154. Jon Petter Berg
              155. Jordi Guillen
              156. Julie Skadal
              157. K. Cottenie
              158. K. Hakonardottir
              159. K. Pettersen
              160. K. Pittman
              161. Karen Stensland
              162. Kari Anne Kamlund
              163. Katrine Eikeland Eriksen
              164. Kees Kloet
              165. Ken MacKenzie
              166. Kevin A. Glover
              167. Kim Tallaksen Halvorsen
              168. Kirstin Eliasen
              169. Kjell Nedreaas
              170. Klement Arild Våge
              171. Kristian Meier
              172. Kristin Kvamme
              173. Kristinn Ólafsson
              174. L. E. C. Conceição
              175. L. Hrolfsdottir
              176. L. O. E. Ebbesson
              177. L.H. Stien
              178. L.O.E. Ebbesson
              179. Lars Otto Paust
              180. Lauren Henly
              181. Lena Geitung
              182. Lene Kramer
              183. Line Bach Christensen
              184. Lisa Receveur
              185. M. Bjørnevik
              186. M. D. Jenssen
              187. M. Mulcahy
              188. M. Ö. Stefánsson
              189. M. Porter
              190. M. T. Dinis
              191. M.C.J. Verdegem
              192. Mads D Jenssen
              193. Mads Dorenfeld Jenssen
              194. Magne Aldrin
              195. Magnus Sunason Berg
              196. Máire Mulcahy
              197. Malin Østervold
              198. Marc Bracke
              199. Maria Quintela
              200. Mark D. Powell
              201. Mark Powell
              202. Mark Wilson
              203. Markus Førde Braanaas
              204. Marte Austad Stensby-Skjærvik
              205. Marthe Austad
              206. Matthías Oddgeirsson
              207. Merete Kristiansen
              208. ML Groner
              209. Morten Dragsnes
              210. Morten Lorentzen
              211. Nathalie Le Francois
              212. Nathalie R Le François
              213. Nina Frogg
              214. Nina Iversen
              215. Nina Sandlund
              216. Nobuto Kaneko
              217. O. Grahl-Nielsen
              218. Ó.Ý. Atladóttir
              219. Ove T. Skilbrei
              220. Øystein Skaala
              221. Øyvind J. Hansen
              222. Ozlem Yilmaz
              223. P. Martínez
              224. P. Rema
              225. Pablo Vigo Balseiro
              226. Patrick Reynholds
              227. Peter Hovgaard
              228. Peter Rask Møller
              229. PG Fjelldal
              230. Piero Magnolfi
              231. Pierre U. Blier
              232. R Waagbø
              233. R. Bjornsdottir
              234. R. FitzGerald
              235. R. Hoare
              236. R. M. Koedijk
              237. R. Nortvedt
              238. R. Schelvis-Smit
              239. R. Schelvis‐Smit
              240. R. Vilas
              241. R.T.O.B.H. Widjaja
              242. Ragnar Nortvedt
              243. Ragnar Tveterås
              244. Ragnfrid Mangor-Jensen
              245. Raymond Tvenning
              246. RE Olsen
              247. Reidun Marie Bjelland
              248. Remi Mathisen
              249. Richard Lloyd
              250. Robert L Roy
              251. Robert L. Roy
              252. Rogier D. Van Anholt
              253. Rowena Hoare
              254. Roy Arne Eilertsen
              255. Rüdiger W. Schulz
              256. Rune Christiansen
              257. S Blindheim
              258. S Handeland
              259. S O. Stefansson
              260. S. Blindheim
              261. S. Calabrese
              262. S. Fivelstad
              263. S. G. Vandamme
              264. S. Hjörleifsdóttir
              265. S. Kadowaki
              266. S. Meier
              267. S. Sigurdsson
              268. S. W. Bonga
              269. S.C. Remø
              270. S.O. Handeland
              271. Sæmundur Sveinsson
              272. Sara Olausson
              273. Sara Vandamme
              274. Sarah J. Helyar
              275. Sebastiaan C. A. Lemmens
              276. Sigurd O Handeland
              277. Sigurd Øines
              278. Sigurlaug Skírnisdóttir
              279. Simon G Lamarre
              280. Simon G. Lamarre
              281. Simon Lamarre
              282. Simon R. M. Jones
              283. Sindri Sigur?sson
              284. Sjoerd E Wendelaar Bonga
              285. Sjoerd E. Wendelaar Bonga
              286. Sjoerd W Bonga
              287. Soizic Le Deuff
              288. Solveig Engebretsen
              289. Solveig van Nes
              290. Spartaco Magnolfi
              291. Stein Mortensen
              292. Stig Atle Tuene
              293. Susanne Håvardstun
              294. T Johansen
              295. T Torgersen
              296. T. H. Evensen
              297. T. Helmig
              298. T. Johansen
              299. T. O. Nilsen
              300. T.O. Nilsen
              301. Trude Borch
              302. Terje Jørgensen
              303. Thomas Alvseike
              304. Thomas Helming
              305. Thomas Helmvig
              306. Tillmann J Benfey
              307. Tillmann J. Benfey
              308. Tina Oldham
              309. TJ Hansen
              310. Tarald Øvrebø
              311. Tom Johnny Hansen
              312. Tom Noble
              313. Tone Vågseth
              314. Tonje C Urskog
              315. Tor A Elvegård
              316. Torvald Egeland
              317. Trine Haugen
              318. Trond Bjørndal
              319. Trond Løvdal
              320. Trond Rosten
              321. TWK Fraser
              322. Velimir Nola
              323. Velmurugu Puvanendran
              324. Vibeke Lokøy
              325. Willy Hemmingsen
              326. Wout Abbink
              327. Xavier Gutiérrez
              328. Yovita Mallya