tidligere ansatt
The Arctic queen and the Pacific invader: salmonid migrations on Svalbard
2024-07-14 (engelsk)
The elusive and unique swimming migration of young guillemots
2023-10-20 (engelsk)
Where wild krill are
2023-09-20 (engelsk)
Hva skjer på et forskningsfartøy?
Birds on the move - the spatial distribution of seabirds
2021-10-22 (engelsk)
krill comparison map hatched
Benjamin Merkel II
Benjamin Merkel
Seabirds reveal mercury distribution across the North Atlantic
Céline Albert, Børge Moe [+37]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2024-05-13
Post‐colony swimming migration in the genus Uria
Benjamin Merkel & Hallvard Strøm
Journal of Avian Biology 2023-10-12
Multi‐colony tracking of two pelagic seabirds with contrasting flight capability illustrates how windscapes shape migratory movements at an ocean‐basin scale
Françoise Amélineau, Arnaud Tarroux [+31]
Ecography 2023-10-10
Wintering and migration strategies of Slavonian Grebes Podiceps auritus breeding in Iceland
Thorkell Lindberg Thórarinsson, Benjamin Merkel [+2]
Bird Study 2023-10-02
Quantifying circumpolar summer habitat for Antarctic krill and Ice krill, two key species of the Antarctic marine ecosystem
B Merkel, P Trathan [+5]
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2023-07-14
Light-level geolocation as a tool to monitor polar bear (Ursus maritimus) denning ecology: a case study
Benjamin Merkel, Jon Aars [+2]
Animal Biotelemetry 2023-03-21
Post-colony swimming migration in the genus Uria
Journal of Avian Biology 2023
Benjamin Merkel, P. Trathan [+5]
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2023
Telemetry data of red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) migrations in a north Norwegian fjord
Magnus Aune, Jenny L.A. Jensen [+4]
Data in Brief 2022-04
Space and Habitat Utilization of the Red King Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) in a Newly Invaded Fjord in Northern Norway
Magnus Aune, Jenny L. A. Jensen [+5]
Frontiers in Marine Science 2022-03-04
Shifting polar bear Ursus maritimus denning habitat availability in the European Arctic
Benjamin Merkel & Jon Aars
Polar Biology 2022-01-30
The summer distribution, habitat associations and abundance of seabirds in the sub-polar frontal zone of the Northwest Atlantic
Ewan D. Wakefield, David L. Miller [+19]
Progress in Oceanography 2021-11
Sharing wintering grounds does not synchronize annual survival in a high Arctic seabird, the little auk
S Descamps, B Merkel [+13]
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2021-10-14
Strong migratory connectivity across meta-populations of sympatric North Atlantic seabirds
B Merkel, S Descamps [+15]
Year-round distribution of Northeast Atlantic seabird populations: applications for population management and marine spatial planning
P Fauchald, A Tarroux [+38]
Six pelagic seabird species of the North Atlantic engage in a fly-and-forage strategy during their migratory movements
F Amélineau, B Merkel [+40]
North Atlantic winter cyclones starve seabirds
Manon Clairbaux, Paul Mathewson [+47]
Current Biology 2021-09
Breeding together, wintering an ocean apart: Foraging ecology of the northern Bering Sea thick-billed and common murres in years of contrasting sea-ice conditions
Akinori Takahashi, Jean-Baptiste Thiebot [+4]
Polar Science 2021-03
Meeting Paris agreement objectives will temper seabird winter distribution shifts in the North Atlantic Ocean
Manon Clairbaux, William W. L. Cheung [+48]
Global Change Biology 2021-01-20
Seasonal variation of mercury contamination in Arctic seabirds: A pan-Arctic assessment
Céline Albert, Hálfdán Helgi Helgason [+46]
Science of The Total Environment 2021-01
Individual migration strategy fidelity but no habitat specialization in two congeneric seabirds
Benjamin Merkel, Sébastien Descamps [+14]
Journal of Biogeography 2020-10-30
Year-round spatiotemporal distribution pattern of a threatened sea duck species breeding on Kolguev Island, south-eastern Barents Sea
Thiemo Karwinkel, Ingrid L. Pollet [+8]
BMC Ecology 2020-05-25
Modelling polar bear maternity den habitat in east Svalbard
Benjamin Merkel, Jon Aars [+1]
Polar Research 2020-03-24
Earlier colony arrival but no trend in hatching timing in two congeneric seabirds (Uriaspp.) across the North Atlantic
Biology Letters 2019-10
Light‐level geolocator analyses: A user's guide
Simeon Lisovski, Silke Bauer [+16]
Journal of Animal Ecology 2019-06-25
Choose Your Poison—Space-Use Strategy Influences Pollutant Exposure in Barents Sea Polar Bears
Sabrina Tartu, Jon Aars [+10]
Environmental Science & Technology 2018-01-24
Sea ice resource selection models for polar bears in the Barents Sea subpopulation
Karen Lone, Benjamin Merkel [+3]
Ecography 2017-06-15
A probabilistic algorithm to process geolocation data
Benjamin Merkel, Richard A. Phillips [+4]
Movement Ecology 2016-11-18
The World’s Northernmost Harbour Seal Population–How Many Are There?
Benjamin Merkel, Christian Lydersen [+2]
PLoS ONE 2013-07-03
Potential misidentifications of two climate indicator species of the marine arctic ecosystem: Calanus glacialis and C. finmarchicus
T. M. Gabrielsen, B. Merkel [+7]
Polar Biology 2012-06-10
A mystery solved – How do guillemot chicks spend their second half of their rearing period?
Movement Ecology of Animals - Proximate and Ultimate Drivers of Animal Movement 2023-05-28
Persistent post-breeding hotspots in the cold - large-scale tracking of kittiwakes in the north-east Atlantic
Børge Moe, Hallvard Strøm [+41]
The 6th International Biologging Science Symposium 2017-09-25
Importance of the Barents Sea for North Atlantic seabirds - A SEATRACK case study
Benjamin Merkel, Francoise Amelineau [+27]
15th International Seabird Group Conference 2022-08-22
Importance of the Barents Sea for North Atlantic seabirds
Benjamin Merkel, Françoise Amélineau [+27]
A mystery solved How and where do guillemot chicks spend their second half of their rearing period?
3rd World Seabird Conference 2021-09-30
Sjøfugl i havområdene rundt Jan Mayen og langs den midtatlantiske rygg
Hallvard Strøm, Benjamin Merkel [+2]