Paul E. Renaud
FoU-sjef Klima og økosystemer

+ 47 95 47 01 10




  1. The future Barents Sea—A synthesis of physical, biogeochemical, and ecological changes toward 2050 and 2100

    Marius Årthun, Khuong V. Dinh [+16]

    Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 2025-02-21

  2. Developing Capacity for Transdisciplinary Studies of Changing Ocean Systems

    Paul Renaud, Andrea Belgrano [+9]

    Oceanography 2024-10-07

  3. Multiple climatic drivers increase pace and consequences of ecosystem change in the Arctic Coastal Ocean

    Mikael K. Sejr, Amanda E. Poste [+1]

    Limnology and Oceanography Letters 2024-09-12

  4. High uptake of sympagic organic matter by benthos on an Arctic outflow shelf

    Ivan J. Cautain, Kim S. Last [+4]

    PLOS ONE 2024-08-07

  5. Drivers of organic carbon distribution and accumulation in the northern Barents Sea

    Thaise Ricardo de Freitas, Silvia Hess [+3]

    Progress in Oceanography 2024-07

  6. Weak seasonality in benthic food web structure within an Arctic inflow shelf region

    Amanda F. Ziegler, Bodil A. Bluhm [+2]

    Progress in Oceanography 2023-09

  7. Seafloor warm water temperature anomalies impact benthic macrofauna communities of a high-Arctic cold-water fjord

    Èric Jordà-Molina, Paul E. Renaud [+7]

    Marine Environmental Research 2023-07

  8. Diets of gadoid fish in Arctic waters of Svalbard fjords during the polar night

    Lars-Henrik Larsen, Marine Cusa [+6]

    Polar Biology 2023-06-23

  9. Isotopic turnover in polar cod (Boreogadus saida) muscle determined through a controlled feeding experiment

    Amanda Fern Ziegler, Bodil A. Bluhm [+2]

    Journal of Fish Biology 2023-04-18

  10. Recolonization and recovery of an Arctic benthic community subject to mine-tailings deposits

    Hilde C. Trannum, Kristine B. Pedersen [+3]

    Journal of Sea Research 2023-02

  11. Uptake of sympagic organic carbon by the Barents Sea benthos linked to sea ice seasonality

    Ivan J. Cautain, Kim S. Last [+5]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2022-11-11

  12. Origin of marine invertebrate larvae on an Arctic inflow shelf

    R Descôteaux, M Huserbråten [+5]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2022-10-20

  13. Environmental monitoring data reveals geographic and depth-based differentiation of benthic fjord communities

    Arunima Sen, Marc J. Silberberger [+4]

    Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2022-05

  14. Benthic foraminiferal carbon cycling in coastal zone sediments: The influence of the assemblage structure and jellyfish detritus

    Anouk T. Klootwijk, Andrew K. Sweetman [+4]

    Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2021-10

  15. Overexploitation, Recovery, and Warming of the Barents Sea Ecosystem During 1950–2013

    Torstein Pedersen, Nina Mikkelsen [+7]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2021-09-17

  16. Naturally Occurring Rock Type Influences the Settlement of Fucus spiralis L. zygotes

    William G. Ambrose, Paul E. Renaud [+2]

    Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2021-08-26

  17. Megabenthic standing stocks and organic carbon demand in a warming Arctic

    Mikołaj Mazurkiewicz, Kirstin Meyer-Kaiser [+3]

    Progress in Oceanography 2021-08

  18. Functional Pattern of Benthic Epifauna in the Chukchi Borderland, Arctic Deep Sea

    Irina Zhulay, Bodil A. Bluhm [+3]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2021-05-26

  19. Seasonal dynamics of mesozooplankton biomass over a sub‐Arctic continental shelf

    Marc J. Silberberger, Paul E. Renaud [+2]

    Ecology and Evolution 2021-05-25

  20. Early detection of marine non-indigenous species on Svalbard by DNA metabarcoding of sediment

    Martine J. van den Heuvel-Greve, Anneke M. van den Brink [+8]

    Polar Biology 2021-02-25

  21. Effects of Detached Seaweeds on Structure and Function of Arctic Intertidal Soft-Bottom Communities

    María José Díaz, Christian Buschbaum [+2]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2021-02-25

  22. Summer and winter MgCO3 levels in the skeletons of Arctic bryozoans

    Anna Iglikowska, Małgorzata Krzemińska [+4]

    Marine Environmental Research 2020-12

  23. Climate change and diminishing seasonality in Arctic benthic processes

    Nathalie Morata, Emma Michaud [+5]

    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2020-08-31

  24. The changing Arctic Ocean: consequences for biological communities, biogeochemical processes and ecosystem functioning

    Martin Solan, Philippe Archambault [+2]

    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2020-08-31

  25. Understanding the Biogeochemical Impacts of Fish Farms Using a Benthic-Pelagic Model

    Evgeniy Yakushev, Philip Wallhead [+10]

    Water 2020-08-25

  26. Riverine impacts on benthic biodiversity and functional traits: A comparison of two sub-Arctic fjords

    Maeve McGovern, Amanda E. Poste [+3]

    Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2020-08

  27. Seasonal variations in downward particle fluxes in Norwegian fjords

    Catherine Lalande, Kathy Dunlop [+3]

    Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2020-08

  28. Arctic Sensitivity? Suitable Habitat for Benthic Taxa Is Surprisingly Robust to Climate Change

    Paul E. Renaud, Phil Wallhead [+6]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2019-09-03

  29. Epifaunal communities across marine landscapes of the deep Chukchi Borderland (Pacific Arctic)

    Irina Zhulay, Katrin Iken [+2]

    Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 2019-09

  30. Seasonal constancy (summer vs. winter) of benthic size spectra in an Arctic fjord

    Mikołaj Mazurkiewicz, Barbara Górska [+4]

    Polar Biology 2019-06-08

  31. High Arctic Mytilus spp.: occurrence, distribution and history of dispersal

    Peter Leopold, Paul E. Renaud [+2]

    Polar Biology 2018-10-16

  32. Hyperbenthic food-web structure in an Arctic fjord

    M McGovern, J Berge [+3]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2018-09-17

  33. Pelagic food-webs in a changing Arctic: a trait-based perspective suggests a mode of resilience

    Paul E Renaud, Malin Daase [+10]

    ICES Journal of Marine Science 2018-06-27

  34. Food-Web Structure in Four Locations Along the European Shelf Indicates Spatial Differences in Ecosystem Functioning

    Marc J. Silberberger, Paul E. Renaud [+2]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2018-04-11

  35. Jellyfish summer distribution, diversity and impact on fish farms in a Nordic fjord

    C Halsband, S Majaneva [+6]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2018-03-19

  36. The longer the better: the effect of substrate on sessile biota in Arctic kelp forests

    Natalia Shunatova, Daria Nikishina [+5]

    Polar Biology 2018-02-02

  37. Effects of an in situ diesel oil spill on oxidative stress in the clam Anomalocardia flexuosa

    Adriana E. Sardi, Paul E. Renaud [+4]

    Environmental Pollution 2017-11

  38. Recruitment of benthic invertebrates in high Arctic fjords: Relation to temperature, depth, and season

    Kirstin S. Meyer, Andrew K. Sweetman [+7]

    Limnology and Oceanography 2017-05-30

  39. A key to the past? Element ratios as environmental proxies in two Arctic bivalves

    Mikko Vihtakari, William G. Ambrose [+7]

    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2017-01

  40. Spatial and temporal structure of the meroplankton community in a sub-Arctic shelf system

    MJ Silberberger, PE Renaud [+2]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2016-08-18

  41. Plankton community composition and vertical migration during polar night in Kongsfjorden

    Julie Cornelius Grenvald, Trine Abraham Callesen [+7]

    Polar Biology 2016-07-30

  42. Measuring physiological similarity of closely related littorinid species: a proteomic insight

    AL Maltseva, MA Varfolomeeva [+6]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2016-06-23

  43. Variable Individual- and Population- Level Responses to Ocean Acidification

    Mikko Vihtakari, Jon Havenhand [+2]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2016-04-29

  44. Decoding the oxygen isotope signal for seasonal growth patterns in Arctic bivalves

    Mikko Vihtakari, Paul E. Renaud [+5]

    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2016-03

  45. Seasonal variation in accumulation of persistent organic pollutants in an Arctic marine benthic food web

    A. Evenset, I.G. Hallanger [+7]

    Science of The Total Environment 2016-01

  46. The future of Arctic benthos: Expansion, invasion, and biodiversity

    Paul E. Renaud, Mikael K. Sejr [+3]

    Progress in Oceanography 2015-12

  47. In the dark: A review of ecosystem processes during the Arctic polar night

    Jørgen Berge, Paul E. Renaud [+15]

    Progress in Oceanography 2015-12

  48. Macroalgal detritus and food-web subsidies along an Arctic fjord depth-gradient

    Paul E. Renaud, Therese S. Løkken [+3]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2015-06-05

  49. Environmental factors structuring Arctic megabenthos — a case study from a shelf and two fjords

    Kirstin S. Meyer, Andrew K. Sweetman [+2]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2015-04-21

  50. Arctic complexity: a case study on diel vertical migration of zooplankton

    Jørgen Berge, Finlo Cottier [+13]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2014-07-09

  51. Structure of the macroplankton–pelagic fish–cod trophic complex in a warmer Barents Sea

    Emma L. Orlova, Andrey V. Dolgov [+4]

    Marine Biology Research 2013-11

  52. Aggregations of predators and prey affect predation impact of the Arctic ctenophore Mertensia ovum

    S Majaneva, J Berge [+6]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2013-02-27

  53. The Barents and Chukchi Seas: Comparison of two Arctic shelf ecosystems

    George L. Hunt, Arny L. Blanchard [+13]

    Journal of Marine Systems 2013-01

  54. Species diversity, functional complexity and rarity in Arctic fjordic versus open shelf benthic systems

    M Włodarska-Kowalczuk, PE Renaud [+3]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2012-08-30

  55. Climate-driven regime shifts in Arctic marine benthos

    Susanne Kortsch, Raul Primicerio [+5]

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2012-08-13

  56. Is benthic food web structure related to diversity of marine macrobenthic communities?

    A. Sokołowski, M. Wołowicz [+11]

    Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2012-08

  57. A huge biocatalytic filter in the centre of Barents Sea shelf?

    Jan Marcin Węsławski, Monika Kędra [+6]

    Oceanologia 2012-04

  58. Evolution of the Arctic Calanus complex: an Arctic marine avocado?

    J. Berge, T. M. Gabrielsen [+2]

    Journal of Plankton Research 2012-01-03

  59. Pan-Svalbard growth rate variability and environmental regulation in the Arctic bivalve Serripes groenlandicus

    Michael L. Carroll, William G. Ambrose [+5]

    Journal of Marine Systems 2011-11

  60. Improving benthic monitoring by combining trawl and grab surveys

    Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Paul E. Renaud [+1]

    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2011-06

  61. Diversity of the arctic deep-sea benthos

    Bluhm A. Bodil, William G. Ambrose [+11]

    Marine Biodiversity 2011-02-11

  62. Biodiversitet i Arktis

    Jørgen Berge & Paul E. Renaud

    Naturen 2011-01-04

  63. Benthic food-web structure of an Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard)

    Paul E. Renaud, Michael Tessmann [+2]

    Marine Biology Research 2010-12-03

  64. A multiple biomarker approach to tracking the fate of an ice algal bloom to the sea floor

    Nathalie Morata, Michel Poulin [+1]

    Polar Biology 2010-07-24

  65. Polychaete diversity patterns on two Arctic shelves: impacts of ice and primary production?


    Zoosymposia 2009-08-31

  66. Continental-scale patterns in benthic invertebrate diversity: insights from the MacroBen database

    PE Renaud, TJ Webb [+33]

    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2009-04-30

  67. Benthic macrofauna and productivity regimes in the Barents Sea — Ecological implications in a changing Arctic

    Sabine K.J. Cochrane, Stanislav G. Denisenko [+5]

    Journal of Sea Research 2009-04

  68. Changes in the decapod fauna of an Arctic fjord during the last 100 years (1908–2007)

    Jørgen Berge, Paul E. Renaud [+5]

    Polar Biology 2009-03-12

  69. Macrobenthic fauna of the Franz Josef Land archipelago

    S. Dahle, N. A. Anisimova [+4]

    Polar Biology 2008-10-07

  70. Sedimentary pigments in the western Barents Sea: A reflection of pelagic–benthic coupling?

    Nathalie Morata & Paul E. Renaud

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  71. Pelagic–benthic coupling in the western Barents Sea: Processes and time scales

    Paul E. Renaud, Nathalie Morata [+3]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  72. Benthic infauna of the seasonally ice-covered western Barents Sea: Patterns and relationships to environmental forcing

    Michael L. Carroll, Stanislav G. Denisenko [+2]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008-10

  73. Carbon cycling by seafloor communities on the eastern Beaufort Sea shelf

    Paul E. Renaud, Nathalie Morata [+3]

    Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2007-10

  74. Nematode and macrofaunal diversity in central Arctic Ocean benthos

    Paul E. Renaud, William G. Ambrose [+2]

    Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2006-03

  75. Impacts of water depth, sediment pigment concentration, and benthic macrofaunal biomass on sediment oxygen demand in the western Arctic Ocean

    Lisa M Clough, Paul E Renaud [+1]

    Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2005-08-01

  76. Recruitment patterns of continental shelf benthos off North Carolina, USA: effects of sediment enrichment and impact on community structure

    Paul E. Renaud, David A. Syster [+1]

    Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 1999-04

  77. Benthic community patterns reflect water column processes in the Northeast Water polynya (Greenland)

    Dieter Piepenburg, William G. Ambrose [+4]

    Journal of Marine Systems 1997-01

  78. Infaunal density, biomass and bioturbation in the sediments of the Arctic Ocean

    Lisa M. Clough, William G. Ambrose [+4]

    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 1997

  79. Benthic response to water column productivity patterns: Evidence for benthic‐pelagic coupling in the Northeast Water Polynya

    William G. Ambrose & Paul E. Renaud

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 1995-03-15

  80. Site pre-emption: Competition between generations of plants

    Svaťa M. Louda & Paul E. Renaud

    Trends in Ecology & Evolution 1991-04

  81. Analysis of feeding preference experiments

    Charles H. Peterson & Paul E. Renaud

    Oecologia 1989-03

  1. Still Arctic? - The changing Barents Sea

    Sebastian Gerland, Randi Brunvær Ingvaldsen [+10]

    EGU General Assembly 2024 2024-04-14

  2. Nansen vs. Amundsen Basin: Constrasting physico-chemical properties and biota composition to inform management

    Agneta Fransson, Bodil Annikki Ulla Barbro Bluhm [+35]

    Arctic Frontiers Conference 2024-01-29

  3. Secondary production at the polar front - the role of copepods from near and far in Barents Sea pelagic productivity

    Sünnje Linnéa Basedow, Torkel Granaas [+5]

    The Nansen Legacy Symposium - Towards a new Arctic 2023-11-06

  4. Composition and Regulating Mechanisms of Downward Carbon Flux on Arctic Shelves

    Yasemin Vicdan Bodur, Paul Eric Renaud [+3]

    Nansen Legacy symposium: Towards a new Arctic Ocean - Past, Present, Future 2023-11-06

  5. Biodiversity in the northern Barents Sea and adjacent Nansen Basin – towards an updated inventory

    Slawomir Kwasniewski, Andreas Altenburger [+23]

    Nansen Legacy symposium: Towards a new Arctic Ocean - Past, Present, Future 2023-11-06

  6. Sympagic Carbon Uptake by Benthic Fauna: How Does it Differ between an Inflow and Outflow shelf?

    Ivan J. Cautain, Kim S Last [+5]

    Nansen Legacy symposium: Towards a new Arctic Ocean - Past, Present, Future 2023-11-06

  7. Seasonal and Spatial Variability in Macrobenthic Size Structure and Functioning in the Northern Barents Sea

    Barbara Górska, Eric Jorda Molina [+5]

    Nansen Legacy symposium: Towards a new Arctic Ocean - Past, Present, Future 2023-11-06

  8. Identification of multiple chromosomal inversions and fusions in a keystone Arctic species with high gene flow

    Siv Nam Khang Hoff, Marius Filomeno Maurstad [+16]

    Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2023 2023-06-04

  9. Is benthic biodiversity homogeneous or heterogeneous in the deep Arctic Ocean?

    Bodil Bluhm, Saskia Brix [+5]

    Arctic deep sea workshop 2023-03-15

  10. Origin of marine invertebrate larvae on an Arctic inflow shelf

    Raphaelle Descoteaux, Mats Huserbråten [+5]

    Arcti Frontiers Conference 2023-01-30

  11. Marine Snow at the Polar Front - A Feature of Atlantification?

    Sünnje Linnéa Basedow, Paul Eric Renaud [+4]

    Arctic Frontiers - Moving North 2023-01-30

  12. Spatial and seasonal patterns in microbenthic communities along the north-western Barents Sea and Nansen Basin

    Eric Jorda Molina, Arunima Sen [+6]

    55th European Marine Biology Symposium 2022-09-19

  13. Origin of marine invertebrate larvae on an Arctic inflow shelf: potential trajectories for climate-driven community shifts

    Raphaelle Descoteaux, Mats Brockstedt Olsen Huserbråten [+5]

    Ocean Science Meeting 2022-02-24

  14. Investigating the uptake of different sympagic and pelagic carbon by Arctic benthos.

    Ivan Cautain, Bhavani E. Narayanaswamy [+4]

    Deep-Sea Biology Symposium 2021-09-12

  15. Environmental status of Svalbard coastscapes and focal ecosystem components

    Janne Søreide, Vanessa Pitusi [+23]

    Arctic Science Summit Week 2021-03-19

  16. Hvilken betydning har krabber for gjenvekst av tareskog langs kysten av Nord-Norge? (CRABPOP)

    Camilla With Fagerli, Hartvig C Christie [+4]

    Dialogdag, FRAM Flaggskip 2019-10-16

  17. Mine tailings have short‐ and long-term effects on benthic communities in an Arctic fjord

    Hilde Cecilie Trannum & Paul E. Renaud

    Havforskermøte 2019-02-11

  18. Epifaunal communities at ridge, plateau and basin locations in the Chukchi Borderland, Arctic deep sea.

    Irina Zhulay, Katrin Iken [+2]

    15th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium 2018-09-09

  19. Morphological and molecular evidence reveal underestimated ctenophore species richness – peeking into the group of unidentified species

    Sanna Kristiina Majaneva, Aino Hosia [+5]

    ICES/PICES 6th Zooplankton Production Symposium 2016-05-09

  20. Relationship between sea ice-cover and benthic carbon turnover in the Amundsen Gulf

    Heike Link, Dieter Piepenburg [+4]

    Arctic Change Conference 2008-12-09

  1. PolarFront January 2024 Cruise Report

    PolarFront Consortium


  2. Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of Norwegian Barents Sea Shelf Ecosystems

    Anna Siwertsson, Berengere Husson [+29]

    Rapport fra havforskningen 2023

  3. Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of Norwegian Barents Sea Shelf Ecosystems - Appendices

    Anna Siwertsson, Berengere Husson [+29]

    Rapport fra havforskningen 2023

  4. Fremmede arter i Arktis- med fokus på Svalbard og Jan Mayen

    Jørn Thomassen, Sondre Dahle [+8]

    NINA rapport 2017

  5. Benthos vulnerability to bottom trawling

    Ellen Øseth, Lis L. Jørgensen [+2]


  1. Panel Discussion: How do we do polar science in the future?”

    Paul Eric Renaud, Martin Ludvigsen [+2]

    Nansen Legacy symposium: Towards a new Arctic Ocean - Past, Present, Future 2023-11-08

  2. Spatio-temporal distribution patterns of benthic foraminifera in the northern Barents Sea

    Thaise Ricardo de Freitas, Silvia Hess [+2]

    International Symposium on Foraminifera 2023-06-26

  3. Lack of (or weak) seasonality in Barents sea and Nansen Basin sediments and biota? A preliminary assessment

    Amanda Ziegler, Thaise Ricardo de Freitas [+15]

    Nansen Legacy Annual Meeting 2022-10-31

  4. Seasonal and spatial variability of pelagic-benthic coupling strength in the Northern Barents Sea: A benthic food web approach

    Amanda Ziegler, Thaise Ricardo de Freitas [+3]

    Joint European Stable Isotope Users Meeting 2022-10-10

  5. Jellyfish summer distribution, diversity and impact on fish farms in a Nordic fjord

    Claudia Halsband, Sanna Kristiina Majaneva [+3]

    5th International Jellyfish Bloom Symposium 2016-05-30

kapittel (akademisk)
  1. Littoral Ecology

    Paul Eric Renaud & Markus Molis

    Elements of a pan-Arctic Ocean ecology 2024

  2. Benthic-pelagic coupling

    Bodil Annikki Ulla Barbro Bluhm & Paul Eric Renaud

    Elements of a pan-Arctic Ocean ecology 2024

  3. Coastal Management: Adaptation and Resilience of Coastal Ecosystems to Environmental Change

    Wenting Chen, Ana Ruiz-Frau [+12]

    Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences 2023

  4. Ecology of Arctic Shallow Subtidal and Intertidal Benthos

    Paul E. Renaud, Jan Marcin Węsławski [+1]

    Arctic Ecology 2020-12-18

  5. Benthic Communities in the Polar Night

    Paul E. Renaud, William G. Ambrose [+1]

    Advances in Polar Ecology 2020-04-09

  1. Identification of multiple chromosomal inversions and fusions in a keystone Arctic species with high gene flow

    Siv Nam Khang Hoff, Marius Filomeno Maurstad [+16]

    Annual Conference of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution 2023-07-23

  2. High Spring Productivity across the Barents Sea Polar Front: Hotspot or Mismatch?

    Eva Susanne Leu, Karley Campbell [+6]

    GRC Polar Marine Science 2023-03-05

  3. Seasonal patterns of vertical flux in the northern Barents Sea under Atlantic Water influence and sea-ice decline

    Yasemin Vicdan Bodur, Paul Eric Renaud [+8]

    Gordon Marine Research conference 2023 2023-03-05

  4. Benthic foraminiferal biodiversity in the northern Barents Sea: preliminary results

    Thaise Ricardo de Freitas, Silvia Hess [+2]

    The Micropalaeontological Society Annual Conference 2022 2022-11-09

  5. Seasonal patterns of vertical flux along an Atlantic-Arctic gradient in the Northern Barents Sea

    Yasemin V. Bodur, Paul E. Renaud [+4]

    Nansen Legacy annual meeting 2022-11-01

  6. Seasonal variability on living benthic foraminiferal biodiversity in the northern Barents Sea: preliminary results

    Thaise Ricardo de Freitas, Silvia Hess [+2]

    Nansen Legacy Annual Meeting 2022 2022-11-01

  7. Isotopic turnover in polar cod (Boreogadus saida) muscle determined through a controlled feeding experiment

    Amanda F. Ziegler, Bodil A. Bluhm [+2]

    Nansen Legacy Annual Meeting 2022-10-31

  8. Isotopic turnover in polar cod (Boreogadus saida) muscle determined through a controlled feeding experiment

    Amanda Ziegler, Bodil Bluhm [+2]

    Joint European Stable Isotope Users Meeting 2022-10-10

  9. Drivers of organic carbon distribution and accumulation in the Northern Barents Sea

    Thaise Ricardo de Freitas, Elisabeth Alve [+2]

    Nansen Legacy Annual Meeting 2021 2021-10-25

  10. Are larvae of boreal benthic species already capable of reaching the Arctic Ocean?

    Raphaelle Descoteaux, Bodil Bluhm [+4]

    Gordon Research Conference Polar Marine Science 2019-03-17

  11. Effect of terrestrial input on community composition of soft-bottom benthos in Isfjorden, Svalbard.

    Charlotte Pedersen Ugelstad, Maeve Mcgovern [+3]

    Arctic Frontier Conference 2019-01-20

  12. Pelagic-benthic coupling in the Barents Sea

    Mikaela Tillman, Kirsteen MacKenzie [+3]

    Arctic Frontiers 2018-01-21

  13. The TerrACE project: Effects of terrestrial inputs on contaminant dynamics in Arctic coastal ecosystems

    Amanda Poste, Ian Allan [+12]

    Ecosystem Studies of Subarctic and Arctic Seas (ESSAS) 2017-06-11

  14. Epibenthic communities in the Amerasian deep-sea Chukchi Borderland

    Irina Zhulay, Katrin Iken [+2]

    Arctic Frontiers Conference 2017-01-25

  15. Lipid content in Arctic Calanus: a matter of season and size

    Malin Daase, Janne Søreide [+6]

    Ocean Science Meeting 2016-02-21

  16. Size Matters- Impact of climate change at the base of the Arctic food chain

    Malin Daase, Jørgen Berge [+6]

    Gordon Research Conference on Polar Marine Science 2015-03-16

  17. Expect the unexpected - a new perspective and understanding of marine life at high latitudes

    Daniel Ludwig Vogedes, Jørgen Berge [+18]

    Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Polar Marine Science 2015-03-14

  1. Science and societal impact from the Nansen Legacy project

    Paul Eric Renaud, Trude Kristin Borch [+3]

    Fram Forum 2023

  2. Om torsk, klima, polartorsk og bunndyr

    Jørgen Berge & Paul Eric Renaud

    Svalbardposten 2019-09-09

  3. En reise mot Ultima Thule

    Jørgen Berge, Stig Falk-Petersen [+4]

    Svalbardposten 2016-09-02

  4. I grenselandet (mellom Tull og Thule)

    Jørgen Berge, Paul E. Renaud [+8]

    Svalbardposten 2016

  5. Polartorsken - vil den bli utkonkurrert av sørlige fiskearter?

    Jørgen Berge, Ole Jørgen Lønne [+5]

    Svalbardposten 2009-09-11

  1. Still Arctic?—The changing Barents Sea

    Sebastian Gerland, Randi B. Ingvaldsen [+39]

    Elem Sci Anth 2023

  2. The Pan-Arctic Continental Slope: Sharp Gradients of Physical Processes Affect Pelagic and Benthic Ecosystems

    Bodil A. Bluhm, Markus A. Janout [+13]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2020-11-20

  3. What Is Marine Biodiversity? Towards Common Concepts and Their Implications for Assessing Biodiversity Status

    Sabine K. J. Cochrane, Jesper H. Andersen [+8]

    Frontiers in Marine Science 2016-12-15

  4. Advection in polar and sub-polar environments: Impacts on high latitude marine ecosystems

    George L. Hunt, Kenneth F. Drinkwater [+16]

    Progress in Oceanography 2016-12

  5. Biodiversity Trends along the Western European Margin

    Bhavani E. Narayanaswamy, Paul E. Renaud [+5]

    PLoS ONE 2010-12-13

  1. Hydrocarbons in Intertidal Deposits of the Norwegian and Russian Coast of the Barents Sea

    A. Kursheva, I. Morgunova [+6]

    30th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG 2021) 2021

  2. Hydrocarbon Monitoring in Coastal Sediments and Soils around the City of TromsØ: Complex Molecular Geochemical Approach

    I. Morgunova, A. Kursheva [+4]

    29th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry 2019

  1. Om klimaendringer, det produktive Barentshavet, og kjøleskap

    Jørgen Berge & Paul E. Renaud

    Bladet Vesterålen 2018-10-04

  2. Om klimaendringer, det produktive Barentshavet og kjøleskap

    Jørgen Berge & Paul E. Renaud

    Nordlys 2018-10-03

  3. Historier fra Rijpfjorden (del 4): Om kibb, sjøis og næringskjeder

    Jørgen Berge, Janne Søreide [+3]

    Svalbardposten 2018

  4. Historier fra Rijpfjorden (del 3): Monster!

    Jørgen Berge, Paul E. Renaud [+1]

    Svalbardposten 2018

kapittel (populærvitenskap)
  1. Under the Sea.

    Paul Eric Renaud, William G. Jr. Ambrose [+1]

    At the edge...: current knowledge from the northernmost European rim, facing the vast expanse of the hitherto ice-covered artic ocean 2018
