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Akvaplan-niva ecologists chair at the 7th ICES/PICES International Zooplankton Symposium in Tasmania
2024-03-15 (engelsk)
Winterly kick-off for two Akvaplan-niva research projects
2024-03-07 (engelsk)
Ingestion of car tyre rubber leads to uptake of toxins in marine species
2023-10-13 (engelsk)
Akvaplan-niva forskning bidrar til EU forbud mot gummigranulat på fotballbaner
Akvaplan-niva strong representation at International Marine Debris Conference
2022-09-12 (engelsk)
Figure 11 TOP Dorte Herzke NILU and Claudia Halsband APN German TV team
Gummigranulat ved bane
Claudia Halsband Akvaplan-niva.jpg
claudia halsband (Akvaplan-niva) i laboratorie
Norske forskere støtter opprettelsen av et internasjonalt forurensingspanel
New book on plastics - impacts on terrestrial and aquatic environments
2020-08-13 (engelsk)
Mikroplast i nordiske farvann
Knowledge gaps on trends in Arctic plastic pollution
2019-11-20 (engelsk)
Tusenvis av plastbiter er på vei mot Arktis
Pathways for converting zooplankton traits to ecological insights are paved with findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) data practices
Jessica Titocci, Patrick R Pata [+22]
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2025-02-26
Ingestion of car tire crumb rubber and uptake of associated chemicals by lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus)
Fanny Hägg, Dorte Herzke [+6]
Frontiers in Environmental Science 2023-10-12
Plastic ingestion and associated additives in Faroe Islands chicks of the Northern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis
France Collard, Simon Leconte [+7]
Water Biology and Security 2022-11
Reduced pH increases mortality and genotoxicity in an Arctic coastal copepod, Acartia longiremis
Claudia Halsband, Mascha F. Dix [+2]
Aquatic Toxicology 2021-10
Microplastic Fiber Emissions From Wastewater Effluents: Abundance, Transport Behavior and Exposure Risk for Biota in an Arctic Fjord
Dorte Herzke, Peygham Ghaffari [+3]
Frontiers in Environmental Science 2021-06-07
Car Tire Crumb Rubber: Does Leaching Produce a Toxic Chemical Cocktail in Coastal Marine Systems?
Claudia Halsband, Lisbet Sørensen [+2]
Frontiers in Environmental Science 2020-07-23
Plastic litter in the European Arctic: What do we know?
Claudia Halsband & Dorte Herzke
Emerging Contaminants 2019
Interannual phenological variability in two North-East Atlantic populations of Calanus finmarchicus
Marina Espinasse, Claudia Halsband [+5]
Marine Biology Research 2018-08-09
Pelagic food-webs in a changing Arctic: a trait-based perspective suggests a mode of resilience
Paul E Renaud, Malin Daase [+10]
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2018-06-27
Jellyfish summer distribution, diversity and impact on fish farms in a Nordic fjord
C Halsband, S Majaneva [+6]
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2018-03-19
Aging of microplastics promotes their ingestion by marine zooplankton
Renske J.E. Vroom, Albert A. Koelmans [+2]
Environmental Pollution 2017-12
The role of local and regional environmental factors for Calanus finmarchicus and C. hyperboreus abundances in the Nordic Seas
Polar Biology 2017-06-28
Seawater pH Predicted for the Year 2100 Affects the Metabolic Response to Feeding in Copepodites of the Arctic Copepod Calanus glacialis
Peter Thor, Allison Bailey [+4]
PLOS ONE 2016-12-19
Microplastics Alter the Properties and Sinking Rates of Zooplankton Faecal Pellets
Matthew Cole, Penelope K. Lindeque [+5]
Environmental Science & Technology 2016-02-23
The Impact of Polystyrene Microplastics on Feeding, Function and Fecundity in the Marine Copepod Calanus helgolandicus
Matthew Cole, Pennie Lindeque [+3]
Environmental Science & Technology 2015-01-06
Climatic and ecological drivers of euphausiid community structure vary spatially in the Barents Sea: relationships from a long time series (1952–2009)
Emma L. Orlova, Andrey V. Dolgov [+4]
Frontiers in Marine Science 2015-01-06
Comparative phylogeography and demographic history of five sibling species of Pseudocalanus (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the North Atlantic Ocean
Ole Nicolai Staurland Aarbakke, Ann Bucklin [+2]
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2014-12
Bridging the gap between marine biogeochemical and fisheries sciences; configuring the zooplankton link
Aditee Mitra, Claudia Castellani [+15]
Progress in Oceanography 2014-12
Feeding rates and prey selectivity of planktonic decapod larvae in the Western English Channel
Elaine S. Fileman, Penelope K. Lindeque [+3]
Marine Biology 2014-09-16
Isolation of microplastics in biota-rich seawater samples and marine organisms
Matthew Cole, Hannah Webb [+4]
Scientific Reports 2014-03-31
Effects of elevated CO2 on the reproduction of two calanoid copepods
Kristian McConville, Claudia Halsband [+4]
Marine Pollution Bulletin 2013-08
Microplastic Ingestion by Zooplankton
Matthew Cole, Pennie Lindeque [+5]
Environmental Science & Technology 2013-06-06
Assessing wave energy effects on biodiversity: the Wave Hub experience
M. J. Witt, E. V. Sheehan [+17]
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2012-01-28
The Relevance of Marine Chemical Ecology to Plankton and Ecosystem Function: An Emerging Field
Adrianna Ianora, Matthew G. Bentley [+15]
Marine Drugs 2011-09-22
Discovery of Pseudocalanus moultoni (Frost, 1989) in Northeast Atlantic waters based on mitochondrial COI sequence variation
O. N. S. Aarbakke, A. Bucklin [+2]
Journal of Plankton Research 2011-06-29
Temporal variability and community composition of zooplankton at station L4 in the Western Channel: 20 years of sampling
D. Eloire, P. J. Somerfield [+4]
Journal of Plankton Research 2010-02-18
Reproductive success of Calanus pacificus during diatom blooms in Dabob Bay, Washington
James J. Pierson, Claudia Halsband-Lenk [+1]
Progress in Oceanography 2005-11
Reproduction of Pseudocalanus newmani (Copepoda: Calanoida) is deleteriously affected by diatom blooms – A field study
Claudia Halsband-Lenk, James J. Pierson [+1]
Metridia pacifica in Dabob Bay, Washington: The diatom effect and the discrepancy between high abundance and low egg production rates
Claudia Halsband-Lenk
Winter-spring phytoplankton blooms in Dabob Bay, Washington
Rita A. Horner, James R. Postel [+4]
Vertical distribution and abundance of Calanus pacificus and Pseudocalanus newmani in relation to chlorophyll a concentrations in Dabob Bay, Washington
James J. Pierson, Andrew W. Leising [+2]
The balance between microzooplankton grazing and phytoplankton growth in a highly productive estuarine fjord
Andrew W. Leising, Rita Horner [+3]
Copepod grazing during spring blooms: Does Calanus pacificus avoid harmful diatoms?
Andrew W. Leising, James J. Pierson [+3]
Copepod grazing during spring blooms: Can Pseudocalanus newmani induce trophic cascades?
Survey of the Chemical Defence Potential of Diatoms: Screening of Fifty Species for α,β,γ,δ-unsaturated aldehydes
Thomas Wichard, Serge A. Poulet [+5]
Journal of Chemical Ecology 2005-03-23
Mesozooplankton community respiration and its relation to particle flux in the oligotrophic eastern Mediterranean
Rolf Koppelmann, Horst Weikert [+2]
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 2004-03
Life-history strategies of calanoid congeners under two different climate regimes: a comparison
Claudia Halsband-Lenk, François Carlotti [+1]
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2004-01-01
Temperature impact on reproduction and development of congener copepod populations
Claudia Halsband-Lenk, Hans-Jürgen Hirche [+1]
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2002-05
Seasonal Cycles of Egg Production of Two Planktonic Copepods, Centropages typicus and Temora stylifera, in the North-western Mediterranean Sea
C. Halsband-Lenk
Journal of Plankton Research 2001-06-01
Reproductive cycles of dominant calanoid copepods in the North Sea
C Halsband & HJ Hirche
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2001
Climate Change increases the risk of metal toxicity in Arctic zooplankton
Claudia Halsband, Nele Thomsen [+1]
Frontiers in Marine Science 2024-12-05
Understanding microplastic pollution in the Nordic marine environment – knowledge gaps and suggested approaches
Sophie Jensen, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik [+9]
Microplastics and Nanoplastics 2022-09-11
Moving forward in microplastic research: A Norwegian perspective
Amy L. Lusher, Rachel Hurley [+18]
Environment International 2021-12
Potential acidification impacts on zooplankton in CCS leakage scenarios
Claudia Halsband & Haruko Kurihara
Microplastics as contaminants in the marine environment: A review
Matthew Cole, Pennie Lindeque [+2]
Marine Pollution Bulletin 2011-12
Comparative seasonal dynamics of Centropages typicus at seven coastal monitoring stations in the North Sea, English Channel and Bay of Biscay
Delphine Bonnet, Roger Harris [+8]
Progress in Oceanography 2007-02
Reproduction, hatching success, and early naupliar survival in Centropages typicus
A. Ianora, A. Miralto [+1]
Development and growth rates of Centropages typicus
François Carlotti, Delphine Bonnet [+1]
Editorial: Environmental impacts and risks of car tire and styrene-butadiene rubber: microplastic pollution and contaminant transport
Claudia Halsband, Lisbet Sørensen [+3]
Frontiers in Environmental Science 2024-01-04
Uptake of organic contaminants from car tire microplastics in Arctic marine species
Claudia Halsband, Fanny Hägg [+7]
2nd International Symposium on Plastics in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Region 2023-11-22
Local pollution in Svalbard - Whereabouts of anthropogenic particles in an Arctic fjord system
Carolin Philipp, France Collard [+6]
Arctic Frontiers 2023 2023-01-30
The role of oceanographic processes on the deposition of microfibers an Arctic fjord (Adventfjorden, Svalbard)
Peygham Ghaffari, Dorte Herzke [+1]
7th International Marine Debris Conference (7IMDC) 2022-09-18
Ingestion of Crumb Rubber and Body Burden of Associated Contaminants in Marine Invertebrates and Fish
Fanny Hägg, Dorte Herzke [+5]
SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting 2022-05-15
Uptake, distribution and excretion of microplastic fibres in green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis: an experimental exposure
Alexandra Kate Abrahams, Sophie Bourgeon [+4]
MICRO2020 2020-11-23
The effect of intrinsic properties, UV-degradation and biofilm formation on the fate of microplastic fibers in the marine environment
Lisbet Sørensen, Claudia Halsband-Lenk [+9]
SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting 2020-05-03
Crumb rubber toxicity in coastal marine systems
Claudia Halsband-Lenk, Dorte Herzke [+2]
Crumb rubber in sports fields - Advances in environmental chemistry
Dorte Herzke, Claudia Halsband-Lenk [+2]
SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting 2018-05-13
Is crumb rubber used on artificial turf pitches a source for marine plastic litter? How to get children involved in crowd science
Dorte Herzke, Andy Booth [+4]
Sixth International Marine Debris Conference 2018-03-12
Plankton phenology and community structure in ice-covered and open high-latitude fjords; a comparison between Isfjorden, Svalbard, and Porsangerfjord, northern Norway
Fredrika Norrbin, Janne Søreide [+4]
6th Zooplankton Production Symposium 2016-05-09
Ragnhildur Gudmundsdottir, Claudia Halsband-Lenk [+2]
Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009 2009-01-25
Pseudocalanus in Svalbard waters; distribution patterns of two sibling copepod species
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2008 2008-03-02
Microplastics Pollution in the Nordic (marine) Environment
Claudia Halsband
Microplastics in the Environment 2023-10-04
Car Tire Rubber Particles – A Special Case of Microplastics
Microfibres in fjords and coastal systems - distribution, transport, and exposure of biota
UiT course Territorial Practices (LAN-3091) 2023-09-28
Biological Uptake of Organic Contaminants from Car Tire Particles
Claudia Halsband, Fanny Hägg [+4]
18th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE 2023) 2023-06-11
Ingestion of car tire crumb rubber and uptake of associated chemicals into blood of the Arctic lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus)
Fanny Hägg, Dorte Herzke [+3]
Fate of Anthropogenic Particles in Arctic Waters around Svalbard
Carolin Philipp, France Collard [+5]
MICRO 2022 International Conference 2022-11-14
Ingestion of crumb rubber and uptake of associated contaminants in lumpfish (cyclopterus lumpus)
Dorte Herzke, Fanny Hägg [+3]
MICRO 2022 - Plastic Pollution from Macro to Nano 2022-11-14
Ingestion of Crumb Rubber and Uptake of Associated Contaminants in the Marine Lumpfish ( Cyclopterus lumpus)
Ingestion of Crumb Rubber and Uptake of Associated Contaminants in the Marine Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus)
9th Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium: Towards a Clean Ocean 2022-06-08
Microplastic Fiber Emissions From Wastewater Effluents: Abundance, Transport Behaviour and Exposure Risk for Biota in an Arctic Fjord
Dorte Herzke, Peygham Ghaffari [+2]
Car Tires Contain a Cocktail of Chemicals: Their Characterization, Leaching and Bioavailability
Andy Booth, Lisbet Sørensen [+2]
California Department of Toxic Substances Control - Car Tires Workshop 2021-07-28
The effect of intrinsic properties and UV-degradation on the fate of microplastic fibers in the marine environment
Lisbet Sørensen, Andrew Booth [+15]
International Symposium on Plastics in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic regions 2021-03-02
Large-scale study of microplastics in five bivalve species from the Nordic marine environment.
Amy Lusher, Inger Lise Nerland Bråte [+5]
International symposium on plastics in the Arctic 2021-03-02
Impact of UV degradation on the fate and potential impact of textile microfibers and their additive chemicals in the marine environment
Lisbet Sørensen, Oihane Del Puerto [+14]
Is rubber from end-of-life car tires a source for pollutants and harmful effects in the Arctic marine environment?
Arctic Frontiers 2019-01-20
Is crumb rubber a source for pollutants and harmful effects in the marine environment?
Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium 2018-03-14
Shifting biogeography of Calanus’ cousins? Insights from a pan-arctic study on the connectivity of Pseudocalanus spp. populations
Jennifer Questel, Ole Nicolai Staurland Aarbakke [+8]
ESSAS Open Science Meeting 2017-06-11
Morphological and molecular evidence reveal underestimated ctenophore species richness – peeking into the group of unidentified species
Sanna Kristiina Majaneva, Aino Hosia [+5]
ICES/PICES 6th Zooplankton Production Symposium 2016-05-09
Pseudocalanus populations in arctic fjords - can we disentangle confusing taxonomy?
Ragnhildur Gudmundsdottir, Claudia Halsband-Lenk [+3]
IPY 2010-06-08
Arctic Science Summit Week 2023-02-17
Assessing the environmental impact of chemical additives released from end-of-life rubber products
Andy Booth, Lisbet Sørensen [+4]
Nordic Rubber Conference 2019-05-21
Claudia Halsband, Sanna Kristiina Majaneva [+3]
5th International Jellyfish Bloom Symposium 2016-05-30
Microplastics in the Environment 2023 | Lecture 6 | Pollution in the Nordic (marine) Environment
youtube.com 2023
Er Tromsø Idrettslag TIL for miljøet?
Trude Borch, Claudia Halsband [+1]
nordnorskdebatt.no 2018-09-24
Plastic contamination in fulmars in the European Arctic over 25 years
France Collard, Felix Tulatz [+12]
Fram Forum 2023
Ingestion of car tyre rubber by lumpfish increases exposure to toxins
Fanny Hägg, Claudia Halsband [+4]
Trick or treat? Ingestion of biofouled plastic fibres by sea urchins
Claudia Halsband, Alexandra Kate Abrahams [+2]
Fram Forum 2021
A warming, more acidic ocean – future challenges for Arctic marine organisms
Haakon Hop, Agneta Fransson [+9]
Fram Forum 2020
Marine plastic pollution in the Arctic: an emerging research field
Dorte Herzke & Claudia Halsband
Fram Forum 2018
Hvordan forebygge og håndtere episoder med skadelige alger og maneter i oppdrettsnæringen
Trine Dale, Wenche Eikrem [+10]
NIVA-rapport 2023
Microplastics in marine environments: Occurrence, distribution and effects
Inger Lise Nerland, Claudia Halsband [+2]
NIVA-rapport 2014
Effects of Biofouling on the Sinking Behavior of Microplastics in Aquatic Environments
Handbook of Microplastics in the Environment 2022-02-24
Ecological Impacts of Particulate Plastics in Marine Ecosystems
Claudia Halsband & Andy M. Booth
Particulate Plastics in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments 2020-07-30
Microplastics in marine bivalves from the Nordic environment
Inger Lise N. Bråte, Rachel Hurley [+5]
TemaNord 2020-03-17
Micro-and macro-plastics in marine species from Nordic waters
Inger Lise N. Bråte, Bastian Huwer [+5]
TemaNord 2017-09-19