
Våre publikasjoner

Våre publikasjoner

  1. Seabirds reveal mercury distribution across the North Atlantic

    Céline Albert, Børge Moe [+37]

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2024-05-13

  2. Fin whale song evolution in the North Atlantic

    Miriam Romagosa, Sharon Nieukirk [+15]

    eLife 2024-01-09

  3. Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Ecosystem

    Allison A. Fong, Clara J. M. Hoppe [+90]

    Elem Sci Anth 2024

  4. Spawning time in adult polar cod (Boreogadus saida) altered by crude oil exposure, independent of food availability

    Leah C. Strople, Ireen Vieweg [+12]

    Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2023-07-03

Marianne FrantzenPaul E. RenaudJasmine NahrgangMaria Włodarska–KowalczukMaria GavriloLionel CamusHallvard StrømDavid GrémilletAnita EvensetJo Lynn CarrollMariana LozadaSara SjölingBenjamin MerkelSalve DahleOlivier ChastelBergur OlsenTone K. ReiertsenJérôme FortKristine Bondo PedersenAnders MosbechBørge MoeSébastien DescampsKjell Einar ErikstadYuri KrasnovMagnus AuneWilliam G. AMBROSE, JR.Francis DauntJóhannis DanielsenWalter P. Mac CormackHebe DionisiJørgen BergeSabine CochraneRune PalerudAlexey EzhovPer FauchaldGeir W. GabrielsenMagdalene LangsetPaco BustamanteRaul PrimicerioEva LeuBodil A. BluhmJoanna LegeżyńskaPernille E. JensenLisbeth M. OttosenRune DietzNicholas P. HuffeldtClaudia HalsbandGuttorm ChristensenHelena C. ReinardyJanet Jansson